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Everything posted by moneytree

  1. Hi 947740,Yesideez, Many thanks for your advice over confirm opt-in issue. 947740,you're right ! Your advice is exactly what I'm thinking of for the confirm opt-in.Unfortunately,I am new to php and had no idea to go about it. May I have a helping hand from people who has a solution for it ? Thank you. Best regards manicui
  2. Hi, May I know how to create a confirm opt-in link in the email message which send out to subscriber after they have opt-in to webform on my site ? The main objective is to avoid any spamming issue. When a subscriber opt-in with his/her details into the webform for newsletter,the first email will be send out with this confirm opt-in link,the subscriber has to click on this link in order to receive a second email with a down load link for the newsletter they had opt-in for it. I am using my autoresponder which provided by my web hosting company for this purpose,if I have create an email account - confirmoptin@yourdomain.com, how can I get it done ? Many thanks for your time and efforts in helping me. Best regards manicui
  3. Hi, I am using Matt's formmail.pl for my wenform in cgi-bin as show here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FormMail Version 1.92 # Copyright 1995-2002 Matt Wright mattw@scriptarchive.com # Created 06/09/95 Last Modified 04/21/02 # Matt's Script Archive, Inc.: http://www.scriptarchive.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main reason to captured and display the firstname,lastname and email address of the subscirber as it requried by this autoresponder software - milloop 7 which I am using it to collect the opt-in list from my webform. The following is the opt-in info of the subscriber display in my webmail : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Thank you for subscribing to newsletter ! <u>From: Unknown sender</u> Date: Wed, April 23, 2008 5:28 pm To: newsletter@mysite.com Priority: Normal Options: View Full Header | View Printable Version | Download this as a file firstname: manicui lastname: gohin Email: manicui@XXXXXXX.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is the sender captured in the email became as " unknown sender " as you can see it in the email as show above ( From: Unknown sender ). I had carried out a test by creating an autoresponder's message ( newsletter ) to be send out immediately to those subscriber who had opi-in to my webform,but,this message never send out and the subscriber never receive the newsletter ! It could be due to the unknown sender without an email address. May I know how to make changes in the formmail.pl in order to captured the email address of the subscriber in the " From : " field ? Many thanks for your time and efforts in helping me. Best regards manicui
  4. Hi zenag, Many thanks for your replied to my query over script's issue. My webform is working now based on your advice for the changes ! Thank you for your time and efforts in helping me. Best regards manicui
  5. Hi everyone, I had tried to set-up the validation function for two webform on my site,however,it didn't work.Please kindly advice what's the caused of it.The following is the two webform code extracted from my home page for your review. <script language="javascript"> function verify() { var errors1 = ""; var errors2 = ""; var errors3 = ""; var message="Please complete the following field(s): \n"; var first = document.myform.firstname.value; var last = document.myform.lastname.value; var email = document.myform.email.value; if (first.length == "0") { errors1="First name\n"; } if (last.length == "0") { errors2="Last name\n"; } if (email.length == "0") { errors3="email address\n"; } if (errors1.length >= "1" || errors2.length >= "1" || errors3.length >= "1") { alert(message + "\n\n" + errors1 + errors2 + errors3); } else { document.myform.submit(); } } function verify2() { var errors1 = ""; var errors2 = ""; var errors3 = ""; var message="Please complete the following field(s): \n"; var first = document.myform2.firstname.value; var last = document.myform2.lastname.value; var email = document.myform2.email.value; if (first.length == "0") { errors1="First name\n"; } if (last.length == "0") { errors2="Last name\n"; } if (email.length == "0") { errors3="email address\n"; } if (errors1.length >= "1" || errors2.length >= "1" || errors3.length >= "1") { alert(message + "\n\n" + errors1 + errors2 + errors3); } else { document.myform2.submit(); } } </script> --> <!-- First Form --> <form name="myform" METHOD="post" ACTION="http://abc.com/cgi-bin/formmail.pl"> <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="newsletter@abc.com"> <input type=hidden name="subject" value="Thank you for subscribing to newsletter !"> First Name : <input type=text name="firstname" size="20"> Last Name : <input type=text name="lastname" size="20"> Email : <input type=text name="Email" size="20"> <center><input type="submit" value="Yes,I want it !"/></center> </form> <form name="myform2" METHOD="post" ACTION="http://abc.com/cgi-bin/formmail.pl"> <input type=hidden name="recipient" value="ebook@abc.com"> <input type=hidden name="subject" value="Thank you for subscribing to ebook !"> <P align=center>First Name : <INPUT title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" name=firstname><BR>Last Name : <INPUT title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" name=lastname><BR>Email : <INPUT title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" name=email><BR></P> <CENTER><INPUT type=button value="Yes,I want the private access now !" onclick="verify2"></CENTER> </form> Many thanks for your time and efforts in helping me to solve this issue. Best regards manicui
  6. Hi ohdang888, Good day to you. Many thanks for your information about the web site address of Google for the submission of my site. Thank you. Best regards manicui
  7. Hi ohdang888, Thanks for your advice to submit my site to Google,may I know how to go about it ? Best regards manicui
  8. Hi ohdang888,zfred09, Many thanks for your replied to my concerned over web site issue. Infact,I am about to start marketing products on my site and worry about these issue will affect my marketing. So far,I have search other web site through Google and didn't see any such issue link to its site,it should be that way,right. Anyway,I am open to any advice which can address my concerns over this issue. Thank you. Best regards manicui
  9. Hi everyone, I am a newbie to internet marketing and used to post my queries over my web site issue in quite a number of forum and get it answer from the respective moderator. However,I had just discovered that - when I used Google search for my site,those queries posted in forum will display as well ! I am quite worry about it. I think it's not a good information to show to those people who are searching my site through Google search. May I know is it alright for it ? What should I do with it ? How come Google display those informations as well ? Many thanks for your time and efforts in answering my query. Best regards manicui
  10. Hi AndyB, Many thanks for your information for the header images. It's really useful as I am using it on my site. Thank you. Best regardds manicui
  11. Hi everyone, I am sorry to post my query in this forum as I can't find other forum which is more appropriate than this ones. I am just started to learn internet marketing and building my first web site,may I know where can I get free header images / header template mainly for internet marketing / make money online ? Many thanks for your time and efforts in helping me. Best regards manicui
  12. Hi everyone, Good day to you. I had a display problem in my thank you page need your advice to fix it. I am using standard formmai.pl which istalled in cgi-bin and made only changes by put in my domain name in the required field as follow : @referers = ('yourdomain.com'); However,when a visitor to my site filled in his/her details into the webform follow by submit,the thank you page only dispaly his/her firstname and lastname without email address as follow : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank You For Filling Out This Form Below is what you submitted to newsletter@yourdomain.com on Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 19:19:50 firstname: Victor lastname: Green FormMail V1.92 © 1995 - 2002 Matt Wright A Free Product of Matt's Script Archive, Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had tried to include <input type=hidden name="print_blank_fields" value="1"> into my webform code,but,it failed to work as it display the same thing firstname and lastname without email address. Infact,if a visitor - Victor Green filled in his firstname - Victor,lastname - Green and email address - victor@gmail.com It should display these information as follow in thank you page for him to see and check whether he entered the right info especially his email adress in order to receive my newsletter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- firstname: Victor lastname: Green email address :victor@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a solution to this display problem,please kindly advice on how to fix it. Many thanks for your time and efforts in helping me. Thank you. Best regards manicui
  13. Hi everyone, Good day to you. I am sorry to post this query in this forum as I really need someone who can help me on formmail.pl issue. My problem on the formmail.pl is the display issue.When site visitor opt-in through my webform followed by submit,it will display a message from formmail.pl to the subscriber,the opt-in had been acknowledge. For example : If I entered the following into my webform : my firstname =Victor,lastname=John and email address=Victor@yahoo.com It should display three basic info of firstname,lastname and email address for subscriber to see whether they entered their details correctly or not. However,it only show the firstname and lastname without the email address of the subscriber on the dispaly message : firstname :Victor lastname : John May I know how to make changes or what's the correction on formmail.pl in order to display it as follow: 1 ) Firstname :Vistor 2 ) Lastname :John 3 ) Email address :Vistor@yahoo.com I am sorry for didn't show you the formmail.pl as I don't know how to attached it for you to review and advice. Therefore,just give you a brief idea on the script itself.I am using the formmail.pl which installed in cgi-bin and only made one changes by inserting my domain name in the required field in order to received opt-in from my webform. Many thanks for your time and effort in helping me. Best regards Manicui
  14. Hi everyone, Good day to you. I would appreciate someone can help me on formmail.pl issue. My problem on the formmail.pl is the display issue.When site visitor opt-in through my webform followed by submit,it will display a message from formmail.pl to the subscriber,the opt-in had been acknowledge. For example : If I entered the following into my webform : my firstname =Victor,lastname=John and email address=Victor@yahoo.com However,it only show the lastname of the subscriber on the dispaly message : lastname : John May I know how to make changes or what's the correction on formmail.pl in order to display it as follow: 1 ) Firstname :Vistor 2 ) Lastname :John 3 ) Email address :Vistor@yahoo.com Many thanks for your time and effort in helping me. Best regards Manicui
  15. Hi phpQuestioner30, Good day to you. Please advice me on the following script for stopping people from duplicate submission for the same opt-in.I got it from one of the web site which offer free script solution. I had tried to insert the following script into the working webform code which you helped me in my last post,however,it failed to work. May I know is it the right one for stopping people from double opt-in for the same subscription ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1 : Cut and paste the below script into the <head> section of your page: <script type="text/javascript"> /* Block multiple form submission script- By JavaScriptKit.com Visit http://www.javascriptkit.com for this script and more This notice must stay intact for use */ //Enter error message to display if submit button has been pressed multiple times below. //Delete below line if you don't want a message displayed: var formerrormsg="You\'ve attempted to submit the form multiple times.\n Please reload page if you need to resubmit form." function checksubmit(submitbtn){ submitbtn.form.submit() checksubmit=blocksubmit return false } function blocksubmit(){ if (typeof formerrormsg!="undefined") alert(formerrormsg) return false } </script> Step 2: With the script installed, all that remains is modifying your submit button to include the portion in red below: <form> " <input type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="return checksubmit(this)"> </form> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks for your time and effort in helping me. Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  16. Hi phpQuestioner30,TheNuQ, Good day to you. Many thanks for your advice to my queries over drop box advertisement's issue. I have made some changes in index.php,now,the webform on the drop box advertisement is working as you can see it at www.moneymakeyourich.com . But,it has another problem with the drop box advertisement as it didn't show the entire " advertisement " which include the content of " promo info " and the webform ! It only display the webform ( first name,last name and email ) without the content of " promo info " which I type into it. I have dicovered there's an error in index.php due to duplication of drop box advertisement's code. If I removed these error's code,it'll show the entire advertisement in my homepage in IE7,but,the webform on it became failed to work ! The following is part of the code which I view my homepage in IE7 for your reference : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please see the attached code. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May I know what's wrong with it ? How to get it done by removing the error's code in order to have a display of entire advertisement and a working webform on the drop box advertisement. Thank you for your time and effort in helping me. Best regards Manicui
  17. Hi phpQuestioner30, Please try to enter first name,last name and email address into the webform of drop box advertisement,follow by click on submit button,you'll understand the problem. www.moneymakeyourich.com Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  18. Hi phpQuestioner, Many thanks for your prompt replied to my queries of webform issue. First of all,I would like to let you have a clear picture of the Drop box advertisement.It has a editor to allow changes on the type of promotion I want.Therefore,I am able to change the " promo info " as and when I like depending on what type of product and service I am promoting during that time. To create a new Drop box advertisement for new promotion,I need to go to its editor to enter whatever " promo info ",after that,I need a working webform which can be seen in IE7 ( not its html code ) with first name,last name,email address and the submit button.I just highlight these info,copy and paste it right below the " promo info " I'd just created in editor,follow by copy the whole drop box advertisement into my webpage - index.php,that's all. Therefore,if I need to change whatever " promo info ", I just make the changes in its editor,but,need to copy and paste with a working webform below it.This working webform must be the webform on the drop box advertisement you had created for me. I hope you don't mind taking your time for my explanation to you on Drop box advertisement. I had break and copied your suggested code into two part due to few row of text stand between them.Therefore,I didn't copy the entire code into my webpage,but,serperate them with form1 above these text and form2 below it.By the way,do I need to copy </head> and </body> in your suggested code ? It's in betwwen the form1 and form2. Please visit my site and you'll know what I meant : www.moneymakeyourich.com Now,my main concern is to remove the duplication on my first opt-in form ( Now,it had two FREE SEO EBOOK on my site ),follow by making the Drop box advertisement's webform work. This's just my idea to fix these two problem.I do understand that it's easier said than done and forgive me if I am asking too much from you. Thank you and have a nice day. Best regards Manicui
  19. Hi phpQuestioner, Good day to you. I am sorry to post you again regarding my webform issue. Infact,after followed your advice,both of the webform on my site and drop box advertisement are working perfectly.At this moment,the drop box advertisement work fine with only first name,last name and email address. However,the drop box advertisement need to add promotion's text to let subscriber know what is all about with this top-in.When I added some promotion's text like - " Special Report * "Leading Internet expert reveals proven strategies for starting your own Internet business!" ,it failed to work. I don't know,it may due to my carelessness to delete some of the code. I had tried to made some changes in index.php file,it became worst with duplication on my first opt-in form ( Now,it had two FREE SEO EBOOK on my site ). I am sorry for creating such a mess in index.php file and looking for your advice and assistance for removing the duplication on my first opt-in form and making the drop box advertisement work again. Please kindly review and advice it at www.moneymakeyourich.com . Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  20. Hi, My web site is in php file - index.php,however,when I view it in IE7 - view,source,it's in html code. As I am new to php code and more familar with html code,is there any way can I view it in html code in order to make some changes on it ? Please kindly advice on the complete procedure - to convert index.php into html code to make changes.After the changes,how to reversed it back to php file in order to upload it to web server. Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  21. Hi phpQuestioner, Good day to you. I wanted to say a " BIG THANK YOU " to you for your advice over webform issues ! Both of the webform on my site and drop box advertisement are working now ! Many thanks for your time and effort,it really shorten my time to get it fixed with your advice and helped ! Thank you. Good night. Best regartds Manicui
  22. Hi phpQuestioner, Good day to you. I am sorry to post it agian to you for my drop box advertisement issue. I had followed your advice and made the necessary changes without " a " for error1,error2 and error3 in verify2 (),but,it didn't wrok.Therefore,I added " a " and made the changes to error1a,error2a and error3a,it failed to work too. Please review and advice it at www.moneymakeyourich.com Thanks for your time and effort in helping me on this issue. Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  23. Hi phpQuestioner, Good day to you. Many thanks for your replied to my queries of webform issue. I had tried to understand your advice and made changes on drop box advertisement,however,it may due to my little understanding of the javascript and webform's function,after removing some code,both of the webform on my site and drop box advertisement failed to work. Please kindly visit my site www.moneymakeyourich.com and advice what's wrong with it. Thanks you. Best regards Manicui
  24. Hi phpQuestioner, Good day to you. I had bought this " drop in ads " software to add it into my site to increase and build up my opt-in list. The webform on my site is working perfectly with your helped.To add this " drop in ads " into my site is simply highlight my webform in IE7,copy and paste it into my index.php. After copied it into my site,I had tried to entered name,email address into the " drop in ads " webform,but,it failed to work ! Please kindly visit my site http://www.moneymakeyourich.com and advice what's wrong with it. Many thanks for your effort and look forward to hear from you soon. Thank you. Best regards Manicui
  25. Hi phpQuestioner, I am sorry for it and thanks for your recommendation for the web site which I can learn the code. Have a nice weekend. Thank you. Best regards Manicui
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