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Everything posted by webtuto

  1. hey guys I just finished beta version of my music community website , hope I can get critics , propositions from you , here is the link : http://okzik.com thanks
  2. hey guys, i made a JQUERY code that send data to another page and on this new page i put a value of an ID on a hidden form and this value I want to use it on the previous page (the page that send data) but it say : UNDEFINED , so my question is , is there a way to use a value from another page on the previous page thanks !
  3. i want to use REGEX to take the lyrics from this page http://www.lyrics.com/dont-walk-away-lyrics-miley-cyrus.html , just lyrics , i made many tries but they dont take the whole lyrics :s thanks
  4. well idont know how to do that can you edit it yourself ?
  5. yeah its a function function show_caption($mode) { $this->get_links(); $bb=""; for ($i=1;$i<=count($this->caption);$i++) { if ($mode==0) echo $this->caption[$i]."\n<br>\n"; else echo $i."-->".$this->caption[$i]."\n<br>\n"; $bb .= $this->caption[$i]; } return $bb; }
  6. i dont think so im not sure on the result shown on the page , it return links (its a crawler) and iwant to put these links in the database , everyone on his own ID i dont think its an array on the whole page there is no ARRAY()
  7. yes it return alot of r esults also $this->show_href($href)
  8. hi i have a code that INSERT information in a database $sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `docs` (`artist` ,`genre` ,`link`)VALUES ('".addslashes($this->show_caption($caption))."', 'hiphop' ,'".addslashes($this->show_href($href))."')"); $this->show_caption($caption) and $this->show_href($href) have at least 10 values so i want every re sult to be on an ID like this +id + genre + link +1 + first value of caption + first value of href +2 + second value of caption + first value of href i need LOOP using foreach or while or something , i dont know exactely what to do thanks for the help
  9. hey , i made a crawl and i had a problem my simple crawl get me the links from the front page only i want it to go thru links and get links from other pages not just the index page , here is the c ode im using --> $site = "http://www.zik4.com/"; $html = file_get_contents($site); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($html); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $links = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//a"); foreach($links as $link) { echo '<br />' . $link->getAttribute('href'); }
  10. well you can try ur self , the website is --> www.zik4.com
  11. i used the codeeu just game and and it gaves me this error --> Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\bot\index.php on line 5 line 5 is -> if (preg_match_all("/<a.*? href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>/i",$inputStream,$matches)) { ps : i copied just the latest code ugave me , i deleted the first one that uses readdir
  12. @THE EAGLE : i did that but where do i have to put the link to the website where the script m ust grab photos ??? i put the link here like that -> $site = "http://www.zik4.com/"; if ($handle = opendir($site)) { but it return this error Warning: opendir(http://www.zik4.com/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: not implemented in C:\wamp\www\bot\index.php on line 3
  13. thanks wolfrage , but i already saw this , and it return 0 , i think ididnt know how to implement it
  14. hi , i want to make a crawler that grab IMAGES LINKS from another website so i started like that $site = "http://www.zik4.com/"; $file = file_get_contents($site); and i dont know how to extract just IMAGES URLS(using regex but...) and echo them on my page any idea on how to search on a source code for a word and echo it ? thanks in advance
  15. check the PRIVATE MESSAGE i just sent you , it might be interesting for you
  16. and by the way , on you website , you dont have enough music ^^ try to upgrade ur crawler or something
  17. but i dont know how to code my own crawl any simple tutorial ?
  18. hi i made a music website http://www.zik4.com and instead of taking MP3 links from other websites MANUALLY , i like to send a bot and collect MP3 and informations about that MP3 automatikely any API or something ? thanks in advance
  19. thanks its working its easy but i just woke up lol sorry
  20. hey , im using a query like this $rand = "select * from online where ip='$ip' order by id"; i want it to choose IP adresses , but IGNORE mine any ideas ! thanks in advance
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