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Everything posted by everlifefree

  1. so would the $x be the smsaddress?
  2. ok but where exactly in the above code would i put that?
  3. Anyone?
  4. Ok I have 2 areas that display but only one works to show it the events work but the bulletins doesn't yet if I switch it so that the events is drawing info for the bulletin from the mysql then the bulletins will work in the events area and the events won't work in the bulletins area I was wondering if some one would be kind enough to review my php code and let me know what I did wrong. Php code involved in getting events and bulletins // NEXT X EVENTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Select the next 5 events */ $nextEventsSelect = myQ(" SELECT `id`,`date`,`title` FROM `[x]events` WHERE ( (`display`='private' AND `user`='".me("id")."') OR (`display`='shared' AND ($contacts `user`='".me("id")."' )) OR (`display`='public') OR (`display`='system') ) AND `date` > '".date("U")."' ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT 5 "); /* Loop in the results, create the looping array */ $i=0; while ($nextEventRow = myF($nextEventsSelect)) { $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.title"] = _fnc("strtrim", $nextEventRow["title"], 30); $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.date"] = date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE"], $nextEventRow["date"]); $nextEventsReplacementArray[$i]["event.id"] = $nextEventRow["id"]; $i++; } /* Assign the array to the loop engine */ if (isset($nextEventsReplacementArray)) $tpl->Loop("nextEvents", $nextEventsReplacementArray); if (isset($nextEventsReplacementArray)) {$tpl -> Zone("hasContact", "gotEvent");} if (!isset($nextEventsReplacementArray)) {$tpl -> Zone("hasContact", "noEvent");} // NEXT X BULLETINS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Select the next 5 bulletins */ $nextBulletinsSelect = myQ(" SELECT `id`,`username`,`title`,`date` FROM `[x]bulletins` WHERE ( (`display`='private' AND `user`='".me("id")."') OR (`display`='shared' AND ($contacts `user`='".me("id")."' )) OR (`display`='public') OR (`display`='system') ) AND `date` > '".date("U")."' ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT 5 "); /* Loop in the results, create the looping array */ $i=0; while ($nextBulletinRow = myF($nextBulletinsSelect)) { $nextBulletinsReplacementArray[$i]["bulletin.title"] = _fnc("strtrim", $nextBulletinRow["title"], 30); $nextBulletinsReplacementArray[$i]["bulletin.username"] = $nextBulletinRow["username"]; $nextBulletinsReplacementArray[$i]["bulletin.date"] = date($CONF["LOCALE_SHORT_DATE"], $nextBulletinRow["date"]); $nextBulletinsReplacementArray[$i]["bulletin.id"] = $nextBulletinRow["id"]; $i++; } /* Assign the array to the loop engine */ if (isset($nextBulletinsReplacementArray)) $tpl->Loop("nextBulletins", $nextBulletinsReplacementArray); if (isset($nextBulletinsReplacementArray)) {$tpl -> Zone("hasContacts", "gotBulletin");} if (!isset($nextBulletinsReplacementArray)) {$tpl -> Zone("hasContacts", "noBulletin");} This code is used in both of them to display the event to contact of the user if the submitter only wanted his contacts to see it (used entirely on bulletin and a little on events works fine with the events side of thing... $userContactsArray = unpk(me("contacts")); $i=0; /* We will only act if the usercontactsarray is ... an array! If it is, start looping! */ if (is_array($userContactsArray)) foreach($userContactsArray as $userContactGroup => $contactsUsersArray) { /* Loop in the users array if it is an array */ if (is_array($contactsUsersArray)) foreach($contactsUsersArray as $contactsUserID) { /* Now things starts being tricky -- We will get the third party user contacts array and verity that this user is also in the other user's contacts ... If both are in a relationship, we will show that user on the profile page */ $thirdUserContactsArray = unpk(_fnc("user", $contactsUserID, "contacts")); /* if it's an array, and that the user is in... */ if (is_array($thirdUserContactsArray) && _fnc("in_multiarray", $thirdUserContactsArray, me("id"))) { /* If "i" is zero, it means this is the first successful cycle, we will enable the contact tab in the template. */ if ($i==0) $tpl->Zone("contactsTab", "enabled"); /* Generate this entity' entry in the contacts array. */ $contactEntityArray[$i]["contact.id"] = $contactsUserID; $contacts = $contacts . "`user`='" . $contactsUserID . "'" . " OR "; $i++; } } }
  5. Ok here's what'd I'd like to do but needs some help on how to do it. The sms_address is coming in from one text input field and what I'd like to do is make it so there is the text field and a drop down field. That combine together to make the sms_address that is submitted. Here's my current code... // HANDLE SUBMITTED MOBILE BEHAVIOR CONFIG // if (isset($_POST["SubmitMobile"])) { if (!isset($mySettings)) $mySettings = unpk(me("settings")); if (!is_array($mySettings)) $mySettings = array(); $mySettings["MOBILE"]["SMSADDRESS"] = (preg_match($CONF["REGEXP_EMAIL"], $_POST["sms_address"])?$_POST["sms_address"]:NULL); $mySettings["MOBILE"]["TRUSTCONTACTS"] = (ckbool($_POST["sms_trustcontacts"])?true:false); $mySettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"] = (ckbool($_POST["sms_excludeonline"])?true:false); myQ("UPDATE `[x]users` SET `settings`='".pk($mySettings)."' WHERE `id`='".me("id")."'"); }
  6. ok fixed but now I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ishtml() in /home/sites/spadespace.com/public_html/modules/registration/register.php on line 212
  7. Below is my full new code but I get this error now: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/sites/spadespace.com/public_html/modules/registration/register.php on line 213 <?php /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PHPizabi 0.848b C1 [ALICIA] http://www.phpizabi.net // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Please read the license.txt file before using / modifying this software // // Original author: Claude Desjardins, R - [email protected] // // Last modification date: August 13th 2006 // // Version: PHPizabi 0.848b C1 // // // // (C) 2005, 2006 Real!ty Medias / PHPizabi - All rights reserved // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Check Structure Availability */ if (!defined("CORE_STRAP")) die("Out of structure call"); $tpl = new template; $tpl -> Load("register"); if (me('id') != "") { $tpl -> Zone("regform", "notallowed"); _fnc("reload", 3, "?L=users.desktop"); } if (isset($_SESSION["REG_ID"])) { $tpl -> Zone("regform", "notallowed"); _fnc("reload", 0, "?L=registration.questionaire"); } /* Handle Submit */ if (isset($_POST["Submit"]) || isset($_POST["Correct"])) { $errBreak = false; foreach ($_POST as $var => $val) { $_SESSION["REGISTER"][$var] = $val; } /* Check email address */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]) || $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"] == "" || !preg_match($CONF["REGEXP_EMAIL"], $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"])) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "email"); } else { /* Check Cloned email addresses */ if (!$CONF["REGISTRATION_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_EMAIL"] && myNum(myQ(" SELECT `email` FROM `[x]users` WHERE `email`='{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]}' ")) > 0) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "emailClone"); session_unregister("REGISTER"); } else { /* Check username */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) || $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"] == "" || !preg_match($CONF["REGEXP_USERNAME"], $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) || strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) < $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MIN_LEN"] || strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]) > $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MAX_LEN"]) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "username"); $tpl -> Zone("usernameerror", "lenerror"); } else { /* Check username being in use */ if (myNum(myQ(" SELECT `username` FROM `[x]users` WHERE LCASE(`username`)='".strtolower($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"])."'")) > 0) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "username"); $tpl -> Zone("usernameerror", "inuse"); } else { /* Check Password form */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]) || $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"] == "" || strlen($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]) < $CONF["USERS_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN"] || strstr($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"], " ")) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "password"); $tpl -> Zone("passworderror", "lenghterr"); } else { /* Check password against passcheck */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["passcheck"]) || $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["passcheck"] != $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"]) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "password"); $tpl -> Zone("passworderror", "nomatch"); } else { /* Check verification code */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["code"]) || !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["syscode"]) || $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["code"] != $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["syscode"]) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "code"); } else { /* Check age */ if ( !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]) or !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]) or !isset($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]) or _fnc("age", $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]."/".$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]."/".$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]) < $CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"] ) { $tpl -> Zone("error", "age"); } else { /* Form was correctly filled */ if (!isset($_SESSION["REG_ID"])) { /* Set reference data */ if ($CONF["REGISTRATION_SAVE_REFERENCE"]) { if ($CONF["REGISTRATION_REFERENCE:HTTP_REFERER"]) $refData = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; else $refData = (isset($_GET["ref"])?$_GET["ref"]:NULL); } else $refData = NULL; $user_settings["MAIL"]["NOTIFICATION"] = array( "MESSAGES" => 1, "EVENTS" => 1, "BIRTHDAY" => 1, "PROFILECOMMENT" => 1, "CONTACTREQUEST" => 1, "NUDGE" => 1 ); /* Save to database */ myQ(" INSERT INTO `[x]users` ( `email`, `name`, `birthdate`, `day`, `month`, `gender`, `username`, `password`, `timezone`, `country`, `state`, `city`, `zipcode`, `active`, `registration_date`, `registration_reference`, `age`, `settings` ) VALUES ( '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["name"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["gender"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"]}', '".md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"])."', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["timezone"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["country"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["state"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["city"]}', '{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["zipcode"]}', '".($CONF["REGISTRATION_AUTO_APPROVE"] && !$CONF["REGISTRATION_APPROVE_UPON_EMAIL_CHECK"]?"1":"0")."', '".date("U")."', '{$refData}', '"._fnc("age", "{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bmonth"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["bday"]}/{$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["byear"]}")."', '".pk($user_settings)."' ) "); $id = mysql_insert_id(); if ($CONF["GEOLOC_STRAPON_REGISTER"]) _fnc("geoLocalize", $id); /* Send the mail out! */ $mail = new template; $mail -> LoadThis(file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/registration.tpl")); $mail -> AssignArray(array( "site.name" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"], "site.url" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "reg.confirmURL" => "?L=registration.confirm&id={$id}&code=".md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"].$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"].md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"])) )); $mail -> AssignArray($_SESSION["REGISTER"]); /* Split the body and the subject, then send the mail */ $mailContent = explode("\n", $mail->Flush(1), 2); /* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */ include_once("system/functions/classes/mail.class.php"); $mail = new SendMail; $mail -> From = "{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>"; $mail -> To = $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]; $mail -> Subject = $mailContent[0]; $mail -> Body = $mailContent[1]; $mail -> SMTPHost = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"]; $mail -> SMTPPort = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"]; $mail -> SMTPUser = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"]; $mail -> SMTPPassword = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"]; $mail -> SMTPTimeout = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"]; $mail -> MailMethod = $CONF["MAIL_METHOD"]; $mail -> Charset = $CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"]; $mail -> Encoding = $CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"]; $mail -> SendmailPath = $CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"]; $mail -> IsHTML(true) $mail -> Send(); $_SESSION["REG_ID"] = $id; session_unregister("REGISTER"); $tpl -> Zone("regform", "success"); _fnc("reload", 2, "?L=registration.questionaire"); } } } } } } } } } } else { $tpl -> Zone("regform", "regform"); } /* Generate the years array */ $i=0; for ($n = date("Y")-($CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"]-1); $n > $CONF["REGISTER_YEAR_STARTAT"]; $n--) { $yearOptions[$i]["year"] = $n; $i++; } $tpl -> Loop("years", $yearOptions); $replace["age"] = $CONF["USERS_MIN_AGE"]; /* Username min/max len values */ $replace["username_minlen"] = $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MIN_LEN"]; $replace["username_maxlen"] = $CONF["USERS_USERNAME_MAX_LEN"]; $replace["password_minlen"] = $CONF["USERS_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN"]; /* Generate the genders array */ $genders = explode(",", $CONF["USERS_GENDERS"]); $i=0; foreach ($genders as $g) { $genderArray[$i]["gender"] = $g; $i++; } $tpl -> Loop("genderoption", $genderArray); /* Generate the random verification code */ $replace["vcode"] = rand(1000,9999); $tpl -> AssignArray($replace); $tpl -> CleanZones(); $tpl -> Flush(); ?>
  8. oh got ya
  9. I know but I don't fully understand the concept so can you show me it actually used in the code??
  10. Where would I add that? In the one that doesn't work?
  11. I was wondering why one section of my site will send html email and the other just send crap mail as I call it. Below the code from both mailers is listed, take a look and tell me what the problems caused by and how I can fix it thanks! HTML Email That Doesn't Work: /* Send the mail out! */ $mail = new template; $mail -> LoadThis(file_get_contents("theme/templates/GLOBALS/mails/registration.tpl")); $mail -> AssignArray(array( "site.name" => $CONF["SITE_NAME"], "site.url" => "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace("/index.php", NULL, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "reg.confirmURL" => "?L=registration.confirm&id={$id}&code=".md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"].$_SESSION["REGISTER"]["username"].md5($_SESSION["REGISTER"]["password"])) )); $mail -> AssignArray($_SESSION["REGISTER"]); /* Split the body and the subject, then send the mail */ $mailContent = explode("\n", $mail->Flush(1), 2); /* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */ include_once("system/functions/classes/mail.class.php"); $mail = new SendMail; $mail -> From = "{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>"; $mail -> To = $_SESSION["REGISTER"]["email"]; $mail -> Subject = $mailContent[0]; $mail -> Body = $mailContent[1]; $mail -> SMTPHost = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"]; $mail -> SMTPPort = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"]; $mail -> SMTPUser = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"]; $mail -> SMTPPassword = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"]; $mail -> SMTPTimeout = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"]; $mail -> MailMethod = $CONF["MAIL_METHOD"]; $mail -> Charset = $CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"]; $mail -> Encoding = $CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"]; $mail -> SendmailPath = $CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"]; $mail -> Send(); $_SESSION["REG_ID"] = $id; session_unregister("REGISTER"); $tpl -> Zone("regform", "success"); _fnc("reload", 2, "?L=registration.questionaire"); } } } } } } } } } } else { $tpl -> Zone("regform", "regform"); } HTML Email That Works /* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */ include_once("system/functions/classes/mail.class.php"); $mail = new SendMail; $mail -> From = "{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>"; $mail -> To = _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "email"); $mail -> Subject = $mailContent[0]; $mail -> Body = $mailContent[1]; $mail -> SMTPHost = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"]; $mail -> SMTPPort = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"]; $mail -> SMTPUser = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"]; $mail -> SMTPPassword = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"]; $mail -> SMTPTimeout = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"]; $mail -> MailMethod = $CONF["MAIL_METHOD"]; $mail -> Charset = $CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"]; $mail -> Encoding = $CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"]; $mail -> SendmailPath = $CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"]; $mail -> Send(); } if ( ckbool($userSettings["MOBILE"]["SMS"]["NOTIFICATION"]["PROFILECOMMENT"]) && ( !ckbool($userSettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"]) || ($userSettings["MOBILE"]["EXCLUDEONLINE"] && _fnc("user", $_GET["id"], "last_load") < date("U")-300) ) ) { /* Include the mail class and prepare it for the mailing */ include_once("system/functions/classes/mail.class.php"); $mail = new SendMail; $mail -> From = "{$CONF["SITE_NAME"]} <{$CONF["SITE_SYSTEM_EMAIL"]}>"; $mail -> To = $userSettings["MOBILE"]["SMSADDRESS"]; $mail -> Subject = $mailContent[0]; $mail -> Body = $mailContent[1]; $mail -> SMTPHost = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_HOST"]; $mail -> SMTPPort = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PORT"]; $mail -> SMTPUser = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_USER"]; $mail -> SMTPPassword = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD"]; $mail -> SMTPTimeout = $CONF["MAIL_SMTP_TIMEOUT"]; $mail -> MailMethod = $CONF["MAIL_METHOD"]; $mail -> Charset = $CONF["MAIL_CHARSET"]; $mail -> Encoding = $CONF["MAIL_ENCODING"]; $mail -> SendmailPath = $CONF["MAIL_SENDMAIL_PATH"]; $mail -> Send(); } }
  12. What way could I do that?
  13. Ok I'm using JavaScript to add in my titles but I would like it to also be shown when Google indexes them, instead of just on my site. The script I'm using now is below: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">document.title = document.title + " - Links & Family"</script> Any help is appreciated!
  14. Well then whats the url i use to call it with out a where?
  15. Alright here my code and it will change one query that it find by id, but I'd like to reset the whole all querys to 0 not just one. Help?? Here's my current code. // HANDLE REMOVE REQUEST /////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_GET["rm"]) && $deleteMe == "1" ) {myQ("DELETE FROM `[x]gallery` WHERE `id` = {$_GET["rm"]}");} elseif (isset($_GET["new"]) && $deleteMe1 == "1" ) {myQ("UPDATE `[x]gallery` SET `views` = '0' WHERE `id` ={$_GET["new"]}");} else {}
  16. anybode?
  17. The two colums shift and it does in IE i am unsure about firefox.
  18. Hi my site loads off an index.php file first and then loads other php file and tpl files. Is there any way that I can put something into the index.php that will offset the time on the site depending on the timezone the viewers computer is running off of.
  19. still need help... Anyone??
  20. Ok, here's my code that needs to be fixed it isn't lining up how I would like it to, I would like it keep everything lined up across the top and extend down all it needs to instead of shifting like it is now. I you would like to look at it in action go to http://spadespace.com. Login Info: Email: [email protected] Password: demo123 Please help, Thanks <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD width=350> <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="350" border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD valign=top width=345> <TABLE width="345" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=1 rules=none frame=box> <TBODY> <TR id=headtitle>Welcome, {me.username} </TR> <TR> <TD> <DIV><A href="?L=users.profile&id={me.id}"><IMG id=picture alt="[My Picture {125}]" hspace=2 src="system/image.php?file={me.mainpicture}&width=260" vspace=2 border=0 name=picture></A> <TABLE align=center border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD><B>View My:</B> <BR><A href="?L=users.profile&id={me.id}">Profile</A> | <A href="?L=pictures.gallery&id={me.id}">Pics</A> | <A href="?L=blogs.blog&id={me.id}">Blog</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD><A href="?L=comments.usercomments&id={me.id}">Comments</A> | <A href="?L=contacts.contacts">Friends</A></TD> </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE> </DIV></TD> <TD vAlign=top> <DIV class="left w40 marRL5" id=home_profileInfoLinks><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"><A href="?L=users.myself">Edit Profile</A></SPAN> <BR> <BR><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"><A href="?L=users.settings">Account Settings</A></SPAN> <BR> <BR><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"><A href="?L=pictures.pictures">Upload / Change Photos</A></SPAN> <BR> <BR><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"><A href="?L=events.create">Create Event</A> <BR> <BR></SPAN><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"><A href="?L=blogs.blog&id={me.id}">Manage Blog</A></SPAN> <BR> <BR><SPAN style="WHITE-SPACE: nowrap"></SPAN></DIV></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD colSpan=2>My URL: <A href="http://www.spadespace.com/{me.username}"><SPAN style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; 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