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Everything posted by lenerd3000

  1. hi, i want my files to be secured and can only be access if you are authorize. i want it to be multiuser. how can i do that. i have tried using http authentication but its a single user only. my web server should be capable of accepting users with different username and password. anyone here has an idea?
  2. hi again, hav another problem. i want my link to pass a value of select button to my popup menu. but how should i do that. i dont want to use submit button coz it will make my page to refresh... that is: i hav a select box name student and a hyperlink... if i click my hyperlnk i want to get the selected value and pass it to my popup menu.. how can i do that...
  3. that's rely confuse me... i know its syntax is correct but i can't make it work.
  4. hi, is it possible for a popup menu to stay on its position even if my main page is active? eg. after i click a link, a new window will open. i want it to stay in a certain place cos i will compare some values from it to my main page... i dont think modal windows can do? anybody pls help me...
  5. i have a form and a select. everytime i change the select value should submit the form auto but its not firing.. heres my code: <form action='index.php' method='post' name='submitForm' id='submitForm'> <select name='campaign' id='campaign' onchange="javascript: document.getElementById('submitForm').submit();"> <option value='1'>1</option> <option value='2'>2</option> </select> can u show me whats lacking in my code? i have already use: <select name='campaign' id='campaign' onchange="document.getElementById('submitForm').submit();"> <select name='campaign' id='campaign' onchange="form.submit();"> <select name='campaign' id='campaign' onchange="submitForm.submit();"> but nothings happen.
  6. ok i got it. SELECT * FROM students WHERE status = 'Verified' AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT studentid FROM records WHERE (reocrds.fname = 'joe' AND records.studentid = students.id))
  7. hi, suppose i have 2 table. i want to get all the records from table1 where table1's id is not exist in table2. how can do that. my code is like this: SELECT * FROM students WHERE status = 'Verified' AND not EXISTS(SELECT studentid FROM records WHERE (fname = 'joe')) nothing happen for that. pls help. mysql version is 5.0
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