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  1. It seems your index.php file is outputting data to the browser before line 105 which is preventing the header("Location: news.php"); statement from working which may be caused by white space or characters before the statement. Another cause could be that if you are code is in UTF-8 (with BOM), there is always 3 invisible characters before the script even starts. You may be able to fix the problem by changing your coding or use UTF-8 without BOM. A great free program that will do this is Notepad++. Do a google search and download. If you are still having troubles or do not understand what I'm on about I will need to see more/all code to help you further. Good luck mate!
  2. I was wondering if someone could help me with a PHP rating script dilemma. I am using DRBRatings script and would like to change the ratings drop down menu to radio buttons. I have tried several times to figure it out myself but end up with nothing more than a headache! I believe I need to change the code in the following lines of the ratings.php. function show_rate_form($id) { global $RATE_THIS_STRING; global $MAX_STARS; global $SUBMIT_BUTTON_STRING; global $RATING_LABELS; global $RATING_LIST_DEFAULT_LABEL; global $RATINGS_URL; global $RATING_ID_PARAM_NAME; global $RATING_PARAM_NAME; echo("\t<form class=\"rateIt\" method=\"post\" action=\"" . $RATINGS_URL . "rate.php\">\r\n"); echo("\t\t" . htmlspecialchars($RATE_THIS_STRING) . "\r\n"); echo("\t\t<select name=\"" . htmlspecialchars($RATING_PARAM_NAME) . "\">\r\n"); echo("\t\t\t<option value=\"\">" . htmlspecialchars($RATING_LIST_DEFAULT_LABEL) . "</option>\r\n"); for($i = 1; $i <= $MAX_STARS; $i++) { echo("\t\t\t<option value=\"" . $i . "\">" . $i); if(!empty($RATING_LABELS) && isset($RATING_LABELS[$i])) { echo(" - " . htmlspecialchars($RATING_LABELS[$i])); } echo("</option>\r\n"); } echo("\t\t</select>\r\n"); echo("\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"" . htmlspecialchars($RATING_ID_PARAM_NAME) . "\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($id) . "\" />\r\n"); echo("\t\t<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($SUBMIT_BUTTON_STRING) . "\" class=\"submit\" />\r\n"); echo("\t</form>\r\n"); } Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am fairly new to PHP and this is a big problem for my website development. Cheers!
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