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  1. Thanks Tazerenix I solved it with radio buttons and that seems to work and looks just as good. Can't understand why the checkboxes don't work but thanks for the code. Take it easy! p
  2. Hi, It seems that I can't echo the value of the checkbox in from Html to display in PHP. Can anyone show me some basic code so I can figure it out please?
  3. I am trying to post a checkbox value form HTML to PHP thus HTML <form> <input type="checkbox" name="IA" value="IA" /> IA Only<br /> </form PHP $_POST['IA']; if($_POST['IA'] !=TRUE){ echo "IA Only Selected" } If I run the page with the above PHP I get an Error 500 - What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks Pikachu2000 all sorted now. As the song says "Tonight's gona be a good night" P
  5. Hi thanks for the reply. I can't seem to get the html file to post the variable to the PHP. I put together some simple code and still didn't <html> <head> <title>Data Survey</title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" name="html" method="post" action="SurveyAdd.php"> Clock No: <label> <input name="Clock" type="text" /> </label> <p> Group: <input name="group" type="text" /> </p> <p> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" /> <input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset" /> </p> </form> </body> </html> <html> <head> <Title>Post page</title> </head> <body> <?php $Clock = $_POST['Clock']; $group = $_POST['group']; ?> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3> <tr><td> Your Staff No: <td> <?=$Clock?> <tr><td> Your Task Group: <td> <?=$group?> <tr><td> </body> </html>
  6. Mind has gone blank on me. What I have is a survey html file where I want to post the fields to a php file and use the php file to insert the passed field names into my mysql database. I can't remember the get into php code and insert Any help I would be grateful.
  7. Thanks for all your help guys - It's now tested and working. What I used in the end was $oDate = strtotime("$rows[CompletedIT]"); $sDate = date("d/m/Y", $oDate); echo "UK Format:" . " " . "Task Closed on..." . " " . $sDate
  8. When I use $oDate = strtotime("$row[CompletedIT]"); $sDate = date("'d/m/y' $oDate"); echo $sDate I just get todays date displayed If I just use echo $rows["CompletedIT"]; I get the date value from the DB 2010-07-22
  9. Using $oDate = strtotime($row["CompletedIT"]); $sDate = date('d/m/y',$oDate); echo $sDate gives me the echo return of 01/01/70 when the date stored is 2010-07-22 Does the 01/01/70 indicate something like PHP can't find the recor? I've been on this all day now and I think I am going round in circles.
  10. I’m using this string $oDate = strtotime($row['CompletedIT']); $sDate = date(“d/m/y”,$oDate); echo $sDate to get the MYSQL date value stored in the table row ‘CompletedIT’. The database value is 2010-07-22 but I get the echo return of 01/01/70 Can someone give me an idea as I want to display the date as dd/mm/yyyy Thanks in advance
  11. WOW that was fast.... My day is going to be great.... All fixed now! Thanks P
  12. It's been driving me mad. For some reason I cannot get the $GET to work. What I have is http://localhost/working/JobData2.php?16 I want to pass the valve 16 to a job number i.e $Jobno = $_GET['Jobno']; If I use print_r($_Get); if($_GET["a"] === "") echo "a is an empty string\n"; if($_GET["a"] === false) echo "a is false\n"; if($_GET["n"] === null) echo "a is null\n"; if(isset($_GET["a"])) echo "a is set\n"; I get a null value returned. Can some help please?
  13. Thanks for that... I can't use the add slashes in this case bacuses anything can be placed in the $message field i.e. [Hello this 'is' my name] or [web sever address \\myserver\inetpub\www]
  14. Is it quite easy to upgrade from PHP v4 to V5?
  15. Surly there must be a way to send any type of characters to a MySql table field? ???
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