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Everything posted by schilly

  1. Yea. That was my idea with the BCC option. Other option: You may be able to create the email account via cmd line through qmail instead of via plesk. http://www.whirlycott.com/phil/pop3.html This relies on your PHP build having exec access. The apache user probably doesn't have access to do that so you may need to "su" to the root account. Other option would be to create some kind of nix script (bash, shell, etc) and exec that from your php file.
  2. not that I know of. there may be a global config file. you could still use the same script, you would just need to set up the .qmail file every time a new email account was created or depending how your system works, BCC a specific email account set up for piping.
  3. no prob. ya the piping part is definitely the hardest. see my blog if you want to parse out the header info. ill have a post up this week on saving attachments and i have a post in the works on parsing bounce emails.
  4. any errors when you include it? it looks ok. turn on full error reporting error_reporting(E_ALL);
  5. hmmm can't see any errors but I did find this article: http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/php/port-scanning-and-service-status-checking-in-php-870/
  6. add an input submit button in with the id of the row you want to delete as part of the button name (eg. name='submit-12'). Then when the form posts grab the id from the button name and delete the row.
  7. echo out $qry and $qrytable1 and make sure they look right. This if($result) { should probably be if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
  8. Wait. Delete off the person's computer or off the web server?
  9. Looks ok. Can you paste the full headers of the email you receive? You should remove the quotes on $supportemail: mail('$supportemail', $subject, $message, $headers);
  10. What are your web server's permissions on that directory? If it can't delete the file, it likely can't chmod it either.
  11. First thing that sticks out [root@ip-ip~]# vi /var/qmail/mailnames/epartnersoftware.com/RELI/.qmail | true ./Maildir/ /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/emailparser/email_parse.php You need to have | in front of your script path. [root@ip-ip~]# vi /var/qmail/mailnames/epartnersoftware.com/RELI/.qmail | true ./Maildir/ | /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/emailparser/email_parse.php Start with my blog example script first to make sure the piping is working properly: #!/usr/bin/php <?php // read in email from stdin $fd = fopen("php://stdin", "r"); $email = ""; while (!feof($fd)) { $email .= fread($fd, 1024); } fclose($fd); //send us the email to make sure it worked mail('email@domain.com','someone sent us an email at pipe_email@domain.com',"Here is the the full email:\n\n$email"); ?> I'm fairly certain the qmail *nix user cannot access your httpdocs directory so you need to put your script somewhere the qmail *nix user can access it. Make sure any includes you put in your script use the full path. Any includes must also be accessible by the qmail *nix user. Change your .qmail first first then try my sample script and see what happens.
  12. What does echo $query1_id; output? Does the row get inserted into efed_bio?
  13. Or use a hash of the page name and a secret word and pass it through the ajax vars then verify on the other end.
  14. Your slashes are wrong and you can't pass variables into an include.
  15. I think you want this: if (($update_avatar1 == 'vPets/Acara11.gif'))
  16. I found developing for PayPal somewhat difficult. They have a couple different guides, some of which contradict themselves. A lot of the documentation is hard to find. There are also hidden "features/bugs" that you get to find out first hand on things that don't work like the documentation says it should. Best thing to do is contact PayPal MTS with any debug info. They are usually pretty good at telling you what the issue is even though you might rip your hair out at the insanity of the issue.
  17. same session if it's on the same server.
  18. Use $_POST instead of $_REQUEST. Also before you start working with variable just do: mail('email@domain.com','Test Email','Test Body'); to exclude any possible error from the variables you're entering. See if that will send to your 1and1 accounts. If it does then there is a problem with your input vars.
  19. ooops. needed to escape backslash. try that. i just tested it and it works.
  20. np. yup that's the same fix I used.
  21. preg_match('/<([a-z,\d]*)>([a-z,\s,\d]*)</[a-z,\d]*>/i',$string,$matches); try that.
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