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  1. well, the people i'm developing for don't want the users to know where all the images are stored, they are afraid someone could steal the images.
  2. hello all. i'm developing a gallery but we want to hide the path where the image is stored. is that possible and how? thanks!!
  3. Hello all, I'm using the script from this site: http://www.theopensurgery.com/29/php-upload-and-resize-image-script/#comment-415 I have it working for jpg and gif, but can't get it to work with png and bmp. Help!! Please!!! Thanks!!! Here's the part of the code that makes the thumbnails: if (isset ($_FILES['gi_imagen'])){ $imagename = $_FILES['gi_imagen']['name'][$i]; $source = $_FILES['gi_imagen']['tmp_name'][$i]; $tipo = $_FILES['gi_imagen']['type'][$i]; echo "<br>Tip: ".$tipo; $target = "../galerias/".$gal."_".$imagename; move_uploaded_file($source, $target); $imagepath = $gal."_".$imagename; $save = "../galerias/".$gal."_"."tn_".$imagename; //thumbnail $file = "../galerias/".$imagepath; //original list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); $modwidth = 80; $diff = $width / $modwidth; $modheight = $height / $diff; $tn = imagecreatetruecolor($modwidth, $modheight); if($tipo == "image/pjpeg" || $tipo == "image/jpeg" || $tipo == "image/jpeg" || $tipo == "image/JPG" || $tipo == "image/jpg"){ $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } else if($tipo == "image/gif" || $tipo == "image/GIF"){ $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); } else if($tipo == "image/bmp" || $tipo == "image/BMP"){ $image = imagecreatefromwbmp($file); } else if($tipo == "image/X-PNG" || $tipo == "image/PNG" || $tipo == "image/png" || $tipo == "image/x-png"){ $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); } imagecopyresampled($tn, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $modwidth, $modheight, $width, $height); if($tipo == "image/pjpeg" || $tipo == "image/jpeg" || $tipo == "image/jpeg" || $tipo == "image/JPG"){ imagejpeg($tn, $save, 100); } else if($tipo == "image/gif" || $tipo == "image/GIF"){ imagegif($tn, $save, 100); } else if($tipo == "image/bmp" || $tipo == "image/BMP"){ imagewbmp($tn, $save, 100); } else if($tipo == "image/X-PNG" || $tipo == "image/PNG" || $tipo == "image/png" || $tipo == "image/x-png"){ imagepng($tn, $save, 100); } echo "<br>Img: ".$img = $imagepath; //imagen final echo "<br>Thmb: ".$thb = $gal."_"."tn_".$imagename; //thumbnail final }
  4. Hello all, I use HTML Mime Mail for PHP (http://www.phpguru.org/static/mime.mail.html) to send emails from a website. It works as a regular contact form and when someone answers it the data is stored in the database and it is also emailed to several people. The purpose of the contact form is to work for the FAQs section of the site. So we made an administrator that you could select the data registered by the user and anwer the question. This would send the user an email and store the answer in the database. The people that use it have now found that that way could be inpractical for them, because they sometimes are in such a hurry they just answer the questions directly through their emails and not from the application. Is there a way so that when they send an email the answer gets stored directly in the database? Thanks!!!
  5. Hello, I want to display the records from a table in the database but i don't want all the info printed on screen because there are columns that have long text, so I wanted to know how can I get the first 5-10 words from the column and print those on screen? Thanks!
  6. thanks. another doubt, with this i could also add all the other options to the dropdown?
  7. sorry... i have the regular insert form that has 3 list/menus, one gets the values from the database, the others have "static" content. then i also have a update form for the values stored in the database for the insert form. my issue is that when i load the info to the update form i want to know if there is a way that for the list/menus the option that appears is the one stored in the database and not the first value in the list/menu. i don't know... i hope i explained it better...
  8. Hello all. I have the insert form that has 3 list/menus. When I want to update a record I gather all the information and show it with a form. My problem is with the values the list/menus have, because so far they appear with the default value which if the user doesn't see might overwrite withouth their knowledge the wrong value. How can I get the list/menu to match the value saved in the database? Thanks!
  9. nice, thanks!!! but, now, how should the interphse be constructed? it's suppossed to be shown like the image, all the fields at the same time. and how would the mysql query be like? with a for or a while? thanks!
  10. .xls, most users have up to office 2003
  11. Well, I'm about to start a new project and I face with something I had never faced before. It's a form to input some data that will be registered about projects. The issue here is in the image i post: I'm really lost, I don't know how to do it so it stores all the data. I was thinking of making a table for each column and all will be identified with the main id of the project, but i don't know if that's the best way to do it. Thanks!!!
  12. thanks. the way it's supposed to work is that there are reports i will determine with php but the user can just export to excel the whole database.
  13. I need to export a MySQL database to Excel. How can I do it?
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