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Everything posted by graham01

  1. i have managed to do this now, but when i click on my dragable object it brings it to the front and covers the boxes, by any chance is there a way of keeping these boxes ontop of everything? Graham
  2. I know this is possible and probebly simple to do, but I cant do javascript. Basically, I have a vertical drag and drop script, I need 2 text boxes, 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom, which display the vertical co-ordinates of how many pixels down they are. Thanks a lot, Graham.
  3. i have seen multiple examles where a table colums can be dynamically resized with drag and drop, is there a way for rows?
  4. please help, there must be a way to do this. thanks
  5. $result = mysql_query("SELECT review.date,review.time,customer.firstname,customer.surname,review.review FROM customer,review where customer.customerid=review.customerid order by review.date,review.time DESC"); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); echo "There are $num_rows reviews.<P>"; while ($get_info = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "<table height=120 width= 900 border=1 class=review><tr> <td width=200><font face=arial size=2>$get_info[0] at $get_info[1]</font></td> <td width=100><font face=arial size=2>$get_info[2] $get_info[3]</font></td> <td width=500><font face=arial size=2>$get_info[4]</font></td> </tr></table>"; } its basically for displaying the reviews on a website for a business, but i want them to be displayed on a picture of a scroll with the size of the scroll depending on the amount that is displayed thanks
  6. this just makes it repeat though, i need 1 image to stretch, the image isnt just a single color. thanks
  7. is it posible to set a background image as a table and have it stretch to fir the whole table depending on the size? thanks
  8. hi, i am using DOM drag and drop script now for draging multiple items between a set point, does anyone know how i could make one item push another out the way on contact? thanks, Graham.
  9. Is this possible? I need to have an unset amounts of items in a table cell that can be moved up and down, but only inside the table cell. I would also like it if the items cant overlap or swap over. Thanks alot
  10. got them all moveable up and down the page now by copying some code from somewhere, but now i need them to push each other out the way and be resizable
  11. thanks, can't find what i want though
  12. i know it seems a lot but can anyone give me some sort of idea please? thanks
  13. Hello, this is what i would like to do: i have an unset amount of tables, they need to be draged and droped up and down the screen only.. i have managed to do this part. I also need the table that is being moved to push others out the way, but not overlap or swap places. This is for a unique booking system where the Y axis is the time length the booking is for, with a line on the left hand side showing the hours in the certain day. so as they are dragged it needs to record the time and date they are at.. unfortunatly the tables also have to be resized if possible vertically, i.e. you can click on the top line and drag it up from a 1 hour booking to a 2 hour booking. I hope this is even possible and that someone can help me.. i have googled drag and drop javascript and i know stuff like this is possible, but i am new to javascript and just dont have a clue. thanks a lot.
  14. yeah i know, can anyone help me with the code please?
  15. Hello, this is quite hard to explain. I have an unset of tables that are echo'd on the screen using a while statement, there is a button on each table in which the page is refreshed and another row is put on the end containing a textarea. The textarea needs to be the same height of the table, I know this is really easy if the height of each table was set, but the height of the tables depend on what is in them.. so how do i do this? I just need it to find me the height of each table.. is this possible? Thanks.
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