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  1. Hi Wonder if anybody can nelp. I have php file which fires data into db which I want to restrict the firing of so to speak based on sysdate and time. Basically want to include it as an error as an else if with my other errors. Lets say i have two variables called $time and $date which are manually updated each day to todays date and a set time for which i will be wanting to cut off the inserting of data to my db. Firstly how do i identify the sysdate and systime ? and then how do i say that if sysdate is different from $date and systime is greater than $time than errror. Thanks
  2. Thanks, used and works, im can sleep happily. <form action="horseinsert.php" method="post"> <select name="horse"> <option ="Please Select" selected>Please Select</option> <option ="Horse A">Horse A</option> <option ="Horse B">Horse B</option> <option ="Horse C">Horse C</option> <option ="Horse D">Horse D</option> </select> <input type="submit"/> </form>
  3. Hi Im learning very slowly (started 3 days ago) and wasted an hour trying to do something which I cant figure out so Ill bow my head and ask the knowledgeble. I have the below code but on insert it inserts into the column "horse" the value of "submit" which is the value for my submit button. What i want it to do is submit the value that the user picks from the list of options. I know its probably simple but what do i need to do please ? <form action="horseinsert.php" method="post" name="horse" id="horse"> <select $horse="options[]"> <option value="Please Select" selected>Please Select</option> <option value="Horse A">Horse A</option> <option value="Horse B">Horse B</option> <option value="Horse C">Horse C</option> <option value="Horse D">Horse D</option> </select> <input type="submit" name="horse" value="Submit"> </form>
  4. Thanks, here you go. This is what the scripts have said to put in the top of each page i want restricted to users logged in. <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/access_user_class.php"); $page_protect = new Access_user; // $page_protect->login_page = "login.php"; // change this only if your login is on another page $page_protect->access_page(); // only set this this method to protect your page $page_protect->get_user_info(); $hello_name = ($page_protect->user_full_name != "") ? $page_protect->user_full_name : $page_protect->user; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "log_out") { $page_protect->log_out(); // the method to log off } ?> Here is the class file <?php session_start(); // error_reporting (E_ALL); // I use this only for testing require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/db_config.php"); // this path works for me... class Access_user { var $table_name = USER_TABLE; var $user; var $user_pw; var $access_level; var $user_full_name; var $user_info; var $user_email; var $save_login = "no"; var $cookie_name = COOKIE_NAME; var $cookie_path = COOKIE_PATH; var $is_cookie; var $count_visit; var $id; var $language = "en"; // change this property to use messages in another language var $the_msg; var $login_page; var $main_page; var $password_page; var $deny_access_page; var $auto_activation = true; var $send_copy = false; // send a mail copy to the administrator (register only) var $webmaster_mail = WEBMASTER_MAIL; var $webmaster_name = WEBMASTER_NAME; var $admin_mail = ADMIN_MAIL; var $admin_name = ADMIN_NAME; function Access_user() { $this->connect_db(); $this->login_page = LOGIN_PAGE; $this->main_page = START_PAGE; $this->password_page = ACTIVE_PASS_PAGE; $this->deny_access_page = DENY_ACCESS_PAGE; $this->admin_page = ADMIN_PAGE; } function check_user($pass = "") { switch ($pass) { case "new": $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE email = '%s' OR login = '%s'", $this->table_name, $this->user_email, $this->user); break; case "lost": $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE email = '%s' AND active = 'y'", $this->table_name, $this->user_email); break; case "new_pass": $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE pw = '%s' AND id = %d", $this->table_name, $this->user_pw, $this->id); break; case "active": $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE id = %d AND active = 'n'", $this->table_name, $this->id); break; case "validate": $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE id = %d AND tmp_mail <> ''", $this->table_name, $this->id); break; default: $password = (strlen($this->user_pw) < 32) ? md5($this->user_pw) : $this->user_pw; $sql = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS test FROM %s WHERE BINARY login = '%s' AND pw = '%s' AND active = 'y'", $this->table_name, $this->user, $password); } $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_result($result, 0, "test") == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } // New methods to handle the access level function get_access_level() { $sql = sprintf("SELECT access_level FROM %s WHERE login = '%s' AND active = 'y'", $this->table_name, $this->user); if (!$result = mysql_query($sql)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } else { $this->access_level = mysql_result($result, 0, "access_level"); } } function set_user() { $_SESSION['user'] = $this->user; $_SESSION['pw'] = $this->user_pw; if (isset($_SESSION['referer']) && $_SESSION['referer'] != "") { $next_page = $_SESSION['referer']; unset($_SESSION['referer']); } else { $next_page = $this->main_page; } header("Location: ".$next_page); } function connect_db() { $conn_str = mysql_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD); //mysql_select_db(DB_NAME); // if there are problems with the tablenames inside the config file use this row } function login_user($user, $password) { if ($user != "" && $password != "") { $this->user = $user; $this->user_pw = $password; if ($this->check_user()) { $this->login_saver(); if ($this->count_visit) { $this->reg_visit($user, $password); } $this->set_user(); } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(10); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(11); } } function login_saver() { if ($this->save_login == "no") { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) { $expire = time()-3600; } else { return; } } else { $expire = time()+2592000; } $cookie_str = $this->user.chr(31).base64_encode($this->user_pw); setcookie($this->cookie_name, $cookie_str, $expire, $this->cookie_path); } function login_reader() { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) { $cookie_parts = explode(chr(31), $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]); $this->user = $cookie_parts[0]; $this->user_pw = base64_decode($cookie_parts[1]); $this->is_cookie = true; } } function reg_visit($login, $pass) { $visit_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET extra_info = '%s' WHERE login = '%s' AND pw = '%s'", $this->table_name, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $login, md5($pass)); mysql_query($visit_sql); } function log_out() { unset($_SESSION['user']); unset($_SESSION['pw']); header("Location: ".$this->login_page); } function access_page($refer = "", $qs = "", $level = DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVEL) { $refer_qs = $refer; $refer_qs .= ($qs != "") ? "?".$qs : ""; if (isset($_SESSION['user']) && isset($_SESSION['pw'])) { $this->user = $_SESSION['user']; $this->user_pw = $_SESSION['pw']; $this->get_access_level(); if (!$this->check_user()) { $_SESSION['referer'] = $refer_qs; header("Location: ".$this->login_page); } if ($this->access_level < $level) { header("Location: ".$this->deny_access_page); } } else { $_SESSION['referer'] = $refer_qs; header("Location: ".$this->login_page); } } function get_user_info() { $sql_info = sprintf("SELECT real_name, extra_info, email, id FROM %s WHERE login = '%s' AND pw = '%s'", $this->table_name, $this->user, md5($this->user_pw)); $res_info = mysql_query($sql_info); $this->id = mysql_result($res_info, 0, "id"); $this->user_full_name = mysql_result($res_info, 0, "real_name"); $this->user_info = mysql_result($res_info, 0, "extra_info"); $this->user_email = mysql_result($res_info, 0, "email"); } function update_user($new_password, $new_confirm, $new_name, $new_info, $new_mail) { if ($new_password != "") { if ($this->check_new_password($new_password, $new_confirm)) { $ins_password = $new_password; $update_pw = true; } else { return; } } else { $ins_password = $this->user_pw; $update_pw = false; } if (trim($new_mail) <> $this->user_email) { if ($this->check_email($new_mail)) { $this->user_email = $new_mail; if (!$this->check_user("lost")) { $update_email = true; } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(31); return; } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(16); return; } } else { $update_email = false; $new_mail = ""; } $upd_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET pw = %s, real_name = %s, extra_info = %s, tmp_mail = %s WHERE id = %d", $this->table_name, $this->ins_string(md5($ins_password)), $this->ins_string($new_name), $this->ins_string($new_info), $this->ins_string($new_mail), $this->id); $upd_res = mysql_query($upd_sql); if ($upd_res) { if ($update_pw) { $_SESSION['pw'] = $this->user_pw = $ins_password; if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) { $this->save_login = "yes"; $this->login_saver(); } } $this->the_msg = $this->messages(30); if ($update_email) { if ($this->send_mail($new_mail, 33)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(27); } else { mysql_query(sprintf("UPDATE %s SET tmp_mail = ''", $this->table_name)); $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(15); } } function check_new_password($pass, $pw_conform) { if ($pass == $pw_conform) { if (strlen($pass) >= PW_LENGTH) { return true; } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(32); return false; } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(38); return false; } } function check_email($mail_address) { if (preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]+(([\.\-_])[0-9a-z]+)*@[0-9a-z]+(([\.\-])[0-9a-z-]+)*\.[a-z]{2,4}$/i", $mail_address)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function ins_string($value, $type = "") { $value = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($value) : $value; switch ($type) { case "int": $value = ($value != "") ? intval($value) : NULL; break; default: $value = ($value != "") ? "'" . $value . "'" : "''"; } return $value; } function register_user($first_login, $first_password, $confirm_password, $first_name, $first_info, $first_email) { if ($this->check_new_password($first_password, $confirm_password)) { if (strlen($first_login) >= LOGIN_LENGTH) { if ($this->check_email($first_email)) { $this->user_email = $first_email; $this->user = $first_login; if ($this->check_user("new")) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(12); } else { $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (id, login, pw, real_name, extra_info, email, access_level, active) VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, 'n')", $this->table_name, $this->ins_string($first_login), $this->ins_string(md5($first_password)), $this->ins_string($first_name), $this->ins_string($first_info), $this->ins_string($this->user_email), DEFAULT_ACCESS_LEVEL); $ins_res = mysql_query($sql); if ($ins_res) { $this->id = mysql_insert_id(); $this->user_pw = $first_password; if ($this->send_mail($this->user_email)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(13); } else { mysql_query(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE id = %s", $this->table_name, $this->id)); $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(15); } } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(16); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(17); } } } function validate_email($validation_key, $key_id) { if ($validation_key != "" && strlen($validation_key) == 32 && $key_id > 0) { $this->id = $key_id; if ($this->check_user("validate")) { $upd_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET email = tmp_mail, tmp_mail = '' WHERE id = %d AND pw = '%s'", $this->table_name, $key_id, $validation_key); if (mysql_query($upd_sql)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(18); } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(19); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(34); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(21); } } function activate_account($activate_key, $key_id) { if ($activate_key != "" && strlen($activate_key) == 32 && $key_id > 0) { $this->id = $key_id; if ($this->check_user("active")) { if ($this->auto_activation) { $upd_sql = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET active = 'y' WHERE id = %s AND pw = '%s'", $this->table_name, $key_id, $activate_key); if (mysql_query($upd_sql)) { if ($this->send_confirmation($key_id)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(18); } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(19); } } else { if ($this->send_mail($this->admin_mail, 0, true)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(36); } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(20); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(21); } } function send_confirmation($id) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT email FROM %s WHERE id = %d", $this->table_name, $id); $user_email = mysql_result(mysql_query($sql), 0, "email"); if ($this->send_mail($user_email, 37)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function send_mail($mail_address, $num = 29) { $header = "From: \"".$this->webmaster_name."\" <".$this->webmaster_mail.">\r\n"; $header .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $header .= "Mailer: Olaf's mail script version 1.11\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"; if (!$this->auto_activation) { $subject = "New user request..."; $body = "New user registration on ".date("Y-m-d").":\r\n\r\nClick here to enter the admin page:\r\n\r\n"."http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$this->admin_page."?login_id=".$this->id; } else { $subject = $this->messages(28); $body = $this->messages($num); } if (mail($mail_address, $subject, $body, $header)) { return true; } else { return false; } } function forgot_password($forgot_email) { if ($this->check_email($forgot_email)) { $this->user_email = $forgot_email; if (!$this->check_user("lost")) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(22); } else { $forgot_sql = sprintf("SELECT id, pw FROM %s WHERE email = '%s'", $this->table_name, $this->user_email); if ($forgot_result = mysql_query($forgot_sql)) { $this->id = mysql_result($forgot_result, 0, "id"); $this->user_pw = mysql_result($forgot_result, 0, "pw"); if ($this->send_mail($this->user_email, 35)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(23); } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(15); } } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(16); } } function check_activation_password($controle_str, $id) { if ($controle_str != "" && strlen($controle_str) == 32 && $id > 0) { $this->user_pw = $controle_str; $this->id = $id; if ($this->check_user("new_pass")) { // this is a fix for version 1.76 $sql_get_user = sprintf("SELECT login FROM %s WHERE pw = '%s' AND id = %d", $this->table_name, $this->user_pw, $this->id); $get_user = mysql_query($sql_get_user); $this->user = mysql_result($get_user, 0, "login"); // end fix return true; } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(21); return false; } } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(21); return false; } } function activate_new_password($new_pass, $new_confirm, $old_pass, $user_id) { if ($this->check_new_password($new_pass, $new_confirm)) { $sql_new_pass = sprintf("UPDATE %s SET pw = '%s' WHERE pw = '%s' AND id = %d", $this->table_name, md5($new_pass), $old_pass, $user_id); if (mysql_query($sql_new_pass)) { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(30); return true; } else { $this->the_msg = $this->messages(14); return false; } } else { return false; } } function messages($num) { $host = "http://www.ukcapper.com"; switch ($this->language) { case "de": $msg[10] = "Login und/oder Passwort finden keinen Treffer in der Datenbank."; $msg[11] = "Login und/oder Passwort sind leer!"; $msg[12] = "Leider existiert bereits ein Benutzer mit diesem Login und/oder E-mailadresse."; $msg[13] = "Weitere Anweisungen wurden per E-mail versandt, folgen Sie nun den Instruktionen."; $msg[14] = "Es is ein Fehler entstanden probieren Sie es erneut."; $msg[15] = "Es is ein Fehler entstanden probieren Sie es später nochmal."; $msg[16] = "Die eingegebene E-mailadresse ist nicht gültig."; $msg[17] = "Das Feld login (min. ".LOGIN_LENGTH." Zeichen) muss eingegeben sein."; $msg[18] = "Ihr Benutzerkonto ist aktiv. Sie können sich nun anmelden."; $msg[19] = "Ihr Aktivierungs ist nicht gültig."; $msg[20] = "Da ist kein Konto zu aktivieren."; $msg[21] = "Der benutzte Aktivierung-Code is nicht gültig!"; $msg[22] = "Keine Konto gefunden dass mit der eingegeben E-mailadresse übereinkommt."; $msg[23] = "Kontrollieren Sie Ihre E-Mail um Ihr neues Passwort zu erhalten."; $msg[25] = "Kann Ihr Passwort nicht aktivieren."; $msg[26] = ""; $msg[27] = "Kontrollieren Sie Ihre E-Mailbox und bestätigen Sie Ihre Änderung(en)."; $msg[28] = "Ihre Anfrage bestätigen..."; $msg[29] = "Hallo,\r\n\r\num Ihre Anfrage zu aktivieren klicken Sie bitte auf den folgenden Link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?ident=".$this->id."&activate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[30] = "Ihre Änderung ist durchgeführt."; $msg[31] = "Diese E-mailadresse wird bereits genutzt, bitte wählen Sie eine andere."; $msg[32] = "Das Feld Passwort (min. ".PW_LENGTH." Zeichen) muss eingegeben sein."; $msg[33] = "Hallo,\r\n\r\nIhre neue E-mailadresse muss noch überprüft werden, bitte klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?id=".$this->id."&validate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[34] = "Da ist keine E-mailadresse zu überprüfen."; $msg[35] = "Hallo,\r\n\r\nIhr neues Passwort kann nun eingegeben werden, bitte klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link:\r\n".$host.$this->password_page."?id=".$this->id."&activate=".$this->user_pw."&language=".$this->language; $msg[36] = "Ihr Antrag ist verarbeitet und wird nun durch den Administrator kontrolliert. \r\nSie erhalten eine Nachricht wenn dies geschehen ist."; $msg[37] = "Hallo ".$this->user.",\r\n\r\nIhr Konto ist nun eigerichtet und Sie können sich anmelden.\r\n\r\nKlicken Sie hierfür auf den folgenden Link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."\r\n\r\nmit freundlichen Grüssen\r\n".$this->admin_name; $msg[38] = "Das bestätigte Passwort hat keine Übereinstimmung mit dem ersten Passwort, bitte probieren Sie es erneut."; break; case "nl": $msg[10] = "Gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord vinden geen overeenkomst in de database."; $msg[11] = "Gebruikersnaam en/of wachtwoord zijn leeg!"; $msg[12] = "Helaas bestaat er al een gebruiker met deze gebruikersnaam en/of e-mail adres."; $msg[13] = "Er is een e-mail is aan u verzonden, volg de instructies die daarin vermeld staan."; $msg[14] = "Het is een fout ontstaan, probeer het opnieuw."; $msg[15] = "Het is een fout ontstaan, probeer het later nog een keer."; $msg[16] = "De opgegeven e-mail adres is niet geldig."; $msg[17] = "De gebruikersnaam (min. ".LOGIN_LENGTH." teken) moet opgegeven zijn."; $msg[18] = "Het gebruikersaccount is aangemaakt, u kunt u nu aanmelden."; $msg[19] = "Kan uw account niet activeren."; $msg[20] = "Er is geen account te activeren."; $msg[21] = "De gebruikte activeringscode is niet geldig!"; $msg[22] = "Geen account gevonden dat met de opgegeven e-mail adres overeenkomt."; $msg[23] = "Er is een e-mail is aan u verzonden, daarin staat hoe uw een nieuw wachtwoord kunt aanmaken."; $msg[25] = "Kan het wachtwoord niet activeren."; $msg[26] = ""; $msg[27] = "Er is een e-mail is aan u verzonden, volg de instructies die daarin vermeld staan."; $msg[28] = "Bevestig uw aanvraag ..."; $msg[29] = "Bedankt voor uw aanvraag,\r\n\r\nklik op de volgende link om de aanvraag te verwerken:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?ident=".$this->id."&activate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[30] = "Uw wijzigingen zijn doorgevoerd."; $msg[31] = "Dit e-mailadres bestaat al, gebruik en andere."; $msg[32] = "Het veld wachtwoord (min. ".PW_LENGTH." teken) mag niet leeg zijn."; $msg[33] = "Beste gebruiker,\r\n\r\nde nieuwe e-mailadres moet nog gevalideerd worden, klik hiervoor op de volgende link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?id=".$this->id."&validate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[34] = "Er is geen e-mailadres te valideren."; $msg[35] = "Hallo,\r\n\r\nuw nieuw wachtwoord kan nu ingevoerd worden, klik op deze link om verder te gaan:\r\n".$host.$this->password_page."?id=".$this->id."&activate=".$this->user_pw."&language=".$this->language; $msg[36] = "U aanvraag is verwerkt en wordt door de beheerder binnenkort activeert. \r\nU krijgt bericht wanneer dit gebeurt is."; $msg[37] = "Hallo ".$this->user.",\r\n\r\nHet account is nu gereed en u kunt zich aanmelden.\r\n\r\nKlik hiervoor op de volgende link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."\r\n\r\nmet vriendelijke groet\r\n".$this->admin_name; $msg[38] = "Het bevestigings wachtwoord komt niet overeen met het wachtwoord, probeer het opnieuw."; break; case "fr": $msg[10] = "Le login et/ou mot de passe ne correspondent pas."; $msg[11] = "Le login et/ou mot de passe est vide !"; $msg[12] = "Désolé, un utilisateur avec le même email et/ou login existe déjà."; $msg[13] = "Vérifiez votre email et suivez les instructions."; $msg[14] = "Désolé, une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer."; $msg[15] = "Désolé, une erreur s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."; $msg[16] = "L'adresse email n'est pas valide."; $msg[17] = "Le champ \"Nom d'usager\" doit être composé d'au moins ".LOGIN_LENGTH." caratères."; $msg[18] = "Votre requete est complète. Enregistrez vous pour continuer."; $msg[19] = "Désolé, nous ne pouvons pas activer votre account."; $msg[20] = "Désolé, il n'y à pas d'account à activer."; $msg[21] = "Désolé, votre clef d'authorisation n'est pas valide"; $msg[22] = "Désolé, il n'y à pas d'account actif avec cette adresse email."; $msg[23] = "Veuillez consulter votre email pour recevoir votre nouveau mot de passe."; $msg[25] = "Désolé, nous ne pouvons pas activer votre mot de passe."; $msg[26] = ""; $msg[27] = "Veuillez consulter votre email pour activer les modifications."; $msg[28] = "Votre requete doit etre exécuter..."; $msg[29] = "Bonjour,\r\n\r\npour activer votre account clickez sur le lien suivant:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?ident=".$this->id."&activate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[30] = "Votre account à été modifié."; $msg[31] = "Désolé, cette adresse email existe déjà, veuillez en utiliser une autre."; $msg[32] = "Le champ password (min. ".PW_LENGTH." char) est requis."; $msg[33] = "Bonjour,\r\n\r\nvotre nouvelle adresse email doit être validée, clickez sur le liens suivant:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?id=".$this->id."&validate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[34] = "Il n'y à pas d'email à valider."; $msg[35] = "Bonjour,\r\n\r\nPour entrer votre nouveaux mot de passe, clickez sur le lien suivant:\r\n".$host.$this->password_page."?id=".$this->id."&activate=".$this->user_pw."&language=".$this->language; $msg[36] = "Votre demande a été bien traitée et d'ici peu l'administrateur va l 'activer. Nous vous informerons quand ceci est arrivé."; $msg[37] = "Bonjour ".$this->user.",\r\n\r\nVotre compte est maintenant actif et il est possible d'y avoir accès.\r\n\r\nCliquez sur le lien suivant afin de rejoindre la page d'accès:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."\r\n\r\nCordialement\r\n".$this->admin_name; $msg[38] = "Le mot de passe de confirmation de concorde pas avec votre mot de passe. Veuillez réessayer"; break; default: $msg[10] = "You have entered an invalid username and password combination."; $msg[11] = "Login and/or password is empty!"; $msg[12] = "Sorry, a user with this login and/or e-mail address already exist."; $msg[13] = "Please check your e-mail and follow the instructions to activate your registration."; $msg[14] = "Sorry, an error occurred please try it again."; $msg[15] = "Sorry, an error occurred please try it again later."; $msg[16] = "The e-mail address entered is not valid."; $msg[17] = "The Username field must be a minimum of ".LOGIN_LENGTH." characters."; $msg[18] = "Your registration has been successful. Login to continue."; $msg[19] = "Sorry, cannot activate your account."; $msg[20] = "There is no account to activate."; $msg[21] = "Sorry, this activation key is not valid!"; $msg[22] = "Sorry, there is no active account which match with this e-mail address."; $msg[23] = "Please check your e-mail for your new password."; $msg[25] = "Sorry, cannot activate your password."; $msg[26] = ""; // not used at the moment $msg[27] = "Please check your e-mail and activate your modification(s)."; $msg[28] = "UKCapper.com registration has been successful..."; $msg[29] = "Hello,\r\n\r\n Thank you for registering with UKCapper.com. To activate your registration please click the following link or copy and paste the url directly into your browser bar:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?ident=".$this->id."&activate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[30] = "Your account has been modified."; $msg[31] = "This e-mail address already exist, please use another one."; $msg[32] = "The password field must be a minimum of ".PW_LENGTH." characters"; $msg[33] = "Hello,\r\n\r\nthe new e-mail address must be validated, click the following link:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."?id=".$this->id."&validate=".md5($this->user_pw)."&language=".$this->language; $msg[34] = "There is no e-mail address for validation."; $msg[35] = "Hello,\r\n\r\n Please click the following link or copy and paste the text directly into your browser to enter a new password of your choice:\r\n".$host.$this->password_page."?id=".$this->id."&activate=".$this->user_pw."&language=".$this->language; $msg[36] = "Your request is processed and is pending for validation by the admin. \r\nYou will get an e-mail if it's done."; $msg[37] = "Hello ".$this->user.",\r\n\r\nYour UKCapper.com account is now active. You can login now.\r\n\r\nClick on this link to access the login page:\r\n".$host.$this->login_page."\r\n\r\nKind Regards\r\n".$this->admin_name; $msg[38] = "The new and confirmation password do not match. Please try again."; } return $msg[$num]; } } ?>
  5. Thanks but still cant get to work. Tried with <?php session_start(); ?> just in login script page and in landing page and all restricted pages. Tested together, seperatly etc. No matter what i do after ive navigated to my first page after login it forces the user to login again to few another page. Here is what is in my login script. Do i need to put some of this into my restricted pages ? Sorry if silly questions, newbie who is hacking around. <?php session_start(); include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/access_user_class.php"); $my_access = new Access_user; $my_access->login_reader(); // $my_access->language = "de"; // use this selector to get messages in other languages if (isset($_GET['activate']) && isset($_GET['ident'])) { // this two variables are required for activating/updating the account/password //$my_access->auto_activation = false; // use this (true/false) to stop the automatic activation $my_access->activate_account($_GET['activate'], $_GET['ident']); // the activation method } if (isset($_GET['validate']) && isset($_GET['id'])) { // this two variables are required for activating/updating the new e-mail address $my_access->validate_email($_GET['validate'], $_GET['id']); // the validation method } if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $my_access->save_login = (isset($_POST['remember'])) ? $_POST['remember'] : "yes"; // use a cookie to remember the login $my_access->count_visit = true; // if this is true then the last visitdate is saved in the database $my_access->login_user($_POST['login'], $_POST['password']); // call the login method } $error = $my_access->the_msg; ?> Does any part of the below script say to log out when leave page ? include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/access_user_class.php"); $page_protect = new Access_user; // $page_protect->login_page = "login.php"; // change this only if your login is on another page $page_protect->access_page(); // only set this this method to protect your page $page_protect->get_user_info(); $hello_name = ($page_protect->user_full_name != "") ? $page_protect->user_full_name : $page_protect->user; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "log_out") { $page_protect->log_out(); // the method to log off }
  6. Hi Im a bit of a novice so need help urgently. I have created login pages etc for my site which all work fine and dandy. There are certain pages i want to restrict so that they are only allowed access when logged in. Im using the below code at the top of each page im restricting. The problem is the user logs in, they call page1 which has the below and correctly allows access. Iif not logged in calls login page) They then call page2 which also has the below code but it has not retained the fact that they have already logged in and prompts them to log in again. It seems only picks up login details for the first page called after they loggied in ande not any subsequent pages. What do i need to do to the below code in order for it to identify the user is already logged in ? Hope that makes sense. <?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/access_user_class.php"); $page_protect = new Access_user; // $page_protect->login_page = "login.php"; // change this only if your login is on another page $page_protect->access_page(); // only set this this method to protect your page $page_protect->get_user_info(); $hello_name = ($page_protect->user_full_name != "") ? $page_protect->user_full_name : $page_protect->user; if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "log_out") { $page_protect->log_out(); // the method to log off } ?> I have the below code in access_user_class.php if of any help function login_saver() { if ($this->save_login == "no") { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) { $expire = time()-3600; } else { return; } } else { $expire = time()+2592000; } $cookie_str = $this->user.chr(31).base64_encode($this->user_pw); setcookie($this->cookie_name, $cookie_str, $expire, $this->cookie_path); } function login_reader() { if (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name])) { $cookie_parts = explode(chr(31), $_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]); $this->user = $cookie_parts[0]; $this->user_pw = base64_decode($cookie_parts[1]); $this->is_cookie = true; } }
  7. Thanks How do i use that for a group by or order by clause, tried multiple tests and can only get it to return the first row for a set amount of record sets i.e tried bekow which only returns 1st row of data for first 4 record sets select distinct (name), racedate from jumpresults, jumpraces where racenumber = racenumbera group by name order by name limit 0,4 tried below which returns 1st row for 4th record set select distinct (name), racedate from jumpresults, jumpraces where racenumber = racenumbera group by name order by name limit 3, 1 tried below which still returns me 1st row for 4th record set select distinct (name), racedate from jumpresults, jumpraces where racenumber = racenumbera group by name limit 3,1 tried below which returns me first row for 4 sets startign from the first select distinct (name), racedate from jumpresults, jumpraces where racenumber = racenumbera group by name limit 0,4 I want to return the 4th row for every single record set exists where a 4th row exists ? Im obviously being stupid and not understanding. Google didnt help me either, lol
  8. yep the 4th for each name, if isnt one then just does not obviosly return a row. Here is the practical use for it in this scenario The 'name' is a horse and I want to find the 4th run for each horse to see how they performed on their 4th start.
  9. Sorry misunderstood your previous question. The 4th one does not represent anything, its just the 4th row of data found for a unique name where multiple rows exist for that name. The row I want to find will change for different queries i write, may be 3rd, 6th etc in a different query. I guess what I need is a fucntion like RANK but for mysql i.e i have NUMBER, NAME 1, JOHN 2, PETER 3, KARL 4, PETER 5, JOHN 6, JOHN 7, PETER 8, KARL 9, JOHN What i want to do is to find the 4th row of say JOHN
  10. Hi Nope, may have unlimited number of entries for name is date order, need to identify which one was the 4th for each name. I can do this via a query or if need be add a column to table and run an update script if its easier to give a number incrementing by 1 every time that name exists. Obviously increase by 1 by date asc
  11. Any help on the above please? Cant find any help wth google, lol
  12. Thanks Another request if I may If still using the below statment which returns multiple rows for 'name", how do i tell it to only return the row which is the 4th row found for the same name? note, if off any help each row is in date order as well select trainer, course, name, count(poscalc) as runs, sum(poscalc) as wins, 100/count(poscalc)/sum(poscalc) as 'win%', sum(backlsp) as 'back lsp (£)', sum(laylsp) as 'lay lsp(£)', avg(decodds) as 'ave odds' from flatresults, flatraces where racenumbera = racenumber group by trainer
  13. Thanks How do you use multiple having clauses, i.e the below is wrong. select trainer, course, count(poscalc) as Runs, sum(poscalc) as Wins, 100/count(poscalc)*sum(poscalc) as 'Win%', sum(backlsp) as 'Back lsp (£)', sum(laylsp) as 'Lay lsp(£)', avg(decodds) as 'Ave Odds' from flatresults, flatraces where racenumbera = racenumber group by trainer, course having count(poscalc) >= 50, sum(baclsp) >=50 order by Runs desc Wayne
  14. Hi I have a query as below where most of the columns returned are derived so to speak and not actuals columns, the queston is if I want to use these in WHERE or ORDER BY how do I do it, seems to return null rows for me. My original statement without the where clause was select trainer, course, count(poscalc) as runs, sum(poscalc) as wins, 100/count(poscalc)/sum(poscalc) as 'win%', sum(backlsp) as 'back lsp (£)', sum(laylsp) as 'lay lsp(£)', avg(decodds) as 'ave odds' from flatresults, flatraces where racenumbera = racenumber and 50>= (select count(poscalc) as runs from flatresults) group by trainer, course I then added a where clause as only want records as below but doe snt work, im obviouslt doing somethign majorly wrong, I also then want to put an order by on the end of the statement for the same value used for the WHERE, i.e count(poscalc) as runs select trainer, course, count(poscalc) as runs, sum(poscalc) as wins, 100/count(poscalc)/sum(poscalc) as 'win%', sum(backlsp) as 'back lsp (£)', sum(laylsp) as 'lay lsp(£)', avg(decodds) as 'ave odds' from flatresults, flatraces where racenumbera = racenumber and 50>= (select count(poscalc) as runs from flatresults) group by trainer, course Feel free to also comment on the statement in general as new to sql so recommendations for performance of the statement appreciated too. Any help greatly appreciated. Wayne
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