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  1. I have a decent amount of experience with Java, but am rather new to PHP. I am trying to use PHP to update existing rows of data in a mysql database. I got most of this code from a Spoono tutorial (http://www.spoono.com/php/tutorials/tutorial.php?id=23). My problem is that this code works perfectly for me in Firefox and Safari in OS X, however it will not work in Windows XP or Vista. In Windows, the table "blue_table" should only be displayed once at the beginning. However, it is displayed throughout the updating process. Here is the code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title>System Update Form</title> <style type="text/css"> @import url('style.css'); </style> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <div id="title">System Update Form</div> </div> <div id="content"> <? require_once('db_login.php'); $connection = mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password); if(!$connection) { die("Could not connect to the database: <br/> ".mysql_error()); } // end if $db_select = mysql_select_db($db_database); if(!$db_select) { die ("Could not select the database <br />".mysql_error()); } // end if if(!isset($cmd)) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM system"); echo '<table id="blue_table" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr class="odd"> <th>System ID</th> <th>System Manufacturer</th> <th>System Model</th> <th>System Model Number</th> <th>System Manpower</th> </tr>'; $loopCount = 0; while($result_row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if($loopCount % 2 === 0) { echo "<tr class='even'><td>"; $s_id = $result_row["s_id"]; echo "<a href='systemupdate.php?cmd=edit&s_id=$s_id'>$s_id</a>".'</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_man"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_model"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_model_num"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_manpw"] . '</td></tr>'; } // end if if($loopCount % 2 > 0) { echo "<tr class='odd'><td>"; $s_id = $result_row["s_id"]; echo "<a href='systemupdate.php?cmd=edit&s_id=$s_id'>$s_id</a>".'</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_man"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_model"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_model_num"] . '</td><td>'; echo $result_row["s_manpw"] . '</td></tr>'; } // end if $loopCount = $loopCount + 1; } // end while } // end if(!isset($cmd)) ?> <? if($_GET["cmd"]=="edit" || $_POST["cmd"]=="edit") { if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) { $s_id = $_GET["s_id"]; $sql = "SELECT * FROM system WHERE s_id=$s_id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); // this if statement continued below HTML ?> <form action="systemupdate.php" method="post"> <input type=hidden name="s_id" value="<?php echo $myrow["s_id"] ?>"> <p><label>System Manufacturer: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="s_man" VALUE="<?php echo $myrow["s_man"] ?>" SIZE=30></label></p> <p><label>System Model: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="s_model" VALUE="<?php echo $myrow["s_model"] ?>" SIZE=30></label></p> <p><label>System Model Number: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="s_model_num" VALUE="<?php echo $myrow["s_model_num"] ?>" SIZE=30></label></p> <p><label class="req">System Manpower: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="s_manpw" VALUE="<?php echo $myrow["s_manpw"] ?>" SIZE=30></label></p> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="edit"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form> <? } // end if($_GET["cmd"]=="edit" || $_POST["cmd"]=="edit") ?> <? if($_POST["$submit"]) { $s_man = $_POST["s_man"]; $s_model = $_POST["s_model"]; $s_model_num = $_POST["s_model_num"]; $s_manpw = $_POST["s_manpw"]; $sql = "UPDATE system SET s_man='$s_man',s_model='$s_model',s_model_num='$s_model_num',s_manpw='$s_manpw' WHERE s_id=$s_id"; $result = mysql_query($sql); echo "<br />Information updated.<br /><br />"; echo '<h3><a href="systemupdate.php">Return to the system update page.</a> <br /> <a href="index.php">Return to the main page.</a></h3>'; } // end if($_POST["$submit"]) } // end if ($_GET["cmd"]=="edit" || $_POST["cmd"]=="edit") ?> </div> </body> </html> Thanks for any help!
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