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Everything posted by mrMarcus

  1. Change this line: header("url=view01.php?id=" . $row['id']); to header("Location: view01.php?id=" . $row['id']); exit(0);
  2. Is this error sporadic? You made it sound like it happened when I told you to remove (int) from your code (which would not generate an Internal Server error). To expedite a fix, I would send that message to your hosting provider and have them look into their logs.
  3. That error could be anything. The error is basically telling you to locate the applicable error log for more specific details.
  4. No problem. Please remove any/all instances of @ from your code. You are suppressing valuable errors messages that could help you troubleshoot issues with your application. Removing the @ (from @mail()) and checking your error_log during development would have shown you that your mail() function was failing. Errors should never be suppressed. They are errors and should not be ignored. Proper handling and logging by way of conditions will help you locate and resolve application errors, as well as save you time and headaches.
  5. You are using POST as the method in your <form> block. And then using $_GET to retrieve said values in your PHP. Either switch the form method to GET or change your $_GET's to $_POST's. I recommend the latter.
  6. http://www.your-site.com/profile.php?id=123 Where 123 is the ID of the corresponding profile.
  7. Check the directory in which the error occurred. Come again? I don't know what you're referring to.
  8. Is there anything in your error_log?
  9. Because you are casting each value as an integer using (int).
  10. To add to that for the OP: nofollow does not mean that Google will not crawl/follow links on that page. Nofollow is often a very misunderstood feature in that it's set by a page to basically say, "the links on this page are not very trustworthy and we do not want to take responsibility for their content". With that said, using nofollow on your site for internal link structure is not a good idea. People say you can use it for PR sculpting, but that's BS. Overuse of nofollow on internal links can damage your trust. Just let the juice flow.
  11. You are not including you headers within the mail() function. $strHeader is where you set your headers, but you don't do anything with them. Try this: $strHeader = "From: Your Name <". $fromEmail .">\r\n"; // change Your Name to your name or website name $strHeader .= "Reply-To: ". $fromEmail ."\r\n"; $strHeader .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $strHeader .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; $flgSend = @mail($toEmail, $subject, $message, $strHeader); Edit: Also, please, for your own sake/sanity, start indenting your code. And, unless you are sending attachments, you do not need to set boundaries.
  12. Placing ob_end_flush() immediately following ob_start() is pointless. Your code, as it stands, does not require any buffering. You can safely remove ob_start() and ob_end_flush() from your code. Here's more info: ob_start && ob_end_flush
  13. Do you name every picture "largeimage.jpg" and "thumbnail_pic.jpg"? You could just do something like: $image = md5($_FILES['image']['name']) .'_'. time(); // will generate something like 29c0eb0d71eee700df2bb4675c6d8938_1337968092 Of course you have to reattach the extension to the filename. There is still a chance that rand() creates a duplicate over time, so I would suggest against it.
  14. Only one way to find out... give it a try! Honestly though, that's the best way to get a deep understanding of PHP. And yes, it will work. Piece together some code, give it a shot. Any problems, report back.
  15. That would work as well. The Directions API will return a 'duration' value which you could toss through a script that will approve/deny if drive time is > 20 (or whatever time you allow). Google Directions API
  16. You could collect the range of zip codes that are within your delivery area and have a script that cross-references them when the user enters their address during checkout. Or you could work with a coordinates boundary system which would geocode the address and check to see if it's within your boundaries of delivery. Zip code is probably easiest IMO. However, being from Canada, I'm not sure how large an area a zip code in the US might cover. Our postal codes don't cover a very large area, not at least in my neck of the woods.
  17. But having 1,5,9,13... gives you 4 initial instances of 'alpha' with 1 'omega', then 3 instances of 'alpha' with 1 instance of 'omega'. This is what you want? Seems irregular to me. Or perhaps I'm still not understanding. Can you post a desired output.
  18. Yes, remove $senderaddress from the mail() function and try again.
  19. Seems you have removed: rel="lightbox" from your <a>
  20. I was actually referring to disposable email accounts, ie. mailinator.com I didn't use the right context.
  21. Anybody on this board would have spotted that issue in 5 seconds of seeing it. As soon as you said "free email account", I knew right away. Free email accounts always cause issues. They're best to avoid altogether.
  22. Why don't you just adjust your SQL to pull the appropriate recordset instead? Much easier to manipulate than a standard array.
  23. This would have been great had you mentioned it at the beginning of the thread. Your problem would have been resolved in 5 minutes instead of 5 days. Let this be a lesson.
  24. People are using free mail services (mailinator, etc) to register for your site. I don't blame them. However, you will need to build a function that does not allow them to use said email addresses when registering, or at least the one in question.
  25. Why do you want them in this array to begin with? Perhaps we can find a more efficient method of doing... whatever it is you're doing.
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