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  1. I have an application that uses the PHP LDAP library to connect to the Windows Active Directory: $ds = ldap_connect($ini['ad_server']) or die("Could not connect"); $admin = $ini['ad_user']; $passwd = $ini['ad_password']; $passwd = base64_decode($passwd); $dn = $ini['ad_basedn']; ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); $rInTouch = ldap_bind($ds, $admin, $passwd); I am wondering if anyone knows if this upcoming patch "2020 LDAP channel binding and LDAP signing" coming from Microsoft will break any PHP applications that are using this ldap library. Thanks in advance, M
  2. What is the best approach to merge/join XML data via PHP? File#1: <users> <user> <name>Mark</name> <id>100</id> </user> <user> <name>Fred</name> <id>100</id> </user> </users> File#2: <users> <user> <id>100</id> <lat>50</lat> <lon>122</lon> </user> </users> Desired output (only keep records where a match is found): <users> <user> <id>100</id> <lat>50</lat> <lon>122</lon> <name>Mark</name> </user> </users> Thanks in advance! M
  3. Hi there, I am trying to get ldap_modify to change an attribute in my Active Directory. $activeUser="Test Guy"; $floorname = "First Floor"; $entry[physicaldeliveryofficename] = $floorname $results = ldap_modify($ds,"CN=$activeUser,OU=Test,DC=LDAPSERVER,DC=COM", $entry); if (TRUE === $result) { echo "The entry was successfully modified."; } else { echo "The entry could not be modified."; } Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance, ML
  4. I have a very simple script that basically searches an xml file for a node based on the id of another node. I then update the node I found with a new value. For some reason my code is not performing the update. It is actually creating another node within the existing node. Any idea why? XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <users> <user> <id>1</id> <firstname>Bob</firstname> <lastname>Marley</lastname> </user> <user> <id>2</id> <firstname>Bruce</firstname> <lastname>Springsteen</lastname> </user> </users> PHP Code: <?php $file = "officedata.xml"; $xml=simplexml_load_file($file); foreach ($xml->xpath('//user[id="2"]/lastname') as $desc) { echo "$desc\n"; $desc->lastname = "Penner"; } file_put_contents($file, $xml->asXML()); ?> The updated XML looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <users> <user> <id>1</id> <firstname>Bob</firstname> <lastname>Marley</lastname> </user> <user> <id>2</id> <firstname>Bruce</firstname> <lastname> Springsteen <lastname>Penner</lastname> </lastname> </user> </users>
  5. Thank you, that is an excellent suggestion. FP
  6. Content comes from this site: street view gallery . corank . com and shows up automatically on this page: street view r . com Remove spaces to access sites. Thanks! FP
  7. He basically takes my content, displays it on his site, and, has a function to display the detailed content information in a mouseover tips box: onmouseover="Tip('My content</a>')" I was hoping I could foul this function up by embedding some javascript code in my content that would automatically close his webpage when users viewed my content. I was thinking I could override the onmouseover function somehow. Is this possible? Thanks in advance, QF
  8. Hmmm....basically his php page takes a link to my content as a url paramater. Isn't there a special character I can put in my URL that will foul up PHP? Thanks again!
  9. A clever hacker has devised a way to harvest copyrighted sight content from my site and display it on his webpage. He uses PHP pages to embed my info in his site. Is there some parameters that I could add to my data whcih would cause his PHP functions to fail? Thanks in advance, FP
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