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Everything posted by l0ve2hat3

  1. i believe you have to register the session before assigning it. but I could be wrong. session_register(''access'');
  2. actually how could i do it with javascript? or should i ask in another forum
  3. oops wrong language http://us2.php.net/en/cal_days_in_month
  4. look at the cal_days_in_month fuction http://us2.php.net/de/cal_days_in_month
  5. i have a progress bar but it echos the percent after the loop is done. is there anyway to make it update as the progress updates?? <? $i=0; while($i < 100){ $i++; usleep(50000); echo "||"; flush(); ob_flush(); } echo "<br>".$i."%"; ?>
  6. use the usleep function to sleep in microseconds usleep(10000);
  7. no thats untrue. here this works <? $i=0; while($i < 100){ $i++; sleep(1); echo $i." "; flush(); ob_flush(); } ?>
  8. use the strtotime function $depart = htmlentities($row['depart_time']); echo "<td>".$seats."</td><td>".date('H:i', strtotime($depart))."</td><td>"
  9. oops if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ //Convert the data $mresult = $miles * 1.6; echo $miles. " = " .$mresult. " Kilometers"; //Convert for Kilometers $kresult = $kilos * 0.6; echo $kilos. " = " .$kresult. " Miles"; }
  10. //Convert the data $mresult = $miles * 1.6; echo $miles. "=" .$mresult. "Kilometers"; //Convert for Kilometers $kresult = $kilos * 0.6; echo $kilos. "=" .$kresult. "Miles";
  11. hrmmm look at this http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/. its how I started out
  12. much easy this way <?php $to = 'nobody@example.com'; $subject = 'the subject'; $message = 'hello'; $headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: webmaster@example.com'; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); ?>
  13. you have to be a bit more detailed. a=info????? give me a real example of EXACTLY what you want to do
  14. hrmm if the vpn server has the same ip address of the server, then yes! <? echo $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; ?>
  15. here is just an example of one way to use ajax. example pictureDisplay.php <script> function ajax_do (url) { var jsel = document.createElement('SCRIPT'); jsel.type = 'text/javascript'; jsel.src = url; document.body.appendChild (jsel); } </script> <form name='form1'> <input type='text' name='textbox'><br> <input type='button' name='button' value='press' onclick="ajax_do('AjaxGetPicture.php?picture=' + document.form1.textbox.value);"> </form> <div id="contentdiv"> </div> example AjaxGetPicture.php type the path and name of your picture and click the button <? $picture = $_REQUEST['picture']; ?> div = document.getElementById('contentdiv'); div.innerHTML = "<img src='<?php echo $picture; ?>' alt='Some Picture' hieght='150' width='150'>";
  16. <? $i=0; while($i < 6){ $m=0; while($m < 12){ echo date('F Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1+$m, 1, date('Y')-$i))."<br>\n"; $m++; } $i++; } ?>
  17. use this ini_set('upload_max_filesize', '250M'); and maybe ini_set('max_execution_time', '300');
  18. $sql = "SELECT * FROM`battle_rank` WHERE `Minimum_Wins`>='{$player->kills}' AND `Minimum_Wins`<='{$player->kills}'" your missing the ";" at the end!!
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