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Everything posted by drisate

  1. make sure ENum is set to INT thats all i can think of untile you can give more details.
  2. I am not a htacess pro, but yu can try something like this RewriteRule ^example\.html$ example.php
  3. This is what you wana do http://techie-buzz.com/ask-techie/create-seo-friendly-urls-using-mod-rewrite-and-php-part-1.html
  4. PHP has an XML parsser integrated. Take a look and you will find all you need http://ca3.php.net/xml
  5. Nah no need to, let me use my PHP crystal ball Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmm I see ... Line 394 is what you looking for Beware the evil ;! Nah just kidding hehe Couls be a lot of things bro. A PHP error or a MySQL error with repporting set to 0 would do that.
  6. chomode your file ;-)
  7. You can do this $email1, $email2: @mail("$email1, $email2", 'Celsur Plastics Order', $msg->get_content(), "From: Celsur Plastics <[email protected]>\nBcc: [email protected]\n".constants::html_email_headers); or you can duplicate the line if you wana send diffrent content @mail("$email1", 'Celsur Plastics Order 1', $msg->get_content(), "From: Celsur Plastics <[email protected]>\nBcc: [email protected]\n".constants::html_email_headers); @mail("$email2", 'Celsur Plastics Order 2', $msg->get_content(), "From: Celsur Plastics <[email protected]>\nBcc: [email protected]\n".constants::html_email_headers);
  8. I dont see why you would need to use preg_replace for that. Can you explain in more details what your trying to do?
  9. What is it doing?
  10. Never said that bro But i have to admit i did'int look your code, only your question ad thought you where trying to use a $ var as a current row value ... never mind
  11. What are you trying to do bro? Are you trying to delete the value? try unset() instead.
  12. I think you wana doe something like this <html> <?php if ($_POST){ if ($_POST[bla1]==""){$error=$error."Bla1 is empty!<br>";} if ($_POST[bla2]==""){$error=$error."Bla2 is empty!<br>";} if ($_POST[bla3]==""){$error=$error."Bla3 is empty!<br>";} if ($error==""){ // No error go insert }else{ form($error) } }else{ form(""); } function form($error){ if ($error!=""){ print ('<div id="error_message">'.$error.'</div>'); } } ?> </html>
  13. max(project_id) stands for the value of the current row and max($project_id) uses and external value as SQL does not set $project_id vars. In other words, max($project_id) is never gona work.
  14. My guess is that when you upload an image your image is uploaded to the less loaded server and each folder probably has a size limit after what the system auto creates the next folder.
  15. I am not sure abbout this part $_POST as $fieldid => $value can you show us your table structure? and perform a echo "<pre>"; print_r($fieldid); echo "</pre>";
  16. Why not make stuff simpler ... // Check if the row exist $check = @current(@mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("SELECT count(userid) FROM formdata where userid='$userid'"))); if ($check!="0"){ // The row exist, perform update $UPDATE = mysql_query("UPDATE [...]") or die (mysql_error()); }else{ // The row does not exist, perform insert into $INSERT = mysql_query("INSERT INTO [...]") or die (mysql_error()); }
  17. How can i redirect this http://blessingstairs.org/index.php?mod=registration&option=A&Itemid=B To this: http://blessingstairs.org/index.php?mod=registration Permanently using htaccess? note, In option=A, A stands for A-Z and _ In Itemid=B, B stands for a random number
  18. Hey guys i have a number ex: 4 And i need it to be formatted into a minimum of 2 characters. Ex: 04 1. count the numbers of character of the string 2. If 1 number found add 0 in front I was wandering if there was a faster way to do it with an already made php function?
  19. Hey guys, I need to create a PHP script that can import a user's contacts from the following sites: Hotmail, Aol Mail, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hi5, Friendster, FaceBook, MySpace, & Orkut. Anybody know if theres one usable to start me out already? or can give me a hint on how i can extract those for each one of them?
  20. in case others has this prob this is what i did RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.beta\.***\.org$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^beta\.***\.org$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^$ [NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^([^\.]+)\.beta\.***\.org$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://beta.***.org/index.php?mod=save&user=%1 [R=301,L]
  21. hey guys i am trying to make shorter URL's to view my users profile instead of index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&Itemid=0&user=22 it would be 22.beta.***.org This is my .htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.beta.***.org RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([^.]+)\.beta.***.org RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&Itemid=0&user=%1 I have the DNS set up for wild card ... but when i try to acess the "sub sub domain" i get a 404 page not found error ...
  22. By the way i do have the dns wild card set up and the .htacess is at the beginning of the domain.
  23. nope ... not working ... RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.beta.***.org RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([^.]+)\.beta.***.org RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&Itemid=0&user=%1 I get a 404 not fount error The code should redirect 1.beta.***.com to the users profile
  24. Found it thx RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.mydomain.com RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ([^.]+)\.mydomain.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /profile.php?mid=%1
  25. Hey guys i need to create a virtual subdomain for a referal systeme domain.comindex.php?user=Joe123 Should be accessible by going at Joe123.domain.com How do i set my htacess for that?
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