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Everything posted by k0a1a

  1. Thanks folks for the attempts! In fact, assign is documented here. Not sure if it's possible to achieve my goal with assign at all, I gave up experimenting pretty soon and implemented random number in that logic in CMS, which retrieves data from DB.
  2. The value of the variable becomes then: <?php rand(); ?> It does not evaluate it but treats as a string. Same thing BTW with arithmetic expressions such as 3+2.
  3. Hi there, I'm new to PHP, can you please give me an idea. My PHP application is a Web site developed by some 3rd party developer. Exact execution flow is not known to me, but approximately it goes like that: a home-made CMS written in PHP selects data from database and then calls HTML template. In this template special constructs like {val var="title_`$smarty.session.lang`"} get evaluated and replaced with their values. Then the whole HTML is returned to the client. It must have something to do with Smarty. Now the question. I need to assign a variable the value, which is a random number. I know how to assign a constant to a variable: {assign var=myVariable value="1"} So the "little" thing I'm missing is - how to assign it a result of mt_rand(0,1) instead of the constant 1? Thank you in advance!
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