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Everything posted by vertigoalopolus

  1. thank you for the reply, but i think you misunderstand. maybe someone else could help?
  2. im working on a project site that has its document root set to ~/sitename/www/, which holds all publicly accessible files (images, css, templates), and an .htaccess file with a mod_rewrite rule that points literally everything that isnt a valid and publicly accessible file to redirect.php, in the parent directory ~/sitename/. however, when i try to load up the sites domain, it returns a 400 bad request error code. i tried copying redirect.php to ~/sitename/www/, and modifying the .htaccess accordingly, and it accesses it fine in there. but i dont want that file (or its siblings - including subdirectories holding controllers) directly accessible by the public! is there a way i could have those files in the parent directory accessible by the web server, but still not publicly accessible? this is for an ongoing MCV style site framework that ive been working on for some time for the sites i build, so a solution would be appreciated!
  3. Hi, I just installing APC the other day, and have been frustrated trying to make file upload progress work ever since. I have a simple test form with the APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS hidden field with value set to a random md5 hash generated per page refresh, and another script which takes that hash as a get var that I pass to it manually and (supposedly) print_r's the apc_fetch array. Once in a blue moon, it will work fine and print the array, but only after the file upload has finished. apcinfo confirms that the entry gets added, after the upload has finished. Quite often however, it just never appears in the list, and the script returns nada. This is whats in my php.ini: extension=/usr/local/lib/apc.so (which exists, from pecl install apc) apc.enabled = on apc.optimization = off apc.rfc1867 = on apc.rfc1867_freq = 4096k apc.rfc1867_name = APC_UPLOAD_PROGRESS apc.rfc1867_prefix = upload_ phpinfo() shows it being loaded and vars being set properly. Also, do I need to apc_store in the file upload script? I was under the impression that its done automagically, nothing Ive read says its needed. This has me completely stumped. Could someone list all the php.ini vars i need set in order for this particular function to work? Are there any modules that conflict with this one?
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