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Posts posted by iarp

  1. <?php
    ob_start(); # Added
    include "phpaudit_configuration.php";
    include "inc/globals.php";
    include "language/".$config['language'].".php";
    include "inc/general_functions.php";
    include "inc/login_functions.php";
    include "inc/display_functions.php";
    include "inc/client_area_functions.php";
    include "inc/billing_functions.php";
    if (isset_reset_password($client_id)==1) 
    header("Location: ".$config['http_web']."/client_in_process.php");
    include $config['server_tpl']."/header.php";
    include $config['server_tpl']."/client_area.php";
    include $config['server_tpl']."/footer.php";
    ob_flush();        # Added

  2. I use this script, it allows me to link a file by eithor

    http://www.someo ne-else-s erver.com/file.exe


    /my/servers/document/root/file.exe or .pdf or w/e you want.



    $file = the files location so eithor http://.. or /document/root/...

    $name is the output name you want it to have.

    function output_file($file, $name, $mime_type='') {
     This function takes a path to a file to output ($file), 
     the filename that the browser will see ($name) and 
     	 the MIME type of the file ($mime_type, optional).
     If you want to do something on download abort/finish,
     //echo "<br><br>file: $file <br>name: $name <br> mime: $mime_type<br><br>";
     //if(!is_readable($file)) die('File not found or inaccessible!');
     $size = filesize($file);
     $name = rawurldecode($name);
     /* Figure out the MIME type (if not specified) */
    	"pdf" => "application/pdf",
    	"txt" => "text/plain",
    	"html" => "text/html",
    	"htm" => "text/html",
    	"exe" => "application/octet-stream",
    	"zip" => "application/zip",
    	"doc" => "application/msword",
    	"xls" => "application/vnd.ms-excel",
    	"ppt" => "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint",
    	"gif" => "image/gif",
    	"png" => "image/png",
    	"jpeg"=> "image/jpg",
    	"jpg" =>  "image/jpg",
    	"php" => "text/plain",
    	"rtf" => "application/msword"
    	 $file_extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($file,"."),1));
    	 if(array_key_exists($file_extension, $known_mime_types)){
    	 } else {
     @ob_end_clean(); //turn off output buffering to decrease cpu usage
     // required for IE, otherwise Content-Disposition may be ignored
      ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');
     header('Content-Type: ' . $mime_type);
     header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');
     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
     header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
     /* The three lines below basically make the 
    	download non-cacheable */
     header("Cache-control: private");
     header('Pragma: private');
     header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
     // multipart-download and download resuming support
    	list($a, $range) = explode("=",$_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE'],2);
    	list($range) = explode(",",$range,2);
    	list($range, $range_end) = explode("-", $range);
    	if(!$range_end) {
    	} else {
    	$new_length = $range_end-$range+1;
    	header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
    	header("Content-Length: $new_length");
    	header("Content-Range: bytes $range-$range_end/$size");
     } else {
    	header("Content-Length: ".$size);
     /* output the file itself */
     $chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); //you may want to change this
     $bytes_send = 0;
     if ($file = fopen($file, 'r'))
    	fseek($file, $range);
    	while(!feof($file) && 
    		(!connection_aborted()) && 
    		$buffer = fread($file, $chunksize);
    		print($buffer); //echo($buffer); // is also possible
    		$bytes_send += strlen($buffer);
     } else die('Error - can not open file.');

  3. Is $projectname set properly?

    put echo $sql; just after the sql statement and post the result here

    and whats the value of $_POST['Job_ID'] ?


    $sql="SELECT * FROM Job_Table WHERE Job_Name='$projectname'";
    echo $sql . "<br />";
    echo $_POST['Job_ID'];
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Couldn't execute query.");

  4. The pages i'm trying to restrict access to are actully located in an if statement. It's 500 lines long ut it goes like this:

    } elseif (isset($_GET['profile'])) {
    	checkstatus('profile','10'); # Only allow users of rank 10+
    	$content->pagename = 'My Profile';
    	require('themes/' . $cms->theme() . '/includes/header.php');
    	$q = "SELECT * FROM " . USERS . " WHERE uid = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'";
    	$r = mysql_query($q);
    	$row = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    	<form method="post">
    		<label>Name:</label> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $row['fullname'] ?>" /><br />
    		<label>Email:</label> <input type="text" value="<?php echo $row['useremail'] ?>" /><br />
    	$cms->endEarly = TRUE;
    	require('themes/' . $cms->theme() . '/includes/footer.php');
    } elseif (isset($_GET['messages'])) {				# Internal messages form		# NOT IN USE/DISABLED
    	checkstatus('mesages','d'); # d for disabled and i want it to show /404/ page
    ..... continues on furthur.. 

  5. <?php
    $sql="SELECT * FROM Job_ID WHERE Job_Name='$projectname'"; # The table and column name the same? Job_ID?
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Couldn't execute query.");
    while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
      $Job_ID = $row['Job_ID'];
      if(isset($_POST['Job_ID'])) {
            $_SESSION['Job_ID'] = $Job_ID; 


    Other page:

    if(isset( $_SESSION['Job_ID']))
      $_SESSION['Job_ID'] = $Job_ID; # is $Job_ID set on this other page?
    echo $_SESSION['Job_ID'];

  6. Hey, It's been one of those days where i just can't think straight.


    I'm after a function that will check 2 things, userlevel and the minimum userlevel needed to view the page. I currently have :


    function checkstatus($url, $level='1') { # This is the function i'm trying to build onto.
    if ($url == 'lhome')
    	if ($_SESSION['loggedin'])
    elseif ($url == '404')
    elseif ($url == 'home')
    	if (!$_SESSION['user_id'])
    		reloc('login', '?' . $url); 
    function reloc($url, $from='') {
    switch ($url) {
    	case 'uri':
    		$url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    	case 'home':
    		$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    	case 'login':
    		$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/?login&redir=" . $from;
    	case 'place':
    		$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . $from;
    	case '404':
    		$url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/404/";
    header("Location: $url");
    #This next function is one i've made while trying to come up with a solution, it basically pulls the users level from the table.
    function rank() {
    if ($_SESSION['loggedin']) {
    	$r = mysql_query("SELECT userlevel FROM " . USERS . " WHERE uid = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "'");
    	$row = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    	return $row['userlevel'];


    The levels that i currently work with:

    1 = User

    10 = Admin

    d = disabled (need to check for d first and call reloc('404') if true)


    Everything i've tried turns into a script so long and confusing i get lost and frustrated i just revert everything back and the try again. Try #6 landed me here. Any help is great. Thanks

  7. 	echo "Before: " . $_COOKIE['header_img'];
    switch ($_COOKIE['header_img']) {
    	case '1':
    		$_COOKIE["header_img"] = '2';
    	case '2';
    		$_COOKIE["header_img"] = '1';
    echo "After: " . $_COOKIE['header_img'];


    After reading that, i made a few changes. This time the Before and After echo have the appropriate values but are not keeping the values with each page change.

  8. <?php
    if(!isset($_COOKIE['iarp_header_img'])) { 
    	setcookie("iarp_header_img", '1', time()+60*60*24*30,"/",".iarp.ca");
    	$url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    	header("Location: $url");
    						echo "Before: " . $_COOKIE['iarp_header_img'];
    switch ($_COOKIE['iarp_header_img']) {
    	case '1':
    		setcookie("iarp_header_img", '2', time()+60*60*24*30,"/",".iarp.ca");
    	case '2';
    		setcookie("iarp_header_img", '1', time()+60*60*24*30,"/",".iarp.ca");
    													echo "After: " . $_COOKIE['iarp_header_img'];


    further down the page:


    						switch ($_COOKIE['header_img']) {
    							case '1':
    								echo '<img src="/themes/gear/images/ico.big/earth.png" alt="Earth"></img>';
    							case '2';
    								echo '<img src="/themes/gear/images/ico.big/gear.png" alt="Gear"></img>';


    The image in the second block of code on this post, won't change the image, it stays as 1 all the time.


    I don't need to reload the page in the first switch case because i'm setting the value to the next # for whenever someone changes the page yet again. Any helps appreciated.

  9. I'm trying to create a script that will redirect those from a certain name address.


    www.ipchicken.com it lists the Name address and what i'm wanting is to redirect those from example.com to google.ca if they try and view a certain part of my site.


    http://ca3.php.net/reserved.variables.server REMOTE_HOST i'm taking a stab here and saying its not enabled because i get errors when trying to use it. And the people im trying to redirect have thousands of ips so thats just not an option per ip.


    Any help?

  10. <?php
    $query_check = "SELECT * FROM tbl_customers";
    $result_check = mysql_query($query_check) or die ("Couldn't execute query");
    while ($row_check = mysql_fetch_array($result_check)) {
    if($customer_email == $_POST['email']){
        $url = "register_site.php?er=yesh");
        header("Location: $url");


    Now i've never heard of extract so i dont know if it won't redirect because of a bad value there.

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