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  1. Hello all -! Just found this forum and it rocks - ! I have a wordpress 2.5 site I'm working on and I want to do something that I'm having mad problems with. I've made posts on the wordpress forum with no help. Here is what I'm trying to do: I put in a Key and Value when I create a post. I'm trying to call this Key and the Value within this statement: Here is the default: <?php get_sidebar(); ?> I put this in there and it worked great... but... I can't do this as I'll have TONS of pages and the list will be crazy long. <?php if (is_single(7)) {include ('sidebars/sidebar5.php'); } else if (is_single(10)) {include ('sidebars/sidebar3.php'); } else {include ('sidebars/sidebar.php'); } ?> is_single means it is a post and 7 is the post number. What I setup was a key field named: "side" and put a value of "sidebars/sidebar5.php" so every page that used sidebar5 I would put in that value. Am I going the wrong way? I've tried all of the code options I could think of... started out with the one below and needless to say it didn't work...! <?php {include ('<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "side", $single = true); ?>'); }?>
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