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Everything posted by Dark_Archon

  1. aha sn: thats jewishhh but i would try your code if i knew how to set it up with the submit and everything. i new to all this. i understand it, but yeah. thanks allot btw
  2. i know what that codes doing danny, but i dont even know how to set it up to get it to work. :/ if anyone has aim and could help me get this done, that'd be nice. :] or if it'd be easy here.
  3. yeah the link never changes, just the /1234 but im new to the whole php game. i wouldnt know how to set up the code or anything. :/
  4. i feel like javascript or something could do it. idk i feel like im making more complicated than it is. i dont have a database set up or anything. just a ftp. like i wish i could draw it out. haha i have a flash picture viewer that displays a slidshow. kinda like photobucket has, and the link i want to be changed is in the html code in the flash slidshow. and the link is where the pictures are coming from. so if you were to type 567 in the submit thing and hit enter, the url in the html code would change to http://site.com/567. so i just wanna be able to change the url in the code. im not trying to redirect or anything,
  5. i'm like kinda new to the whole php thing. and i've been searching google and everything forever. i thought it'd be an easy html problem. i need to like see something to understand.
  6. i need a submit form that if you type in 1234 in the submit form, the link in the code changes from http://link.com/ to http://link.com/1234.
  7. how would i go about doing it? even the submit form way would be nice. wouldnt that be easier? is there an easy way to explain that way?
  8. i'm new to php and would need a easy to understand answer if possible. im looking for a way to be able to enter numbers into a textarea submmit form type thing so that it changes a certain link that i need to be changed. for example: if you put 1234 in the submit form (or w/e) the url would change to http://url.com/lalala/hmm=1234 or if there's a way to to do the same thing, but changing the actual URL of my website (example: http://mywebsite.com/test/1234) so that it makes the numbers, again, http://url.com/lalala/hmm=1234.
  9. thats what i meant. its a typo. i want to have 50 per page pretty much. sorry. so how would i do that?
  10. <?php for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) { echo("<iframe src=\"http://www.url.com/$i\"></iframe>"); } ?> this is changing the www.url.com/1, and increasing it by one each time till 50. i was wondering how id get it to give me 5-100, skipping the 1-50 altogether. thanks for the help
  11. yeah thats not what i want though. i want someone to kinda get me started. like aim msn or yahoo would be good. you know? so i can ask questions.
  12. well #1, hes on a trip. and #2, he wanted me to find all the information to do it on the web. like this forum. and google. obviously he could have just wrote all the script for me in 10 min. but does anyone know where i put those 2 codes hes talking about?
  13. im not really sure where to put the 2 codes you gave me. do i put them both in the same text sheet?right now i have one text sheet, index.php. and when i go to http://localhost, it shows me all the php/html that i have in this index.php txt sheet. do i put both those codes in the same text document?
  14. i have mysql, and i have phpmyadmin. im using linux. just to let you know. :] but i already know i need to somehow get the message from the textbox to submit to the mysql database and pull the message from there to show up in another div box on the page or something. so pretty much the same look as your basic instant messenger screen. but there wont be loggin names, just a username to use when you type. but i kinda need someone to help me. because its not simple to understand everything just by looking at it. i know its super simple, so like i just would like an outline of some codes to use.
  15. hellllo. im new to PHP. Ive been wanting to learn for a while and have finally decided to get going. someone i know who knows PHP very well, gave me some "homework" to do. I have to make a Instant message type of thing, that has a textarea to enter a message, and when submitted, shows up with a list of the other messages. theres also a username input. from my knowledge, its an easy database/php project. and i was just wondering if anyone would like to help me out, because its really hard to know what to look for when searching google, and it'd be cool to get someone to help me a bit. thanks allot. if you have AIM, MSN, or Yahoo, that'd be nice. thanks
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