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Everything posted by paul1981

  1. Sorry ToonMariner I do believe you mate. Just wondered what ideas the others had also. Paul1981
  2. Caesar could you explain a bit more about the below? Never heard of that. Use objects. And only change the paramaters/values. One function/class accross the board. (In other words, take an object oriented approach) Paul1981
  3. Firstly thanks for you fast replys. [code]<?php function opentable() { echo"<table width=\"600\"  border=\"0\" align=\"center\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">  <tr> <td width=\"15\"><img src=\"image/left_side.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"22\"></td> <td width=\"100%\" background=\"images/middle.gif\"></td> <td width=\"15\"><img src=\"images/right_side.gif\" width=\"15\" height=\"22\"></td> </tr> <tr><td>"; } ?>[/code] Right that the function for opening the table as i said in the last post it works fine. I will try to explain in more detail this time. Ok main folder is say index.php and also in that folder is the images folder. you call the function on the index and it opens the table fine. now i create a folder in side the main folder called say folder1 and have lets say another index.php in there. Now when i call the function its still looking at images/left_side.gif as the path to the file when in fact the path should be. ../images/left_side.gif So to solve this i have 2 functions opentable and opentable1 Its working find but i am finding that every time i add a new folder i need to add a new function i was wondering as i said above if there is a better way to manage the function and just have 1 function for all. What about an array? been playing and have it sort of working if i echo the correct number $image[2] say of 2 is ../images/left_side.gif. But never used arrays before so not that good with them. Thanks again for any ideas Paul1981
  4. Hi all I have hit a wall and am looking for a new idea if anyone has one. Here is what i am doing. I have a function that displays a box witch the text sits in. everything is fine with that and it works great. how ever i find i keep having to create more and more of the same function but with differant paths for the images file. images/image1.gif ../images/image..gif and so on depending on were the page is i am linking from. I just wondered if anyone has any ideas on a better way to manage the function. so i could just have the 1 set of functions for every page no matter what folder they were in. Any ideas welcome. Paul1981
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