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  1. Problem solved: http://themehybrid.com/support/topic/adding-class-to-child-ul-in-wp_page_menu
  2. I've successfully added a few classes to the first ul in wordpress' template tag: wp_page_menu, however, I haven't been able to add a class to the child ul nested in the first li. Anyone see what is missing? function add_menuclass($ulclass) { return preg_replace('/<ul>/', '<ul class="clearfix rMenu-hor rMenu">', $ulclass, 1); } function add_sub_menuclass($ulchildclass) { return preg_replace('/<ul>/', '<ul class="rMenu-expand">', $ulchildclass, 2); } add_filter('wp_page_menu','add_menuclass','add_sub_menuclass'); I entered "2" at the end, see: $ulchildclass, 2); I tried adding a div as 'TheFrosty' suggested in the comments on this tutorial http://themeshaper.com/adding-class-wordpress-page-menu/, but no go. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. Problem solved. =) Once I renamed the foundation-hub.html to foundation-hub.php, everything works with copies of top.php and bottom.php in said subdirectory. Thanks to all for your input.
  4. Yes, I'm also looking for the html equivelant/solution. So I tried the "../" which looks like this on /f/foundation-hub.html/ <?php include ("../top.php"); ?> No go. Maybe I didn't type it correctly?
  5. Hi, so if I cut/paste that will it work, or do I need to make modifications, or move files to a particular directory/area?
  6. Exactly. I have it top.php and bottom.php sitting in the same directory /f/ I don't see why it's not working.
  7. Hello, I successfully used the include function on http://mrconcreteblockhouse.com/index.php which has 2 include files: <?php include("top.php"); ?> and <?php include("bottom.php"); ?> The index works just fine. However when I try to put the same code in http://mrconcreteblockhouse.com/f/found ... b.html.php it doesn't work. I then tried placing copies of top.php and bottom.php in the same /f/ directory, but still doesn't show the top or bottom. Then I tried defining the path to the directory: <?php define('PATH', '/www/mrconcreteblockhouse/httpdocs/'); ?> <?php include(PATH . "top.php"); ?> Still doesn't work. Any ideas?
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