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Everything posted by kippi

  1. The problem its e-mails, so its never on the same line. Many Thanks
  2. Hey, I am sure this is really simple to do, but not sure where to look: # What's the best way to read after the line filename and finish at ----- so the output would be Z3dvb5RAZGlynJUFDNvLnVrCg== # # filename="sales" # # Z3dvb5RAZGlynJUFDNvLnVrCg== # # ------=_20080407170816_24869-- # # Any help would be great!! This is so I can run base64_decode and get the attachments. Many Thanks Chris
  3. Ok, this is what I have put together and it is fetching all the fields, could someone point me in the direction on how to write the information to the database: I know this is wrong, but maybe you guys will understand a bit more what I am trying to do. <?php include '/var/www/web7/web/network/db/mysql.php'; mysql_connect(localhost,$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $result = mysql_db_query ("tenant", "select * from extension") or die ("Query failed"); # get column metadata $i = 0; while ($i < mysql_num_fields ($result)) { $meta = mysql_fetch_field ($result); if (!$meta) { echo "No information available<BR>\n"; } $test=$_POST[$meta->name]; echo " $test " ; $rows=$meta->name; $i++; } mysql_free_result ($result); mysql_select_db($database); $query = "INSERT INTO tenant ($rows) VALUES ($test)"; echo $test ; echo "<BR>"; echo $rows ; mysql_query($query) or die('Error, insert query failed'); ?> This code outputs all the information from the form but getting this error Error, insert query failed so its not building the mysql query correctly. Many Thanks
  4. hi Nelson Did you ever find away to do this? this is what i am looking for, Many Thanks
  5. Hey, I have tested this and it seems to work fine. I would try sending the e-mail to a e-mail address that dosn't do a mx lookup up. If you need one to try send it to my e-mail address, msn@skateeast.net and i'll let you know here. Thanks Chris.
  6. Hey, I have this code working that creates a form from the database rows, see code http://pastebin.com/m4719cd4a, I have code that allows the user to add the information to the database. The problem I have is now the first form allows a users to add new rows to the database and it will be updated on the form but I can't work out how to make the php code that writes the data dynamic. I have this code, could someone point me in the direction on how to make this dynamic. Code I am using now is: http://pastebin.com/m34ea9024 Hope this makes sense if not add me on msn: msn@skateeast.net Many Thanks Chris.
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