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Everything posted by ohdang888

  1. too vague of problem. Post errors, what's happening, whats your code. We can't help you with what you gave us
  2. this should be posted in the javascript forum. Please don't post javascript questions in the php forum. nevertheless, you would set an id attribute on the img tags, like "star_1", etc., then you would create a function that has this in it document.getElementById('star_1').src = "the new url"; and do that for all of the stars with lower numbers than the one clicked
  3. you cannot echo anything before a header() function as for information missing, check that "name" on the inputs in your form match up with the name in the "POST" array for the ones that are missing.
  4. a few things... POST ALL CODE INSIDE OF php tags. It helps us, a LOT. the reason why no one was helping you is you post 400 freaking lines of code. We don't want to look through all of it. Look the revelant code only. The general area you think the error is. did you click the link in his footer and actuially look at it. post your code in php tags.... it makes it look like this... (click "quote" on my response, and you'll see how i formatted the php tags to make it colored) <?php echo "post in the freaking php tags"; ?> as you can see, that helps us. Now to the acutal error itself... mysql_fetch_assoc() only works is there are rows for it to parse...you would have to do something like this: if(mysql_num_rows($res) == 1){ $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); }
  5. you can use strip_tags, which gives you the option of allowing only certain tags, like "<ul>" http://php.net/strip_tags
  6. post the code or we can't really help... but i can pretty much guarantee that you're missing a " ; "
  7. set the cookie again, with an empty value
  8. yes! that helps a LOT. thanks!!!!1
  9. http://us.php.net/set_cookie
  10. still getting the same error
  11. anyone? please.
  12. oh wow. so what do i need to do to fix this?
  13. bump
  14. proabbaly something like this is what you are looking for: SELECT * FROM songcomments, report_comments WHERE songcomments.songID = '$songId' AND songcomments.songCommentId = report_comments.userID
  15. this is what i am entering as the command: php -q /home/tcrush/public_html/cron/cron.php and its emailing me this error: No input file specified.
  16. for instance... check this page out: http://bookmark.socialapps.sclek.com/beta/contact/privacy.php?istommy=1 that's what happens when i use your code you gave me. Its pretty much doing the same as declaring the height in pixels. By auto-expanding, i don't mean anything complicated. I just mean that the height of the div changes with the content (like it NORAMLLY does). But if i declare height as auto, it doesn't show up. Thanks for helping btw
  17. i had problems with doing just directory too
  18. i want to run a php file with cron. I'm using cPanel's cron standard viewer to craete it. My problem is with the file directory i've got this: /usr/local/bin/php -q http://mysite.com/testing/cron/cron_job.php its executing the command, but the directory is messed up..i'm getting this error emailed to me: Could not open input file: http://mysite.com/testing/cron/cron_job.php Any ideas? Thanks.
  19. it has no parent other than body. And i used your code, and change mine, and nothing happened. It's still not auto expanding.
  20. don't do this: ('$_POST[titre]','$_POST[date]','$_POST[prix]','$_POST[type]','$_POST[nombre]','$_POST[region]','$_POST[ville]','$_POST[descrp]','$_POST[nom]','$_POST[email]','$_POST[phone]','$_POST[picture]') a)its inserce and very easy to hack your databse when you do this b) you run into syntax errors... instead do this: $date = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['date']); and this: ('$titre','$date','$_POST[prix]','$_POST[type]','$_POST[nombre]','$_POST[region]','$_POST[ville]','$_POST[descrp]','$_POST[nom]','$_POST','$_POST[phone]','$_POST[picture]') do that for ALL the variables.
  21. maybe substr_count()?
  22. I realize that. But php is ONLY done on your server. if you want something to change without reloading the page(like your case), you HAVE to use javascript. There's no other way around it. And doing this by reloading the page a bunch is gonna get REALLY confusing, more so than just handling it with javascript. it would be something like this <select id="select_id" onChange="show();"> <option value="13452346345766354">Won't do it</option> <option value="1234">Will do it</option> </select> <div id="1234" style="display:none">content to show!</div> <script type="text/javascript"> function show(){ var what = document.getElementById('select_name').value; if(what == "1234"){ document.getElementById('1234').style.display= " "; } } </script>
  23. can you wrap it around a <user_id> tag? if so, you can use simplexml_load_string
  24. use a select field or a radio button field. they do the same thing, it all depends on what u want i to look like... you'll need to use javascript to handle the request though
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