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  1. thank you sir for the help and tips!! i really appreciate your kindness!!
  2. is it possible that the index of an array is also an array?
  3. sir thank you for the tweak! sir another question.. what will it be if i'm going to make it radio button with the same name and everytime i will change the selection, the previous toggle will automatically display none? thanks!!
  4. good day!! my problem is, i wanted to automatically toggle back my last checked application if two checkboxes are checked.. here's the code.. <script language="javascript"> function toggleDiv(divid) { if(document.getElementById(divid).style.display == 'none') { document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block'; } else { document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none'; } } function keepCount() { var NewCount = 0 if (document.check_box.facility1.checked) { NewCount = NewCount + 1 } if (document.check_box.facility2.checked) { NewCount = NewCount + 1 } if (NewCount == 2) { alert('Pick Just One Please') document.check; return false; } } </script> <form name="check_box"> <input name="facility1" type="checkbox" value="Rooms" onclick="toggleDiv('rooms_r'); return keepCount();" /> <input name="facility2" type="checkbox" value="Conference Rooms" onclick="toggleDiv('conf_rooms'); return keepCount();" /> <div id="rooms_r" style="display:none">sample</div> <div id="conf_rooms" style="display:none">another sample</div> </form> thanks in advance!! sorry for my grammar if you can't understand.. the code that i've posted is complete.. i just want some idea how to change it... thanks!
  5. sir i'm just making this post updated..
  6. sir if i will have this example sql: SELECT tbl_booking.FK_rooms FROM tbl_booking WHERE tbl_booking.check_in_date BETWEEN '2008-01-07 08:00:00' AND '2008-01-08 07:50:00' OR tbl_booking.check_out_date BETWEEN '2008-01-07 08:00:00' AND '2008-01-08 07:50:00' then i have this data: tbl_booking ------------------------------------------------- check_in_date | check_in_time 2008-01-06 08:00:00 | 2008-01-09 12:50:00 ------------------------------------------------ their datatypes are DATETIME i can't select it.. :'( i used to try the DATE datatype and the values were just the date, the sql statement works.. but i must consider the time so i changed it to DATETIME but it fails to select... how can i make this sql statement possible to return accurate results with my sample data? thanks!!
  7. sir what i mean is the result of the query... sir how about if i have field for check in date and another field for check out date? thanks!!
  8. sir is there any alternative aside from using the BETWEEN clause so that i can also try the others for accuracy.. thanks!! cheers!!
  9. Good day!! i would like to ask, how can i make an SQL statement if i'm going to find out the range of dates.. Because i'm making my simple project for school and it is related to reservation.. if i have check in date time of 2007-01-05 13:00:00 and check out date time of 2007-01-15 12:00:59, how can i make an SQL statement for that range of time? i will use that dates so that i cannot select the rooms that are already been used and reserved for that particular date time... thanks!! cheers!!
  10. sir does it mean that if i have a function named SampLe and another is sample, it is just the same?
  11. Good day!! I would like to ask if I have a class, then if my functions have the same name but their spelling has different cases, are they the same when functions are called?
  12. sir thanks for the sample code!! it helped me solve my problem.. thanks!!
  13. i think it is really not possible to change the transition of AM PM... thanks for your replies!!! cheers!!
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