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Posts posted by rubing

  1. I was RTFMing today reading up on basic classes, when i came accross this users post to the php manual:


    If you just want to create a new object that extends another object and you want to copy all variables from the father object, you may use this piece of code:


    $father =& new father();

    $father->a_var = "Hello World.";


    $son = new son($event);




    class father {

        public $a_var;



    class son extends father {

        public function __construct($father_class) {

            foreach ($father_class as $variable=>$value) {

                $this->$variable = $value;




        public function say_hello() {

            echo "Son says: ".$this->a_var;




    This outputs:


    Son says: Hello World.


    I copied and pasted his script, but it did not work.  Then I figured that he must mean to replace $father_class with the actual instance name of the father class object.  So, I replaced $father_class with just $father. 


    Php issues the warning:


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/bob/public_html/dirtrag.com/public/test.php on line 15



    Finally, I said to myself:


    self:  why does this dude have the ampersand (&) in his code:


    $father =& new father();


    so, I tried removing the ampersand.  still it does not work. 


    ??? ???

  2. I am downloading large files via php with libcurl.  The range option does not seem to be working:


    				$fp=fopen ($g, "w");
    				curl_setopt ($cp, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    				curl_setopt ($cp, CURLOPT_HEADER ,0);
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt");
    				curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt");
    				//lets download the mp3 directly for now
    				if ($proxy!==FALSE)
    						curl_setopt($cp, CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);


    Running this script and I receive an error like this:


    Operation timed out after 260000 milliseconds with 4303905 out of 7709889 bytes received


    So, obiously its downloading more than the range I specified above.

  3. From my understanding the return value is bash's.  And the 255 code means that the program generated a return value that was out of range. 


    Anyways, I just managed to fix by setting the permissions on these directories as 777


    It seems that i need to do this with every directory php may write to, even though  I added apache to the same group as my main user who owns these folders.  I guess it's not really a problem since I am the only one who accesses the site, but this still bugs for the long term. 

  4. I am trying to execute system command, but am getting a return value of 255.  (i guess from bash)


    Here is my php script:

    echo '<pre>';
    passthru('lame --mp3input --resample 44.1 -m s --alt-preset cbr 192 -q 0 /home/bob/public_html/blahblah.com/public/ads/fosters.mp3 /home/bob/public_html/blahblah.com/public/ads/fosters2.mp3',$retval);
    // Printing additional info
    echo '
    <hr />output: 
    <hr />Return value: ' . $retval;



    And this is the output I get:



    Return value: 255



    When I input this command on my shell it works fine. 



  5. I just installed the pecl extension pecl_http.  while it was installing i saw a warning fly by saying i did not have the libevent libraries installed.  I went ahead installed them, but now if i try to reinstall the pecl_http extension it says:

    Ignoring installed package pecl/pecl_http

    Nothing to install

    How can I recompile or uninstall/reinstall. 


  6. hi, i need help with a query.


    I want to change the following query, so that will not insert duplicate entries for records that have: (ip AND port) of an already existing record.


    INSERT INTO ProxyList (ip,port,speed) VALUES ($ip,$port,$speed);



  7. I am trying to parse an xml/rss url, however when I try to get the url i get a http 304 not modified error.  For example if I try to retrieve the file using file_get_contents, I receive the following error:


    Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.xroxy.com/rss) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified in /home/rubing/public_html/mysite.com/public/xml.php on line 2



    I guess this is b/c apache is keeping a cached copy of this page??  How do I tell it not to cache it.  Or alternatively retrieve this cached copy?? 


    THank you very much!

  8. I am afraid there is some serious bug here!!!  I am seeing these errors intermittenly, sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.  It crops up on a number of different queries.  Here is the query  i have seen it come up for the most often.  [error follows query]



    //echo $sessionid;
    //lookup ad to play
    $query="SELECT ad.ad_id, ad.owner_api, ad.file,ad.plays_purchased, ad.times_played, ad_limit.advert_id, ad_log.sess_id, ad_log.date_played, ad_log.ad_played, plays_per_session, COUNT( ad_log.ad_played ) AS num_times_played
    FROM ad
    LEFT JOIN ad_limit ON ad.ad_id = ad_limit.advert_id
    LEFT JOIN ad_log ON ( ad_log.ad_played = ad.ad_id
    AND ad_log.sess_id ='".$sessionid."' )
    WHERE ad.owner_api =".$api."
    AND ad.plays_purchased > ad.times_played
    GROUP BY ad.ad_id
    HAVING num_times_played < plays_per_session
    ORDER BY num_times_played ASC 
    LIMIT 1";
    //Set the query up to be executed
    $result = $conn->query($query);
    //*note api is an integer assigned by a get variable:  
    //$api= (int) $_GET['api']





    mysqli_sql_exception: No index used in query/prepared statement SELECT ad.ad_id, ad.owner_api, ad.file,ad.plays_purchased, ad.times_played, ad_limit.advert_id, ad_log.sess_id, ad_log.date_played, ad_log.ad_played, plays_per_session, COUNT( ad_log.ad_played ) AS num_times_played FROM ad LEFT JOIN ad_limit ON ad.ad_id = ad_limit.advert_id LEFT JOIN ad_log ON ( ad_log.ad_played = ad.ad_id AND ad_log.sess_id ='dec2316aa286d564e349096574b44861' ) WHERE ad.owner_api =1 AND ad.plays_purchased > ad.times_played GROUP BY ad.ad_id HAVING num_times_played < plays_per_session ORDER BY num_times_played ASC LIMIT 1 in /home/rubing/public_html/citymusicnow.com/public/music_serve.php on line 118

    Call Stack

    # Time Memory Function Location

    1 0.0725 166688 {main}( ) ../music_serve.php:0

    2 0.0753 258544 mysqli->query( ) ../music_serve.php:118

  9. This is driving me crazy.  I have a query that works fine when I test it using phpmyadmin.  However, when I try to execute it in my php script I receive the following error: 


    Warning: mysqli_result::fetch_assoc() [function.mysqli-result-fetch-assoc]: Couldn't fetch mysqli_result in /home/public_html/music_serve1.php on line 100


    Here is the query:


     SELECT ad.ad_id, ad.owner_api, ad.file, ad.plays_purchased, ad.times_played, ad_limit.advert_id, ad_log.sess_id, ad_log.date_played, ad_log.ad_played, plays_per_session, COUNT( ad_log.ad_played ) AS num_times_played
    FROM ad
    LEFT JOIN ad_limit ON ad.ad_id = ad_limit.advert_id
    LEFT JOIN ad_log ON ( ad_log.ad_played = ad.ad_id
    AND ad_log.sess_id = '927fd56a2dbf9aecd4162711bc159284' )
    WHERE ad.owner_api =1
    AND ad.plays_purchased > ad.times_played
    GROUP BY ad.ad_id
    HAVING num_times_played < plays_per_session
    ORDER BY num_times_played ASC
    LIMIT 1 

  10. sorry i got it a little backwards....here is my user info:


    uid=1000(bob) gid=1000(bob) groups=1000(bob)


    and php gives the same uid=1000, gid=1000


    the directory i am trying to write to is listed as follows:


    drwxr-xr-x 2 bob bob 4096 Oct 19 00:43 played



    ,so there really shouldn't be a problem, right??


    However I get the following error: 


    Warning: fopen(../public/played/e_santiago.mp3) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/bob/public_html/citymusicnow.com/private/lib_php/merge_mp3.inc on line 481




  11. I get a permission denied warning when trying to write a file to disk using fopen, however fopen is enabled.  I think this comes down to permissions.  My suid and guid for php is 1000, however my directories on my server are all owned by a user 4096.  Do I have to create a common group for php and the user??


    Alternatively making all folders readable and writeable seems insecure and dangerous.

  12. I'm learing python from a WROX beginning Python book.  I am having trouble understanding their __init__(self, items={}): function.  I guess it's a constructor function that's run when the class is instantiated? Here is their code:


    class Fridge:
        """This class implements a fridge where ingredients can be
        added and removed individually, or in groups.  
        The fridge will retain a count of every ingredient added or removed,
        and will raise an error if a sufficient quantity of an ingredient 
        isn't present.
        has(food_name [, quantity]) - checks if the string food_name is in the fridge.  Quantity will be set to 1 if you don't specify a number.
        has_various(foods) - checks if enough of every food in the dictionary is in the fridge
        add_one(food_name) - adds a single food_name to the fridge
        add_many(food_dict) - adds a whole dictionary filled with food
        get_one(food_name) - takes out a single food_name from the fridge
        get_many(food_dict) - takes out a whole dictionary worth of food.
        get_ingredients(food) - If passed an object that has the __ingredients__ 
                method, get_many will invoke this to get the list of ingredients.
        def __init__(self, items={}):
            """Optionally pass in an initial dictionary of items"""
            if type(items) != type({}):
                raise TypeError, "Fridge requires a dictionary but was given %s" % type(items)
            self.items = items


    Is 'self' a reserved word here refrencing the object?  OR just a regular  variable?


    What is the point of this line??


    self.items = items


    does there really need to be a return statement?


    ??? ???

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