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Everything posted by onedumbcoder

  1. dont worry about it Makeshift67, we all start out look dumb TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS. so don't take offense. here is what you need, not a book: http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/
  2. unless the database is backed up on a hourly, daily, weekly or monthly bases, no. A database unlike your pc, is constantly reading, writing, and deleting on it's hard drives, so even a data recovery software would not be of any use to you.
  3. WARNING I JUST GOT A VIRUS ALERT DOWNLOADING THAT!!!! MODS DELETE THAT FILE ASAP!!!!! Edit (Daniel0): Removed annoying formatting.
  4. I am working on a game from my younger 9 yr old brother and I had to come up with some sort of equation like that and it turned out is was really easy, here is what I used: SELECT (number_of_jews_killed + number_of_arabirans_killed) AS level_of_greatness FROM hitler_kills WHERE date_stamp < DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL -1 DAY);
  5. i left join table2 and i want a value returned from that to be used in the where condition. so both table1 and table2 have a field called sheep. I want to query to execute only if what is returned by the left join is equal to the value stored in table1 (table1.sheep = table2.sheep) or is nothing is return by the left join of table2 I have this and it is not working UPDATE table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON (table2.type = 3) SET table1.type=3 WHERE table1.sheep = table2.sheep OR table2.sheep = ''
  6. No idea what is wrong with it, but I am trying to get the top scores for "SELECT number_of_kills FROM kill WHERE type == 'jews' OR type ='arabirans' AND method='chamber' ORDER BY number_of_kills LIMIT 10 it is not returning the correct data, what it is suppose to do is return the top players for the chamber kills, and instead is returning scores that make no sense.
  7. never mind it does not work and i can not delete this question.
  8. is there anything wrong with doing it this way: $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); echo count($result); if all you care about is that the query returns at lest 1 row.
  9. off topic, but corbin are you by any chance racist? I got that eerie feeling reading your post.
  10. You are both wrong. You can use a WHERE in a insert statement, but not with the syntax typed above. INSERT INTO tableA(id,name) SELECT id, name FROM tableB WHERE age > 33
  11. try this $result = mysql_query("select id AS total from user WHERE age > 33"); echo mysql_num_rows($result);
  12. never mind, it is not possible to do what I want with mysql.
  13. select count(id) from user WHERE age > 33 now when i execute that query how to i echo that value? $result = mysql_query('select count(id) from user WHERE age > 33'); $count = mysq_fetch_array($result); echo $count[???];
  14. I have a list of ids (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and I have a groupid(2) book id groud_id 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 now what I need is for a insert query to execute only if the list id I give it all belong to group 2
  15. Are u talking about preg_match? I know its failing, that is why i have been trying to solve. Please reads the question before.
  16. Alright I give up, I just spend the last 4 hours trying to figure how how to execute java code in php, not only couldn't i do it I had no luck googling it either. Can someone please suggest another way?
  17. I am creating a game, where to user has 10 seconds to enter 10 numbers. The challenge is that the numbers can not be the same and that the values entered are numbers and nothing else. so what gets send to the server is an array.
  18. Please keep in mind i am severely mentally challenged and excel in retardation. so what does "preg_match operates on strings." mean? Only javas?
  19. how about performing a preg_match on the array? is the an easy way without having to go through an array?
  20. I FORGOT TO ADD THIS: that all the values are unique and all the values are digits
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