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Everything posted by Javis

  1. Javis


    ahh i see i was thinking i needed to add it to my server index.
  2. Javis


    ya that was what i was thinking.. what would i need to do? like what code would i put in there
  3. Javis


    How would i make it so that when they type in my site name mysite.com for it to bring them to my tos and not the actaull site? My tos is a page which i made for them to have to read through the rules and agree to them before they can enter the site. Is that possible? or would i have to tell every one to go to mysite.com/tos? Thanks in advance
  4. Javis


    Not what im asking lol I have already set up the tos so it redirects to my site.. what im looking for is a way to make it when the type in my site like lets say mysite.freehostia.com for it to bring me to my tos and not my web site. also note that my tos is not a pop up. It is a seperate page.
  5. Javis


    my tos is in php i was just wondering how to do this and it seemed more like an html thing to me. Its not a pop up any ways. What it is would be like say my site was phpfreaks.com. When you type that url into the address bar it would bring you to my tos page ensted of my actuall site
  6. Javis


    Umm what would i need to do (if i even can) to make it so on my site (im using free hostia as a host) i have a certain page come up before another. An example of this would be before i have my forums come up i would like for it to display my tos page. If you have any questions about what im asking just ask because im sure it isnt very clear lol. Thanks in advance
  7. Javis


    alright ill give it a try thanks m8
  8. Javis


    i know here one sec i got an idea now I want it eather when i click no or if i enter no for it to redirect me back to my tos page. I just need to know what code and where i should put in there because everything ive tryed doesnt work
  9. Javis


    that is all the code. the rest is just the terms and ect that they have to read and decide if the agree to it or not. Its a terms of sevice page just like on Moparisthebest and a couple other sites. I just want to make it so when they click no it just redirects them back to the terms of service page again
  10. Javis


    no thats kind of what i was asking for ive tryed a few different things none of them work so im asking if any one could give some advice of what i should put where
  11. Javis


    Alright Ive been trying to make a tos for a friend but im having someproblems at the part where they type i agree to enter and no to not enter. heres what i got so far: <br /><br /><font color="white">Type <i>'yes'</i> if you agree to <i>ALL</i> of the above terms. Click <i>'no'</i> if you do not agree to <i>ALL</i> of the above term<br /> </font> <br /><form method="get" action="my website is entered here."> <input name="agree" size="20" /><br /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="I Agree" /> <input type="submit" name="No" value="No" /> Now when i enter yes it takes me to my web site but if i enter no it also takes my to my site.... If i click no it still takes me to my site. Any ideas on what i should do for if i click no or enter no for it to redirect me straight back to the tos?
  12. umm fixed that one will post back if i have any more errors that i need help with
  13. your asking for this right? if not sorry $rec=(object)$q->getrow();
  14. got a new problem went through and fixed a few others but i dont know what to do with this one Call to a member function query() on a non-object on line 20 lines 19-22 look like the following $sSQL="Select * from ".$pho_main." where parent=$num order by name"; $q->query($DB, $sSQL); $rec=(object)$q->getrow(); if($q->numrows()==0){ any suggestions
  15. lol i keep missing the reply button. any ways ill rename it something random.
  16. thorpe got an axample or you mean like any name? im extremely new to this stuff
  17. alright I'm new to php so im trying to learn some stuff and ive already done most of the basics. Im following a tut to build my first web site and when i debug my file i get this error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare hash_file() on line 180 the code on line 180 looks like this function hash_file ($strFilename) { $n = 0; for ($posFilename = strlen($strFilename) -1; $posFilename >= 0; $posFilename-- ) { $n *= 2; if ($n & 4096) { $n |= 1; } $n ^= (ord($strFilename[$posFilename])*11); $n &= 4095; } return sprintf ("%02o/%02o", ($n/64) & 63 , $n&63); } any one know what i should do? thanks in advanced
  18. alright ty if you happen to come accross any give me a hallor eather here or at jagexcs@yahoo.com
  19. would you happen to know where to get the congif.php? because the script is on this site and i also seen some comments under it asking for that but idk where to get it
  20. Alright well my friend was looking for a script for his web site (one to make it so you can leave comments under a post kind of like on you tube where you can leave a comment under a video) any ways I had asked some one and they gave me this link http://www.phpfreaks.com/quickcode/Complete-Guestbook/349.php i gave that to my friend he tryed it and got these errors. Warning: include(config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/110mb.com/d/a/r/k/m/a/s/t/darkmasterscape/htdocs/Complete-Guestbook.php on line 56 Warning: include(config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/110mb.com/d/a/r/k/m/a/s/t/darkmasterscape/htdocs/Complete-Guestbook.php on line 56 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'config.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /www/110mb.com/d/a/r/k/m/a/s/t/darkmasterscape/htdocs/Complete-Guestbook.php on line 56 Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'vhostswww'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /www/110mb.com/d/a/r/k/m/a/s/t/darkmasterscape/htdocs/Complete-Guestbook.php on line 294 Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /www/110mb.com/d/a/r/k/m/a/s/t/darkmasterscape/htdocs/Complete-Guestbook.php on line 294 Error:Access denied for user 'vhostswww'@'localhost' (using password: NO) any one wana help or recomend a better code? thanks to any one who helps as i am horrible at this kind of stuff but would love to help my friend
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