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  1. HI all i am giving the following url for the js funciton GB_showFullScreen(caption,url, callbackfn) for the poopup it works fine in all the browser but its giving the js error "invalid argument" in IE URL:'http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=fremont&daddr=ca' iam using the greybox 3.2 SO how can i get rid of this please help me.
  2. HI every one i ahve the following issue My ffmpeg was located at /usr/local/bin And i am executing the following cmnd through my application exec("ffmpeg -i $src -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 -y $dest.flv"); It works quite fine for all other types of files where as for wmv files its creating a flv file of size 0 . where as when iam executing the same cmnd through command line in my lynux shell its creating the flv with some size what can be the problem is the problem with my ffmpeg settings or my application
  3. The problem is here mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '{$user'}"); write like mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '{$user}' ");
  4. first try to echo the _files['file']['type'] i thnk its not exactly what you are checking...
  5. simply say my source file is 11.wmv and destination is dest.flv when i say exec(echo "ffmpeg -i 11.wmv -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -s 320x240 dest.flv" through php it is creating afile od 0 size where as when i type the same through command it is creating coorectly what can be the problem
  6. when iam executing this command through exec its not working where as its working through command line and this is the problem only for wmv files suggest what can be the problem. $file_ext= strtolower($file_ext_Arr[count($file_ext_Arr)-1]); $fileid = md5(uniqid(time(), 1)); $src = "system/cache/videos/". $fileid.".".$file_ext; $dest="system/cache/videos/".$fileid; // echo "ffmpeg -i $src -ar 22050 -ab 32 -f flv -acodec mp3 -s 320x240 $dest.flv";
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