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Everything posted by phpnoobie9

  1. Thanks alot for the help. Just curious.. why do you have a / after '? $regexp = '/^[A-Za-z0-9.!?,"]+$/';
  2. my fault accidently pressed quote instead of modify.
  3. Allowed: A-Za-z0-9.!?," For some reason when I do this: <javascript> It allows the < and >... but if I just enter one < or > it doesn't allow it. if (!empty($title) && !empty($description)) { if (ereg('[A-Za-z0-9.!?,"]',$description)) { if (@mysql_query (htmlspecialchars($query))) { echo 'Yayayaya'; } else { echo 'An error has occured please try again.'; } } else { echo 'Some of the characters are not allowed.'; } } else { echo 'You have empty fields.'; }
  4. My tables have define widths and it's still stretching?
  5. I'm not trying to escape it. I want the form to not submit if those characters are detected.
  6. If a user enters characters in a form it can stretch the screen if the user does not use a space. How can I prevent that?
  7. If a user enters in certain characters like: *$% I want to do an if with an error statement. IE: if (user enters these characters *$%){ don't insert data into database and give error message } else { if none of the above characters are in the form. insert data. }
  8. I have a loop showing random words by using order by rand(). I have 2 random words. How am I able to make it so rand() will give each of the word a 50% chance of showing? ....so if I refresh the browser twice I should of seen both of the words.
  9. I was able to find that all the jpgs had similiar endings and was able to change all of them over using find and replace on dreamweaver. Thanks.
  10. Alright I ran a loop with the list of image names. So....I should take those and...somehow put all of them in the $imagejpg variable and convert those to $imagegif variable?..then md5 them again? Is there a way for me to just edit the last 3 characters of each name?
  11. I have about 100 images in mysql that has an md5 name and are jpgs. I want to change the jpg to gif. What's the best way to do this? SELECT image FROM mytable....then I'm lost.
  12. The below logs a users ip to the database. I need help with finding duplicates. If the ip is already in the database I don't want to add the ip again. How would I prevent that...guessing it should go in the else {}. Can I just negate $ipquery in else{}? $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $ipduplicate = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ip WHERE ip==$ip LIMIT 1"); if ($ip !== $ipduplicate) { $ipquery = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ip (ip) VALUES (\"$ip\")"); } else { do this is duplicate }
  13. Let's say I have image.jpg hosted on my site. I want to see all the websites out there that is linking to image.jpg....where would I start?
  14. I'm not trying to deny access. I'm trying to see where it's being displayed. I can see some referring sites with host log, just wondering if it's possible to track an actual image being displayed at a website.
  15. I have some images that I host. I was wondering if it's possible to see what sites are linking to my images?
  16. My fault I posted in the wrong section. I was going to post this in the Misc.
  17. Just curious if I put a meta redirect on my website and redirect it to my other website, will my first website count as a referral?
  18. For example...phpfreaks will I be able to view the source of traffic goiing to phpfreaks? I'm not talking about my website, but any website.
  19. I have an index which includes a header template. The header template has an external link to the css file. For some reason it doesn't show the effects of the css file. When I view the source it shows the correct link. The css will work if I just paste the whole style in the header section. No biggie, but was just curious why it doesn't work.
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