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Everything posted by Skipjackrick

  1. Thank you....That's defnitely an easy fix you've got there. However, Wouldn't storing the IP fill up my database with a ton of information? Is there a better way to handle that?
  2. I am trying to find some example code where the user could click a button to approve or disapprove a certain topic. Or even like a voting type of code where they vote yes or no. The database would just update a running count each time the user clicked on the approve or disapprove buttons. I'll also need each user to only be allowed to vote once on a particular topic. Any ideas for some examples somewhere? Seems like I could write something like <?php //topic variable passed through a link I assume $topic = 2343; //user clicks on approve $approve = "UPDATE topic SET a_count = a_count + 1 WHERE topic_id = $topic"; //user clicks on disapprove $disapprove = "UPDATE topic SET d_count = d_count + 1 WHERE topic_id = $topic"; //The rest I am unsure of how to control the user from clicking approve 500 times. Maybe in a $_SESSION? ?>
  3. OH!!! I get it...My WHERE statement should also be in the right table. I hope that works.
  4. Right table? I am only using one table named Submit.
  5. Thanks.. So I've rearranged it a little bit...It seems to work but its only returning 7 rows. When there should be like 15 rows because there are more species than that. Do you happen to know why it might be doing that? <?php //Query for records region 1 $records1 = "SELECT angler ,team_id ,dt.species_id ,length ,image FROM submit join (SELECT species_id ,max(length) as mlength FROM submit GROUP BY species_id ) dt ON (submit.species_id,submit.length) = (dt.species_id,dt.mlength) WHERE submit.region_id = 1 ORDER BY submit.species_id "; $records_result1 = mysql_query($records1) or die(mysql_error()); ?>
  6. I am trying to get the largest fish that each angler caught but also associate the correct data in the row. With the following code I get an error message column 'angler' is ambiguous Do you know how to fix that? I am still learning this join and on stuff. select angler, team_id, species_id, length, image from submit join (select angler, max(length) as mlength from submit group by angler) dt on (submit.angler,submit.length) = (dt.angler,dt.mlength) where submit.region_id = 1 order by submit.species_id
  7. I know we were just discussing this on this other topic... http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/mysql-help/find-the-largest-value-for-each-group-and-sum/ And it worked beautifully.... But now I want to group those results by the team that each angler is on.... Or SUM those results and group them by team... Is that possible? For example, the following code outputs....... <?php //connect to the db include 'db_connect.php'; //Testing for total inches $total_inches = "SELECT angler, team_id, SUM(mlength) FROM ( SELECT angler, yyyy, team_id, MAX(length) AS mlength FROM submit WHERE yyyy=2010 GROUP BY angler, species_id ) AS zz GROUP BY angler ORDER BY SUM(mlength) DESC "; $total_inches_result = mysql_query($total_inches) or die(mysql_error()); $RowCount = mysql_num_rows($total_inches_result); ?>
  8. Has this issue been resolved? Yeah, I mostly got it figured out..... I like your avatar....you must be a male? LOL.... I work as a pharmaceutical scientist during the day.
  9. THANKS SO MUCH!!!! This is exactly what I needed.....now I am just working through customizing it for me....
  10. This actually got results...but how do I display them using php? It returned 342 rows.. <?php //connect to the db include 'db_connect.php'; //Testing for total inches $total_inches = "SELECT angler, SUM(mlength) FROM ( SELECT angler, MAX(length) AS mlength FROM submit GROUP BY angler, species_id ) AS zz GROUP BY angler "; $total_inches_result = mysql_query($total_inches) or die(mysql_error()); $RowCount = mysql_num_rows($total_inches_result); $tablehead = "<table border='1'><tr> <th>Rank</th> <th>Team</th> <th>Angler</th> <th>Species</th> <th>Length</th></tr>"; $tablefoot = "</table>"; echo "There are $RowCount rows in your results.<br />"; $rank=1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($total_inches_result)) { $team = $row['team_id']; $angler = $row['angler']; $species = $row['species']; $total = $row['zz']; $tabledetails .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> $rank </td> <td> $team </td> <td> $angler </td> <td> $species </td> <td> $total </td> <tr> EOD; $rank++; } $table .=<<<EOD $tablehead $tabledetails $tablefoot EOD; print $table; ?>
  11. Ok.... I am just sort of working through the tutorial you sent me to.. I am getting results but its not displaying my results. Do you see anything weird? <?php //connect to the db include 'db_connect.php'; //Testing for total inches $total_inches = "SELECT team_id, angler, species_id, length FROM submit WHERE length = (SELECT MAX(length) from submit as total where total.angler = submit.species_id) "; $total_inches_result = mysql_query($total_inches) or die(mysql_error()); $RowCount = mysql_num_rows($total_inches_result); $tablehead = "<table border='1'><tr> <th>Rank</th> <th>Team</th> <th>Angler</th> <th>Species</th> <th>Length</th></tr>"; $tablefoot = "</table>"; echo "There are $RowCount rows in your results.<br />"; $rank=1; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($total_inches_result)) { $team = $row['team_id']; $angler = $row['angler']; $species = $row['species']; $length = $row['length']; $tabledetails .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> $rank </td> <td> $team </td> <td> $angler </td> <td> $species </td> <td> $length </td> <tr> EOD; $rank++; } $table .=<<<EOD $tablehead $anglerdetails $tablefoot EOD; print $table; ?>
  12. In case you were interested....here is my table structure Fields +-------+------------+------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+ id team_id angler species_id points length +-------+------------+------------+----------------+-----------+-----------+
  13. Thanks let me read that....just a brief look over it looks like what I need.
  14. Got an empty result.. <?php //Testing for total inches $total_inches = "SELECT SUM(length), angler FROM submit GROUP BY length ORDER BY length DESC LIMIT 1 "; $total_inches_result = mysql_query($total_inches) or die(mysql_error()); $RowCount = mysql_num_rows($total_inches_result); $tablehead = "<table border='1'><tr> <th>Rank</th> <th>Team</th> <th>Total Inches</th></tr>"; $tablefoot = "</table>"; $rank=1; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($total_inches_result)) { $team = $row['team_id']; $total = $row['SUM(length)']; $tabledetails .=<<<EOD <tr> <td> $rank </td> <td> $team </td> <td> $total </td> <td> $min_length </td> <tr> EOD; $rank++; } $table .=<<<EOD $tablehead $anglerdetails $tablefoot EOD; print $table; ?>
  15. Thanks, I'll give this a go and report back with the results.
  16. I can't seem to wrap my brain around how to do this. I've tried using MAX() and tried writing it out long hand....I just can't seem to get this. Here is an example of what I am trying to do. This is a fishing website so .... you get the drift. Example, Team XYZ has two anglers Angler A catches the following: Bass = 16 inches Bass = 18 inches Catfish = 19 inches Catfish = 17 inches Angler B catches the following: Bass = 17.5 inches Bass = 18.3 inches Catfish = 20 inches Catfish = 21 inches I want to return the Sum of the inches of only the LARGEST catch for each species for both anglers.. The result should be... Angler A = 37 inches Angler B = 39.3 inches TEAM XYZ = 76.3 inches Any thoughts?
  17. It works like a champ! Thanks! I didn't think I could use it in a while loop.... Guess I learn things everyday! <?php include 'db_connect.php'; $userId=2; // Specify the directory that will store the users images with the desired folder structure $structure = './images/' .$userId. ''; //First check to see if the directory already exists if (file_exists($structure)) { echo "The directory exists"; } else { // create the directory and set permissions if (!mkdir($structure, 0777, true)) { die('Failed to create folder'); chmod($structure, 0777); echo "The Directory was created"; } } //Query the database for the images $query_image = "SELECT * FROM submit WHERE user=$userId ORDER BY submit_id ASC LIMIT 5"; $image_result = mysql_query($query_image) or die(mysql_error()); // get count of how many rows in case we need that info $rowCount = mysql_num_rows($image_result); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($image_result)) { //move files $file = "./submitted_pics/{$row['image']}"; $newfile = "./images/$userId/{$row['image']}"; if( !file_exists($newfile) ) { // in case script is executed multiple times. if (!copy($file, $newfile)) { echo "failed to copy $file...\n"; } } else { echo "File $file already exists in target directory . . ."; } } echo "Your copy was a success! $rowCount pictures were copied."; ?>
  18. Yeah it works but it only copies one file over. It returns the first result from the database and copies that file. I need to copy like 13,000 photos....not just one.. For me to do that manually it takes about 30 seconds per photo. 30 sec * 13,000 pics = 108 hours of copying photos.....LOL!
  19. Ok fellas....this one has me stumped. I am trying to copy a whole bunch of pictures from one directory into a new directory. However, the new directory will store the images based upon the user's id. Initially I stored all the images in one directory. HUGE mistake.. That single directory is over 5GB and takes and eternity to open and edit the files for 1 single user. So I need to separate them out. Anyways, here is what I am trying to do in theory. All the information about the user and the file they uploaded is stored in my database. But how do I create a script that is somewhat dynamic? One that will refresh the copy file script for each result. Here is the general idea....or a conversation starter code i am working with so far. <?php include 'db_connect.php'; $userId=2; // Make the directory that will store the users images with the desired folder structure $structure = './images/' .$userId. ''; // create the directory and set permissions if (!mkdir($structure, 0777, true)) { die('Failed to create folder'); chmod($structure, 0777); } //Query the database for the images $query_image = "SELECT * FROM images WHERE angler=$userId ORDER BY submit_id DESC"; $image_result = mysql_query($query_image) or die(mysql_error()); // get count of how many rows in case we need that info $rowCount = mysql_num_rows($image_result); //get the results into an array by setting each result as a variable while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($image_result)) $galleryresults[]= $row; //now move files $file = './submitted_pics/{$galleryresults[0]['image']}'; $newfile = './images/' .$userId. '/{$galleryresults[0]['image']}'; if (!copy($file, $newfile)) { echo "failed to copy $file...\n"; } ?>
  20. I am a bit worried about the statement at the beginning of my php.ini file. It says. ; This is the default settings file for new PHP installations. ; By default, PHP installs itself with a configuration suitable for ; development purposes, and *NOT* for production purposes. I was wondering if you guys had any recommendations for settings in a php.ini file for production purposes. I am clueless about this?
  21. Ah yeah!! Thanks! I like that foreach method..... seems a bit easier to work with many different combinations of conditions.
  22. Is it possible to do something like I have below? Basically I've got several conditions that need to be true for an if statement. <?php $condition1=1; $condition2=1; $condition3=1; $condition4=0; if ( $condition1 == 1 && $condition2 == 1 && $condition3 == 1 && $condition4 == 1) { //Update kayak man points $count_kmpoints = "UPDATE anglers SET kayakman_points = kayakman_points + 1 WHERE anglerId=$angler"; $counted_kmpoints = mysql_query($count_kmpoints) or exit(mysql_error()); } else { echo "Sorry, you haven't met the criteria to score any Kayak Man points"; } ?>
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