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Everything posted by intodesi

  1. Thank You i will work on that like you said "design is a gift" which I know I am lacking, the coding part is easy (as far as learning it and applying it as a beginner) but I am having alot of trouble with design and if its a gift, im going to just stick to learning and start writting scripts anyways thanks.. I will try to apply the crit
  2. Is the following worth 195 bucks a month? I am looking for some dedicated hosting and I have been using the company that has been providing this dedicated service for quite some time and have been satisfied as far as their regular shared hosting goes, but looking at the dedicated, im a bit.. perplexed Dedicated CPU 2.4 Ghz Intel Celeron Memory 1024 MB HDD 80 Gb IP 8 Bandwidth ** 1000 Gb Control panel WHM/Cpanel ** Bandwidth usage is calculated based on average usage NOT 95th percentile. Customers are welcome to keep their own bandwidth records; however, Hostony's internal records will be used for all billing calculations. Installed Software ** Billed in 30 minute increments, 30 minutes minimum. ** Since hardware upgrade options varies by system, please email us for consultation and obtain price quotes. NOC, Connections & Bandwidth Our servers are located at state of the art datacenter in Atlanta, GA. The center is a 5,000 square foot facility smartly connected via Gigabit connections and Cisco core routers. All servers are wired into an un-interruptible power supply, or UPS. We also have multiple, private backup generators at the datacenter. In the event of a power failure, the UPS battery backups will immediately kick in and will power your server until the backup generators will be turned on. Power generators are capable of powering the entire facility indefinitely. Our network uses multiple redundant connections and BGP4 (Aleron, MFN (Above.net), Cogent + Private Peering, plus an additional 14 other providers) to ensure 100% uptime of the network. We also have in place a unique firewall to ensure server security. Our network is 100% Meshed 1 GIG Cisco with two redundant Cisco 7513 Routers and Cisco Catalyst 2948G-L3 switches. That's why we can include 500 Gb of multihomed bandwidth with each our dedicated plan. All bandwidth figures are calculated based on average usage, not the 95th percentile method (which usually results in much higher bandwidth figures for the customer). We don't cap your bandwidth usage; all our network connections are 100% fully burstable.
  3. http://www.zinto-design.com How is this looking, not looking for so much a rating, but just some crit.. I am open, but dont bash im trying, and feedback though I will appreciate.
  4. ok and thanks alot again, was bothering me for a while, i had tried t use if and else if, but wasnt using the right syntax..
  5. Thank you very much conker87 exactly what i was trying to do but i didnt try what haku posted, but the if and else if worked.. btw what is the difference between elseif and else if? I used elseif,, and it worked for me
  6. This may be a mysql questions, but i beleive im in the right area,. ok im trying to get some dynamic'ness to my website, well mostly because google tells me I have duplicate meta descriptions.. I already had a member help me with something that works, but the problem is i have 2 $_GET[]'s that supply the information for the database to retreive the meta data, this is the code i have that is working <?php include 'pages/scripts/configdb.php'; include 'pages/scripts/opendb.php'; $page1 = $_GET[p]; $page2 = $_GET[c]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE page='$page1' LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE page='$page2' LIMIT 1"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="<?php echo ("zinto design, $row[mdescr] $row2[mdescr]"); ?> "> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><? echo ("Zinto Design-- $row[title] $row2[title]"); ?></title> as you can see im using to variables for my $_GET $page1 and $page2 and I am supply those variables to two different sql statements, is there a way I can clean this up and only call sql once, using both page1 and page 2 depending on what is supplied? if not its not a big deal, What i have works, its just dirty. I would like to say something like $page = $_GET[p] or $_GET[c] and use the one which has data associated with it because urls will only have one or the other index.php?p=page or index.php?c=page but not both
  7. Found me a perfect solution with lastRSS thanks for help
  8. ok figured out maybe why I cant use that, my hosting is doing php 4.3 SimpleXML is a component of php 5 (unless i read wrong )
  9. sorry, line 20 would be in red and I will try the simplexml thanks (will that parse offsite rss feeds? thats my goal)
  10. I am trying to use this class, yet when i load the page I get this here is the class class SimpleXmlParser { public # Variable Holding Parser $SimpleParser = null, $feedUrl = null, # Variables to Hold the Data $title = '', $description = '', $link = '', $author = '', $pubDate = '', $insideitem = false, $tag = ''; public function __construct($MyFeed) { # To begin, I create an instance of the XML parser # creates a new XML parser and returns a reousurce handle referencing $this->SimpleParser = xml_parser_create(); # Assigns the Feed Source to the Member Variable $this->feedUrl = $MyFeed; # allows to use parser inside object xml_set_object($this->SimpleParser, $this); # Sets the element handler functions for the XML parser parser xml_set_element_handler($this->SimpleParser, 'XmlParserFirstElement', 'XmlParserendElement'); # Sets the character data handler function for the XML parser parser xml_set_character_data_handler($this->SimpleParser, 'characterData'); # Call to Parser Function $this->ParseFeed(); } public function SimpleXmlParser($MyFeed) { # Purpose : Constructor, Which will initialize the XML Parser $this->__construct($MyFeed); } public function XmlParserFirstElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { # The Function Will be called, when ever the XML_PARSER Encounters a start Tag, in the XML File if ($this->insideitem) { $this->tag = $tagName; } elseif (strtoupper($tagName)=='ITEM') { $this->insideitem = true; } } public function XmlParserendElement($parser, $tagName) { # The Function Will be called, when ever the XML_PARSER Encounters a end Tag, in the XML File if (strtoupper($tagName)=='ITEM') { # pubDate element is made to display in HTML printf("<div style='padding:5px;'><div class='news_date'>%s</div>", date("m.d.Y",strtotime($this->pubdate))); # Description element is made to display in HTML printf("<div ><a class='news_text' href='%s' target='new'>%s</a><br /></div><div style='clear:both'></div></div>", trim($this->link), htmlspecialchars(trim($this->title))); # Deallocation of all Global Variables $this->title = ''; $this->description = ''; $this->link = ''; $this->pubdate = ''; $this->insideitem = false; } } # Function will be called by the Parser when the end tage of the element is processed. Requires Two Permeters public function characterData($parser, $data) { # Permeters: the parser instance and the string containing the data. if ($this->insideitem) { switch (strtoupper($this->tag)) { case 'TITLE': $this->title .= $data; break; case 'DESCRIPTION': $this->description .= $data; break; case 'LINK': $this->link .= $data; break; case 'PUBDATE': $this->pubdate .= $data; break; } } } public function ParseFeed(){ # This is the Place we need to Do error Handling for the XML file, which is not done in this class # Open the XML file for reading. # This part will be executed when we compiler is Unable to Open the XML Feed $fp = fopen($this->feedUrl, 'r') or die('Oops! Unexpected Error While Reading the Feed'); # Starts reading the contents of the file, 4K at a time, and put it in the variable “$data” while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) { xml_parse($this->SimpleParser, $data, feof($fp)); } # Perform Some Clean Up Work Before Closing the File. # Closing the XML File fclose($fp); # Release the XML Parser xml_parser_free($this->SimpleParser); } } Thanks for any help
  11. <? $id = an id number goes here require 'dbconf.php'; <---- Your Database Configuration File $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pp_goods "." WHERE ID='$id'"); if (features != yes) { echo "some example text" } ?> maybe sorry, everyone helps me all the time, just figured I would attempt to be of some help in return, and this looks like something I could get right
  12. Nm I got it <? $title = $_GET['t']?> <title><? echo ("Zinto-Design--$title"); ?></title> and the Link <a href="index.php?p=services&t=Services"> going to try that. EDIT Works... should have just worked on it on my own
  13. Ok I have my website made up so it pulls up the pages in the middle of the index page, person clicks link, the page they requested get stuck in the middle, not really dynamic, but It works.. My question is, How to I change the title for each page? sence the page getting pulled up doesnt have any head any <html> <head> <title> or <meta> tags, thats all dealt with in the main index page. Any Idea''s or do I need to be clearer Thanks
  14. OK back to square one, with me needing to chmod the directory.. I am baffled Because I can clearly see the directory is writable.
  15. and i fixed something again.. and get yet another similiar error same code as above for line 38
  16. ok think I solved that, but now I am getting this error this is the code if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],$upload_path . $filename)) echo 'Your file upload was successful, view the file <a href="' . $upload_path . $filename . '" title="Your File">here</a>'; else echo 'There was an error during the file upload. Please try again.';
  17. ok it seems to go through all my error checks except this one if(!is_writable($upload_path)) die('You cannot upload to the specified directory, it is not writeable.'); using my webbased filemanager i set permissions to 777 on the directory in questions, and in the web based file manager it says the directory is 777 but when i look at it with wsftp it says its 755, and when i try and change the directory to 777 from wsftp it wont update... so not sure if its because the folder isnt updating to 777 or if the script just doesnt work like how I want it to. Any idea's appreciate. Intodesi
  18. Know whats funny.. talking on live chat with my hosting... and they are telling me I can create my own php.ini and make my upload_max_filesize = 5Mb myself, the php.ini just has to reside in the same directory as my script...
  19. Yeah thats what I was looking at. Thanks
  20. I was wondering if php can use ftp to upload and download files? I would just use php and its upload function, but my webhost restricts me to 2m and I will be dealing with mostly graphic's pictures, artwork etc and will need to be able to upload more then the 2m. any Idea's, if php can upload via ftp that is Thanks EDIT or i can see that there are ftp functions.. are those related to my 2m upload limit for php.ini?
  21. hehe.. let me see 16 + hours to get a working fully functional login/registration script working... plus 5 or 6 pots of coffee, and 4 or 5 people helping me from the forums
  22. Session id's as keeping members logged in? I dont think you need to store that in a database, I think sessions stay on untill you close them (member logout) or untill the member closes the browser but for each page you want the session active you have to do the session_start() function at the very top then i beleive you can pass the session variables to that page.
  23. Ok so i guess this sums it up for me from http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/php/php3p6.html
  24. whats the difference between != and == because when i used <?php if($new_password == $new_passwordcheck) ?> like blade suggested, it wouldnt work.. they wouldnt check up but when i did this <?php if($new_password != $new_passwordcheck) ?> it passed through
  25. lmao, Thanks Dark Much appreciated, again
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