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Everything posted by cali_dotcom

  1. Hi all, i need a little help with some code that should display a gif image while a page loads. i have a php page with a link that users can click and it should load a page via ajax as an overlay over the current page. the problem is that the loading page makes some requests to some customers' systems and some of them could be really slow taking sometimes 8-10 secs to load. during that time, the overlay pops up and just displays a blank page. i have some code that should display a gif image with a loading message, the problem is that the blank page(of the overlay) loads over it. question: is there any way to prevent the from displaying until all the contents have loaded then display the page at once? the html code i use for this is below(its triggered by an onclick event). does anyone have a way i can do this? right now, the gif loads on the calling although it should load over it. i use the same code on the overlay when any further requests are made and it loads over it. does anyone see why it does not load over the calling page? <html> <head> <script> showProcess('Loading Family Pricing Parts'); function showProcess(textMessage){ //if (document.getElementById("showProcessDIV")){ if(document.getElementById("showProcessDIV").style.display=="none"){ document.getElementById("showProcessDIV").style.display="block"; document.getElementById("ProcessMessage").innerHTML=textMessage; } //} } function hideProcess(){ //if(document.getElementById().style.display=="block"){ document.getElementById("ProcessMessage").innerHTML=""; document.getElementById("showProcessDIV").style.display="none"; //} } </script> </head> <body > <div id="showProcessDIV" style="display:none"> <div id="showProcessAlpha"></div> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="showProcessTABLE"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="20" class="ProcessTable"> <tr> <td class="Process" nowrap="nowrap" id="ProcessMessage">Adding Parts... Please wait...</td> <tr> </tr> <td valign="top" align="center" height="60"><img src="images/ajax-loader2.gif" width="32" height="32" align="top" /><br /></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
  2. i need some help with logic here. i am reading contents with ob_get_contents. then i need to search for and fetch the contents and id's in a custom tag. eg: <translate id="4" token_id="0" variant_id="1">contents............</translate>. i wanted to do that with preg_match_all but it get complicated trying to fetch the id's. does anyone have a better idea how best to go about it?
  3. i dont think i understand what you are saying. so, to group the category id's and serialize them? what would be the logic for the search for the front end? i'm trying to make it possible to reach a resource through multiple paths. do you have any example i could look at?
  4. hi, i'm creating the admin section for a multi-level category search/navigation system. i mean like, when a visitor comes to the site and they are looking for data, first a list of categories appears. for example ..... states....departments......etc. so when a user clicks on states, he gets another list of subcategories, and it can go on till he reaches the file/info he's looking for. i also wanted to make it multi dimensional so that a particular piece of information could be reached by different paths. on the admin side, i dont want to put a limit on the number of categories/levels an administrator can put in. Now my problem is figuring out the logic necessary to sort and store the data when the administrator uploads them so that in the front end, it would be easy for visitors to find them. i was thinking of prompting the admin to sort the contents during upload into different categories. then i could store those id's along with the contents in the database. still figuring how i would go about that though. does anyone have any ideas how i can go about this?
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