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Everything posted by ohdang888

  1. like i said... i did.... And when users have a long comment, it stretches the page.... I want to stop that.
  2. i've got this script that calls comments onto the page. These comments vary in length, And i want a comment that would like this... jasdfjkdjsaklfjkdsfjjksdjfklsdjfkladjsfklajsdkfljfaklsdjfklasdfjakl;sfjaklsjfaklsdf to like like this: asdfasdfasfasdf asdfasdfadsfag gghsrgregasdg adsfadsfadsfad But before i display it, i make the html invalid.... Any Help? Or is there any other way to do it, I don't want to do it in a textarea! I want it displayed... Thanks...
  3. if the data is dynamic, put it in a db. i believe its $_GET['id'] but it might be both, idk
  4. $change_bgcolor = '#'.$_POST['change_bgcolor'];
  5. $query = "UPDATE albums SET bgcolor='$change_bgcolor', date_modified='$change_modified' WHERE superid='$edit' "; and... mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
  6. just an html form... use $_POST[' what every you call your input']; insert it into database.
  7. $number = $_SESSION['number']; $result = mysql_query("SELET * FROM `table` WHERE `user_number`='$number' ") or die(mysql_error())
  8. dude.... we don't know anything about the way your tables and databases are set up, or anything like that.. we can't help you with this. and you're obvisouly at a level where you would need help on every single tiny error received. This forum isn't going to create stuff for you.... you create it, see the errors, and then we'll help to solve those errors.
  9. how would i do that? i'm not asking for the script, just the direction to how i would do this.... Thanks
  10. that solved it. Thanks sasa!
  11. echo this: <meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=page.php'>
  12. $p1d4 is a variables, hold infom p1d4 is stored in a variable... 2 entirely separate things.
  13. what are you trying to do, mail a newletter?
  14. the code i posted. query to get the all the email addresses stored in a table the WHILE will continue to loop until all results are gone through. so place all the email code in between the while brackets
  15. <?php echo '<table class="main_body"><tr><td width="150">'; // code For multiple tags $tags = explode(',', $search); //set within the varable names for($i=0; $i<count($tags); $i++){ $res[]=trim($tags[$i]); } foreach($res as $x){ mysql_select_db("games") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `title`,`type`,`game_picture_url` FROM `game` WHERE upper(tags) LIKE upper('%$x%') ")or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo '<center><table width ="150px"><tr><td>'; echo '<a href="game.php?title='; echo $row['title'].'">'; echo '<IMG SRC="gamepic/'; echo $row['game_picture_url']; echo '"'.' WIDTH="90"'.' HEIGHT="90"></a></td>'; echo '<td class="search_game_info"><a href ="game.php?title=';//start of link code echo $row['title']; echo '">'; echo $row['title']; echo '</a></br>';// end of link code echo '('; echo $row['type']; echo ')</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td>'; } } $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `game` WHERE upper(title) LIKE upper('%$search%') ")or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ echo '<center><table width ="150px"><tr><td>'; echo '<a href="game.php?title='; echo $row['title'].'">'; echo '<IMG SRC="gamepic/'; echo $row['game_picture_url']; echo '"'.' WIDTH="90"'.' HEIGHT="90"></a></td>'; echo '<td class="search_game_info"><a href ="game.php?title=';//start of link code echo $row['title']; echo '">'; echo $row['title']; echo '</a></br>';// end of link code echo '('; echo $row['type']; echo ')</td></tr></table>'; echo '</td></tr><tr><td>'; } echo '</td></tr></table>'; ?>
  16. query for the emails stored in a table... while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ send email stuff. } EDIT: you shouldn't include multiple emails an email sent on a newsletter.... That would give away everyone's email address to everyone on the list to see.
  17. i think i need to use a Mysql OR statement..... But i don't know how (and google isn;t helping either) I am creating a search option within my site. It searches for many things, through tags, titles, etc. So i have been using different queries for different field.. This is what mine is right now. 1. query for tags Like search 2. query for title Like search etc. But that is creating many duplicates results... Any ideas? Thanks.
  18. that works! Thanks~!
  19. well then i think it's proabably because there is nothing stored in $pid where are you defining $pid? and try this: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pop WHERE pid='{$pid}' ")
  20. put this: or die(mysql_error()); at the end of the query and see what errors you get.
  21. didn't work. (i found the errors, but it still didn;t work) thanks though MadTechie: I think i will need to do the second one, but one thing... All this info in is under 1 column and there is anywhere between 0 and 10 tags in it. So the list() won't work... (i think ???) So i'm really confused on this, how can i put these on in array or set? Thanks for helping..
  22. what are you asking? it simply can't be done on that host....
  23. i have a column called tags in my table.... the info in it is like this car, motor, automobile, gas, drive, road How do i separate those into different variables???? like.. $var1 = 'car'; $var2 = 'motor'; etc. Thanks!
  24. that can probably be changed in your css
  25. try this... echo '<li><a href="editprofile.php" class="nav">Edit Profile</a></li>'; echo '<li><a href="logout.php" class="nav">Logout</a></li>';
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