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Everything posted by karimali831

  1. @ TeddyKiller: thanks got it and if you look closely, it's not. @ oni-kun: if clanID is 2147483647 this means team on a tournament has been taken off so therefore I don't want it selected when I'm using this query to get all matches by clanID. It works.. so why does it matter?
  2. Hi, With this query: SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."cup_matches WHERE clan1='$getteam' || clan2='$getteam' && (clan1 != '0' && clan2 != '0') && (clan1 != '2147483647' && clan2 != '2147483647') or SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."cup_matches WHERE clan1='$getteam' || clan2='$getteam' && (clan1 != '0' && clan2 != '0') && (clan1 != '2147483647' || clan2 != '2147483647') is still picks up records where clan2 = 2147483647 and I don't want it to. So do not select if clan1 = 2147483647 OR clan2 = 2147483647. Thanks for help also.
  3. I fixed it now. The validation was below the select query and suppose to be above it if I'm making sense.
  4. I think there is a bug. Everytime I use if (strlen($_POST['score1']) > 0 && is_numeric($_POST['score1'])) {$score1=TRUE;} else {$score1=FALSE; $message_score1=" *Error! Please input a numeric value for score 1!";} if (strlen($_POST['score2']) > 0 && is_numeric($_POST['score2'])) {$score2=TRUE;} else {$score2=FALSE; $message_score2=" *Error! Please input a numeric value for score two!";} if (($_POST['score1'] == $_POST['score2']) && (strlen($_POST['score1']) > 0) && (strlen($_POST['score2']) > 0)) {$scorecheck=FALSE; $message_scorecheck=" *Error! Please ensure that score one and two are not the same!";} else {$scorecheck=TRUE; } if ($message_score1) die("$message_score1"); if ($message_score2) die("$message_score2"); if ($message_scorecheck) die("$message_scorecheck"); and I enter for example, 1 for score1 and 0 for score2, in database it shows score1 is 0 and score2 is 0? when i don't use the above it's fine.
  5. I've got it, thanks very much once again.
  6. Thanks very much Got the validations to work but not the form submit. The template is on a HTML file so I can't use php?
  7. Hi, Here is the HTML: <form action="?site=cupactions&action=score&clan1=$clanID&matchID=$matchID&cupID=$cupID" method="post" name="post"> <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="2" bgcolor="$border"> <tr> <td bgcolor="$pagebg"></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="$bg1"> <table width="100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td>%your% Score:</td> <td><input name="score1" type="text" class="form_off" id="score1" onFocus="this.className=\'form_on\'" onBlur="this.className=\'form_off\'" size="3"></td> <td>%opponent% Score: <input name="score2" type="text" class="form_off" id="score2" onFocus="this.className=\'form_on\'" onBlur="this.className=\'form_off\'" size="3"></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="right" ><input name="submit" type="submit" value="%submit%"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </form> For validations I want numeric values only and if score1 is equal/same as score 2, there will be an error. Thanks for your help
  8. Hi I want to prevent a user from submitting a form if a value in a text field is the same in another text field. anyways of doing this? thanks for help.
  9. This does work if(memin($userID,$teamid)) $variable = ''; elseif(memin($userID,$oppid)) $variable = ''; else $variable = '';
  10. what about if I wanted to use this: if(memin($userID,($teamid ||$oppid))) $variable = ''; else $variable = ''; I know that's wrong.. I want $userID and ($teamid or $oppid) I thought if(memin($userID,$teamid,$oppid)) may of worked but didn't. If I just used $teamid or $oppid it won't get all so I need to use both.
  11. Take a look at attatchment. I want to select all only from cupID 19 and (clan1 = 340 or clan2 = 340) not cupID = 19 OR clan2 = 340 only clan1 = 340 or clan2 = 340 anyway? thanks for help. [attachment deleted by admin]
  12. xD I know that. Ok, I'll show you what I mean. $variable = $asleader <?php $asleader = ' <tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2"> <td width="30%"><img src="images/icons/go.png"> <b>'.$teamname2.'</b></td> <td width="70%"><img src="images/icons/manage.gif" width="10" height="10"> <a href="?site=clans&action=show&clanID='.$clanID2.'">View/Manage Team</a></td></tr> </table></td></tr>'; ... eval("\$profile = \"".gettemplate("profile")."\";"); echo $profile; ?> the profile.html template: <tr bgcolor="$bg1"> <td bgcolor="$pagebg">$asmember</td> </tr> Output: 1 result -- row from table. If I used this: echo ' <tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2"> <td width="30%"><img src="images/icons/go.png"> <b>'.$teamname2.'</b></td> <td width="70%"><img src="images/icons/manage.gif" width="10" height="10"> <a href="?site=clans&action=show&clanID='.$clanID2.'">View/Manage Team</a></td></tr> </table></td></tr>'; It will display all rows but at top of the page so that's why I am using this variable $asleader and putting it in my html table to position it, but it only shows one row/result?
  13. Hi folks, I'm having a problem with this, hope someone can help. When I use echo ''; I receive all outputs correctly but when I use $variable = '';, I only receive one row? $asmember = ' <tr bgcolor="'.$bgcolor.'"><td> <table width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2"> <td width="30%"><img src="images/icons/go.png"> <b>'.$teamname2.'</b></td> <td width="70%"><img src="images/icons/manage.gif" width="10" height="10"> <a href="?site=clans&action=show&clanID='.$clanID2.'">View/Manage Team</a></td></tr> </table></td></tr>'; and my HTML file <tr bgcolor="$bg1"> <td bgcolor="$pagebg">$asmember</td> </tr> By using echo, it will show the results but will position it from the php file so I need to use variable.
  14. I FIXED IT!!!! I LOVE YOU!! THANK YOOOOS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! been trying to do it all day, much appreciated :D
  15. Thanks!! but <?php echo $dl['ID']; ?> in input breaks the page?
  16. No one? is there something else I can use then? java links for dropdowns.. ? so I can type in my own custom URL without these annoying "?" getting on the way. :( more complicated now than simple. Closest: index.php?site=325&action=clanregister&cupID=24&clanID=325 <CORRECT ID> <option value="'.$dm['clanID'].'">'.getclanname($dm['clanID']).'</option> Or... index.php?site=clans&action=clanregister&cupID=24&clanID=<INCORRECT ID> because option value is not $dm['clanID'] <option value="clans">'.getclanname($dm['clanID']).'</option> understand better?
  17. Something new.. $teamID = $dm['clanID']; <form action="index.php"><select name="site">'.$clan.'</select> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="clanregister"><input type="hidden" name="cupID" value="'.$dl['ID'].'"> <input type="hidden" name="clanID" value="'.$teamID.'"><input type="submit" value="Go"></form> $clan .= '<option name="clanID" value="clans">'.getclanname($dm['clanID']).'</option>'; Everything is ok except clanID is incorrect because option value is not $dm['clanID']
  18. Now I get index.php?site=325&cupID=23 needs to be index.php?site=clans&action=clanregister&cupID=23&clanID=325 There are multiple clanIDs and generates a list of clanIDs.
  19. Can you show how I can do this? when you select : <option value="'.$uri.'"> It will open $uri = 'clans%26action%3Dclanregister%26cupID%3D'.$dl['ID'].'%26clanID%3D'.$dm['clanID'].''; $uri = urldecode($uri); and show as clans%26action%3Dclanregister%26cupID%3D21%26clanID%3D325 so it don't work on dropdown
  20. $uri = 'clans%26action%3Dclanregister%26cupID%3D'.$dl['ID'].'%26clanID%3D'.$dm['clanID'].''; $uri = urldecode($uri); $clan .= '<option value="'.$uri.'">'.getclanname($dm['clanID']).'</option>'; Thanks for your help... but still no luck with the above code It does decode but not from option value?
  21. You can not decode URL on a option value for a dropdown?
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