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  1. Hi Guys, I am using MySQL 5.1.65 and I am seeing several files in my mysqldatabse\data directory one of them is named 'checked' other are named 'checked.000001' 'checked.000002' and so on. They are all variable sizes, some are 1 KB, 1 GB all the way up to 18 GB. What do these files contain. Will it harm the database if I deleted them? Thanks,
  2. Does anyone has a strong password validation function that I can use. The code below will validate 1 uppercase 1 lowercase 1 digit. I also want it to validate 1 symbol. How can that be done? I am not good with regular expressions. // Password must be strong if(preg_match("/^.*(?=.{8,})(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*$/", $_POST["pass"]) === 0) $errPass = '<p class="errText">Password must be at least 8 characters and must contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and one digit</p>'; }
  3. Sorry for posting I got this resolved. It was actually returning the IP v6 address. I turned IP v6 off on the network card on my server and everything is fine now. Please mark this thread Answered.
  4. My PHP application is slow on some computers using Windows 7. Every page takes around 20 seconds to load. Facts 1. These computers are located very near to the server. 2. When I ping the server DNS Resolution shows me the MAC address instead of the IP address. Is some kind of DNS resolution slowing down the loading of PHP pages? How can I avoid this?
  5. I am using an application on IIS and it is suffrering from CALS (Too many users are trying to connect and IIS limits it to 10 cals). If I use apache will I face the same problem of CALS ? Are they OS dependent or Server Software dependent ?
  6. How do I do that ? Please elaborate. Noob here.
  7. Hmm well this problem doesn't exist with IIS. I have a IIS server and a WAMP server (Apache/MySQL/PHP). With my IIS/PHP/MySQL Server If the power goes off any of my employee can just power on the computer/server they won't even have to login and IIS with start working and serving webpages. With the WAMP one if the same thing happens. You can power up the computer but someone will have to login to start the WAMP server or have it in their Startup Menu. Is there a way to Start the WAMP server without anyone logging on and just powering up the computer ? Thanks for the Reply.
  8. Please ignore this. It was my stupidity. McAffe was blocking port 25. On the other system I was using AVG. Sorry....
  9. I have two computers which I made Servers. One has Apache (WAMP) and the other is just IIS configured with PHP/MySQL. I am pretty confident with php.ini configuration about sending mail via smtp and both have identical configuration atleast when it comes to mail sending. The server with IIS is able to send mails without any problem. But Apache is not able to do the same. It is giving me this error. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "xxxx.xx.xxx" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\xxx.php on line 1285 I have checked everything including turning off and turning on firewall. Is there as setting in apache or some configuration I need to configure for it to be able to send emails ? I am using the same mail server to send email. I am using Apache for the first time. Thanks.
  10. Just an Update I am getting this error Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "xxxx.xx.xxx" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\wamp\www\xxx.php on line 1285 It is strange because I am using the same Email Server to send mails on the other Computer which has IIS and it is able to send mails.
  11. Well I have 2 servers on one I was using IIS/PHP/MySQL and was able to send emails easily using mail() function. On this server I am using WAMP Apache/PHP/MySQL. Some how mail sending is not working. The configuration of php.ini is the same as the one on IIS server. (The ports are open and I am pretty familiar with configuring php.ini and windows firewall when it comes to sending mails, I have done this more then 3-4 time but everytime I was using IIS). I have also checked weather the firewall is blocking it. I have turned it off and on to check weather it send the mail or not. ( I didn't restart the server when I turned it on and off, Don't think I need to) Question: Is there any configuration in Apache server that I need to tweak in order for php to send email ? (this is the first time I am using Apache, I am not much familiar with it) Email works on IIS but not on Apache for me. Both are on seperate computers. Thanks,
  12. Yup that was what I told earlier. Keepeing a page open and making it Auto-Refresh will solve the problem. But then there are reliability issues if the page closes. This code will help your program. You won't need a recursive js onload function. (I think) Header refresh will take care of it. Just code the function to check time and send email. <?php check_if_Time_is_Greater_And_Send_Email($timeToSendEmail); header('Refresh: 5'); ?> Nice Idea I can use a windows scheduling agent to launch the webpage and it can check weather the time is greater then the Required time to send the report. Cool never thought of it. I will try this, if I get stuck I will message you. Thanks a lot.
  13. Well currently the Project is in testing phase. And I created a small testing server for me on Windows XP (lol) with PHP, MYSQL, IIS. After a few weeks of testing the project (on 4-5 users) it will move to the Server House. To serve more users (around 30). Then maintaining and keeping the server up won't me my problem. They might use *nix if they feel like, totally depends on them. My knowlege of *nix is weak, never got time to interact with it.
  14. Hmm that is the problem. On my website 30 Employees will be working 8 hours a day from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. After 5 P.M. nobody will be even touching or logging into the website. So no traffic at all. I guess I will have to ask a manager to manually send the end of the day report each day by logging in and clicking some button. I don't think you can trigger a php script without user interaction. (is that the bottom line) ?
  15. I can do that but that means I will need a computer to keep open the webpage and auto refresh it at a fixed intervels so the script gets called again and again till it meets the time constraints. ( I think) any other way to do this ? I am not running PHP on a UNIX server and my knowledge of unix is very weak. Any other alternative ?
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