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Everything posted by Fsoft

  1. Well, Thanks, infact what I want is that people view the channel using our script the stream link(s) "the MMS link" is already saved in file, but if they take the source code or using property of their Media Player, they should not find a link to original stream as this is how people steal the channels and distribute and many sites.... And of-course then it effects on the performance of channels (speed as well).. SO what i wanted was that using my script , their media player will get a link to source fine . The link will be two parts, first part will be the MMS// stream link encoded and the second part, it wll be published with a token number (SESSION ID).. and each time session id will be reset, so it means if some one tries to steal or distribute the link to any other site, they will not work after a particular limit of time So for this ,,, I need a script, I made some thing, I am attaching the source code of file I made , <?php Session_Start(); //MD channels security system , written by FTS ! //2009 Malludreams Staff, All Rights reserved.. // 15:34 26 December 2008 (+1) French Standard time! $asia_net = "mms://"; //Edit the link in the double quotes! $asia_netplus = "mms://"; //Edit the link in the double quotes! $amirita = "mms://"; //Edit the link in the double quotes! $sid = Session_Id(); $form = "<body bgcolor=\"#3399FF\"> <p align=\"center\">\ <a href=\"../forum\"\> <img border=\"0\" src=\"http://i33.tinypic.com/ne9fdl.jpg\" width=\"950\" height=\"185\"></a></p> <p align=\"center\"> <embed src=\"$source_link\" type=\"application/x-mplayer2\" pluginspage=\"http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/\" id=\"wmplayer\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" autostart=\"1\" showstatusbar=\"1\" autosize=\"-1\" allowscan=\"-1\" allowchangedisplaysize=\"-1\" displaymode=\"0\" displaysize=\"4\" enabled=\"-1\" enablecontextmenu=\"0\" enablepositioncontrols=\"-1\" enablefullscreencontrols=\"1\" enabletracker=\"-1\" sendopenstatechangeevents=\"-1\" sendwarningevents=\"-1\" senderrorevents=\"-1\" sendkeyboardevents=\"0\" sendmouseclickevents=\"0\" sendmousemoveevents=\"0\" sendplaystatechangeevents=\"-1\" showcontrols=\"1\" showaudiocontrols=\"1\" showdisplay=\"0\" showgotobar=\"0\" showpositioncontrols=\"0\" showtracker=\"0\" volume=\"0\" height=\"399\" width=\"415\"><noembed>Use internet explorer to watch, come on , it's free with Windows!!!!</noembed></embed> </p> <p align=\"center\"><u><b><font size=\"5\" face=\"Comic Sans MS\">Sorry</font><font size=\"5\" face=\"Comic Sans MS\">, we don't allow stealing of code! If you want, come and contact our staff, we can think !</font></b></u></p> <p align=\"center\"><b><font face=\"Comic Sans MS\" size=\"5\" color=\"#FF0000\">You are viewing this page by $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]</font></b></p> <p align=\"right\"><b><font face=\"Times New Roman\" size=\"2\">©2009 <a href=\"../forum\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none\">Malludreams staff </span> </a>All Rights Reserved!</font></b></p> <p align=\"center\"><i><font face=\"Consolas\"><b>Script written by Faisal TASLEEM SHAH! [MD STAFF]</b></font></i></p>"; function encode($string) { $en1 = base64_encode("$string"); $en2 = base64_encode("$en1"); return $en2; } function decode($string) { $de1 = base64_decode("$string"); $de2 = base64_decode("$de1"); return $de2; } if($_GET["showmenow"] !== "" && $_GET["SECURITY_KEY"] == $sid) { $showmenow = decode(strip_tags("$_GET[showmenow]")); exit(); } if($_GET["watch"] == "asia_net") { $source_link = encode("$asia_net"); //echo "<meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"0;URL=?showmenow=$source_link&SECURITY_KEY=$sid\">"; echo "<body bgcolor=\"#3399FF\"> <p align=\"center\">\ <a href=\"../forum\"\> <img border=\"0\" src=\"http://i33.tinypic.com/ne9fdl.jpg\" width=\"950\" height=\"185\"></a></p> <p align=\"center\"> <embed src=\"?showmenow=$source_link&SECURITY_KEY=$sid\" type=\"application/x-mplayer2\" pluginspage=\"http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/\" id=\"wmplayer\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" autostart=\"1\" showstatusbar=\"1\" autosize=\"-1\" allowscan=\"-1\" allowchangedisplaysize=\"-1\" displaymode=\"0\" displaysize=\"4\" enabled=\"-1\" enablecontextmenu=\"0\" enablepositioncontrols=\"-1\" enablefullscreencontrols=\"1\" enabletracker=\"-1\" sendopenstatechangeevents=\"-1\" sendwarningevents=\"-1\" senderrorevents=\"-1\" sendkeyboardevents=\"0\" sendmouseclickevents=\"0\" sendmousemoveevents=\"0\" sendplaystatechangeevents=\"-1\" showcontrols=\"1\" showaudiocontrols=\"1\" showdisplay=\"0\" showgotobar=\"0\" showpositioncontrols=\"0\" showtracker=\"0\" volume=\"0\" height=\"399\" width=\"415\"><noembed>Use internet explorer to watch, come on , it's free with Windows!!!!</noembed></embed> </p> <p align=\"center\"><u><b><font size=\"5\" face=\"Comic Sans MS\">Sorry</font><font size=\"5\" face=\"Comic Sans MS\">, we don't allow stealing of code! If you want, come and contact our staff, we can think !</font></b></u></p> <p align=\"center\"><b><font face=\"Comic Sans MS\" size=\"5\" color=\"#FF0000\">You are viewing this page by $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]</font></b></p> <p align=\"right\"><b><font face=\"Times New Roman\" size=\"2\">©2009 <a href=\"../forum\"><span style=\"text-decoration: none\">Malludreams staff </span> </a>All Rights Reserved!</font></b></p> <p align=\"center\"><i><font face=\"Consolas\"><b>Script written by Faisal TASLEEM SHAH! [MD STAFF]</b></font></i></p>"; } elseif($_GET["watch"] == "asia_netplus") { } elseif($_GET["watch"] == "amirita") { }else { echo "<p align=\"center\"><b><font color=\"RED\">Sorry, but there is no channel selected to watch, please go to <a href=\"http://malludreams.com/forum\">Malludreams community forums</a> to select a valid channel link to watch ! <br>If you are trying to steal the link, Sorry but not possible </font></b></p>"; } ?> Everythign seems to work cool, but the problem is, in Media player embed code, I have some thing like this src=\"?showmenow=$source_link&SECURITY_KEY=$sid\" Which means that Media player will again go through the script and will get into $_GET["showmenow"]... AND inside of that script the encypted form of code gets back to the original form (MMS://) form, but now, how can I load the MMS:// URL data to Media Player? Well, As I said earlier , I am doing this all because just because to hide the original link from User(s) so that they can't steal it and post to other sites.. Thanks, any help will be appriciated, and well, if there is any other better way using php you think can solve this problem, all the suggestions are welcome Thanks once again, FAISAL!
  2. Hey Friends, how you doing? Well hope nice, I am working on a project for a friend's website , but I am stuck at a partiuclar point, The project is a script where people will enter a channel name and they will get access to it.. Now for better understanding ; stream/?watch=asia_net This is the first command which will tell script that this user wants to view channel called ASIA NET. The source original code of ASIA NET (the MMS LINK) is already saved in the script , in a variable, and then in the script the link of Asia net (MMS LINK) is encrypted several times!!! and then it will give a link like this in the embed of Media Player ; <embed="?watchnow=the encrypted form of link to channel&Securty=SESSION ID"> so in this, media player will look for the global variable ?wathnow And using if STATEMENT , when media player will get into it, the encrypted form of the link to channel will be decrypted into the original shape and will give a valid MMS shape like it was in starring, the link will be some thing like this ; mms://ip address/channel name EVERY thing is working as plan, but problem is now this link I have to pass through a function which will open this link in the MEDIA player, before I tried this with saving the link into an .asx file and save it in the same directory and simply include the file using simple include(); and it worked, but the problem is .asx file , is not secure enoguh, people can still get the MMS link of channel, What I want is that when I get MMS link in original shape, I want it to play the channel in the media player! Hope I made my self clear, Well please help and if some thing is not clear you can tell , I will post the source code for better understanding.. THANKs, looking forward for the answer, FAISAL!
  3. Hey Friends, Long time, almost three months I wasn't here on phpFreaks... Well but as if I ever need any help in programming phpFreaks and the staff is always here ! Well this time I need help in Javascript being honest I have no experiance in Javascript so this is why I am here ! so.addParam('flashvars','streamer=lighttpd&autostart=true&file=http://pakheart.com/tutorial1.flv'); Well in this line of code , as you can see it's in <javascript> format! Well, the problem is that from this entire code I want to use it in php get a variable called $tutorial1 ; and the variable when I echo it out the BOLD text should be echoed out, so it means $tutorial1 = "http://pakheart.com/tutorial1.flv"; If this was php I could do some thing but it's in Javascript and I know nothing about it so I don't know how to grab a particular info from a javascript line and putting into a variable .. Please help me, I will be very thankful to you, Badly waiting for answer, FAISAL!
  4. Hey Friends, Well I have a database and a table into it, The table have 4 fields, name, surname, country , idnumber, status! NOW ID NUM is int and auto inrement and all others are Vachars. This table have ten entries inside of it, but the problem is that there are 8 entries simliar, but in that , all the 8 names are same Ali, but in four the country is set to be India and in other it's set to be pakistan, but 6 of them have a status of V.I.P. Now the problem is , if I run a query saying "SELECT name from member where country = pakistan"; it will grab out all the names which corespond to Pakistan and they have three V.I.P and a normal person...there. But the problem is I want to run something "SELECT name from member where country = "Pakistan" & status = "V.I.P"; in this sense it will only show me up 3 Alis from paksitan who are V.I.P and fouth one will be not shown to me, But WHERE doesn't work with double condition , not for me with the code I wrote above, I might made some mistake, Please help me I want somethign to be like this "Select somthing from table where condition1 = something & condition2 = something; Hope I made it clear enough, Please help, thanks a lot, FAISAL!
  5. Hey Friends, Well I have a database and a table into it, The table have 4 fields, name, surname, country , idnumber, status! NOW ID NUM is int and auto inrement and all others are Vachars. This table have ten entries inside of it, but the problem is that there are 8 entries simliar, but in that , all the 8 names are same Ali, but in four the country is set to be India and in other it's set to be pakistan, but 6 of them have a status of V.I.P. Now the problem is , if I run a query saying "SELECT name from member where country = pakistan"; it will grab out all the names which corespond to Pakistan and they have three V.I.P and a normal person...there. But the problem is I want to run something "SELECT name from member where country = "Pakistan" & status = "V.I.P"; in this sense it will only show me up 3 Alis from paksitan who are V.I.P and fouth one will be not shown to me, But WHERE doesn't work with double condition , not for me with the code I wrote above, I might made some mistake, Please help me I want somethign to be like this "Select somthing from table where condition1 = something & condition2 = something; Hope I made it clear enough, Please help, thanks a lot, FAISAL!
  6. Hey, I am here with one more small problem which I am not able to solve out my self.. well there is a table in my SQL called products, now in products table there are two rows, productid (auto increment, int, primary_key) and productname (varchar) .. And I have 30 different products... Now If I use simple query to get them all and then using mysql_fetch_array(); and while() if I echo them out, all of them "30" are echoing on the same page, but I want that they echo 10 on a page and at the bottom of 10th product, they give a text link this 1 , 2 , 3. So it means when some one will click on 2, it will show up products from 10 - 20 and when some one will click on 3 it will finaly show products from 20-30 and when a new product is added so It will sow 1, 2, 3, 4 and when clicked on 4 it will show the products between 30-40 Hope I made my self clear.. Please help me.... Thanks, badly waiting for help.. FAISAL!
  7. Hey, I am using this query $querywritingguest = mysql_query("INSERT INTO onlineguests (guestip, guest_active_time) VALUES (\"$guestip\",'NOW()')"); This is query I am writing in my database for guest and NOW() is used because after a particular time, I will be deleting old entries, but problem is that now is giving a blank result like this : 0000-00-00 00:00:00 In database we have two fields, guestip (varchar) and guest_active_time (TIMESTAMP).. I don't get what Am I doing wrong Please help me.. Thanks! FAISAL!
  8. WOW, Great, clear enough... but one more question <?php $time = time(); $time_less = 300; $time_final = $time - $time_less; echo "<br>"; echo $time; echo "<br>"; echo $time_final; ?> in this code, time will echo out the result in seconds? and $time_less = 300; that 300 is 300 seconds?? And in MySQL NOW() will also put out time in same format as php does with time() ? Thanks a lot, FAISAL!
  9. Well, Thanks , Thank you very much for such detailed reply with script code, so sweet, Well but I do have some questions again, 1st : $_SERVER['server_addr']; when it's uploaded on server, it shows up the IP of server not the users IP... "for me atleast"... 2nd : NOW() ? what is this? 3rd : $20mins = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `online_now` WHERE 'NOW()' - `lastview` <= '1200'")); The red part I haven't understood, can you please explain a bit to me??? Thanks a lot, FAISAL!
  10. Hey, I am trying to make this simple script but I am really stuck :( The script is to tell that how much users are online at the moment viewing this page; <?php session_start(); $connect = mysql_conntect_db("host","user","pass"); mysql_select_db("test"); if($_SESSION["is_online"] == "i_know") { //do normal script work }else { $query1 = mysql_query("select online_id from sessions"); $query1_data = mysql_fetch_array($query1); $online = $query1_data["online_id"]; $online_now = $online + 1; $query_online_send = mysql_query("insert into sessions (online_id) values (\"$online_now\")); $_SESSION["is_online"] = "i_know"; echo "<meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"0;URL=script.php\">"; } $query3 = mysql_query("select online_id from sessions"); $online_now_at_the_moment = $query3["online_id"]; echo "Total users online : $online_now_at_the_moment"; ?> Finaly, this code is working good enough, but the problem is that it is just increasing the users viewing each time a user views "so it's a kind of hit counter" not "how much online" system.. I want to make it how much online.. It means before showing total number of user_id online, it will do a query and find out all the users online 20 mins before and remove them, only show up the number of users active in last 20 mins.. I know in this manner while writing the query of user becoming online I will have to write some other thing a long with adding users online number into database. But I don't know what I will have to write :( Please help me, by writing a very simple code showing me how I can do it? Please very simpel so that I can also understand.. Please help, Badly waiting for answer, Thanks a lot, FAISAL!
  11. If you re-read that, the answer's right there. You don't actually care what the user's time is; all you care about is whether a user entry is older than 20 minutes. If you user the server time in the database, you can compare the value in the database with the 'current' time on the server with nary a care about the user's time offset from your server time. well ya, you do have a point, But the comparission will be how? I mean how can I compare time, as it's not number so that I can compare with... Time is in a special form of 13:03:07 How will I compare that .......? FAISAL!
  12. HEHEHE nice one , you know what time is it :D Well, I want to know this because of ; http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,218528.msg1000970.html#msg1000970 As mentioned in this post, can you please tell me using a small code, how can I take a users time and write into Database, and then after 20 Mins can delete that entry, Thanks, and hope will help me.. FAISAL!
  13. Hey, Using date(); function, caching time and date works cool but when I upload to server and try the script, it shows the time, date of Server "US time and date".. But I want it to show the date / time of local, it means it should detect from computer it's Time Zone and show the time and date of that, Could any one help me regarding to this?? Thanks, F@!$@L
  14. Yes, 1st of all thanks, But I know about session_destroy(); and this is what I mentioned in text, but that will be only possible if some one will click on Log-out link, it will destroy session and write a query in database with a user offline details, But problem is that if user don't click on Log-out so session will not destroy "that don't matter" but the query will also be not written in database with offline details if user just closes his / her browser My question is, using a way, when a user logins, his username is taken in session and session id, and when that session expires, no matter if user click on logout or not, or close browser or not, it will write a query in MySQL giving users offline info......... Hope it makes clear, what I am trying to say, Thanks, I am waiting for help.. FAISAL!
  15. Hey, How you doing all? well Again, Like before I am up with a new php problem (question).. This time, I tried the answer on Google! but wasn't able to find what was searching for so though you might help me... The qestion is MySQL and php based. Now, I make a script which uses sessions. Now once script is browsed for the first time, as it uses session, it will make a query like this; <?php session_start(); if($_SESSION["this_people"] == "already_counted") { //do nothing........... //Perform the script task........... }else { $query1 = mysql_query("select * from sessions"); $query1_fetch = mysql_fetch_array($query1); $current_people_view = $query1_fetch["people_number"]; //The people number is the number written by same script before, however, once you see more code you will understand... $new_user_entry = $current_people_view + 1; $query2 = mysql_query("insert into sessions (people_number) values ('$new_user_entry'); $query3 = mysql_query("select * from sessions"); $query3_fetch = mysql_fetch_array($query3); $_SESSION["this_people"] = "already_counted"; } echo "Currently $query3_fetch[people_number] are seeing this page"; ?> Hope this code makes a sense to you, In this manner we will able to show , how much people are active... This can be used for a registration script also, I mean for registered members also , using this manner of code, we can know how much registered users are logged in and after we can echo their usernames and do that kind of stuff.. And using a log-out link we can just use a new MySQL query fetching the exiting number of online users and making $user_at_moment = $fetching_array["people_count"] -1; And write back in database... But the problem is that if some one don't click on log-out and just close their browser sheet, they will be shown as online until they don't log in and log-out.. Now I need help with this, As you know Script will use session it means after every 25 mins session will expire, and once it's expired there should be a way in which it will auto-matically decreses the count of online people once a session is expired, so lets say 10 people are online and after 5 mins for 4 of them , then session is expired, so once we refresh the script, it will show up 6 people online, not 10... HOpe it makes a sense to you guys, Please help me how can we do it, or any kind of help will be helpful, Thanks a lot, waiting for answer. FAISAL!
  16. Well Nice joke by GOD :D Well, I am asking for the second one, but hold on, I don't want to make my own I am saying if there is any way in which I make a site where there will be a search box where if you put a query and click on Submit, it will show the results taken by Google! but person can't know that this result is from Google! for example search.php?action=search&keywords=England So in this query our script will go to Google! , take "fetch" all the results from Google! which correspond when you search for England in standard Google! and after fetching, show them in our script as a result.. and down should be the numbers of pages like "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" as happens in standard Google! but when some one click on Page 2. it should be search.php?action=search&keywords=England&page=2 and so on. So is it possible to make a script like this? but in this script there should't be any place where some one can know that result is being fetched by Google! I know, it's quite ...... But how is it possible? can any one tell me or at-least give me an idea. So I will try my self..?? Thanks, FAISAL~
  17. Thanks , is there is any way to make one??? FAISAL~
  18. Hey, I just found this site : http://www.pakrise.com/ It's a kind of search engine "as they say".. But I am wondering how this site operates? as I can see this site is written in php. But I am unable to understand, how this site operates? I mean does they use MySQL?? Or what I believe some one here with a more knowledge can know and try to explain me Thanks a lot. Will be badly waiting for answer FAISAL~
  19. Hey, I want to make a simple java script What I want is to make a simple / small editor buttons. So here we go. There will be 4 HTML buttons and one text box. And the buttons will be for Bold / Italic / Center / Underline. So what I want is to have a javascript, but which if we select a particular text and click on B button, it will automatically get [b]text here[/b] I don't want users to manually do that Please help. Thanks a lot FAISAL!
  20. Hi I want to make a simple script, Which will have an HTML Browse button, and a submit button, And once submited we will have to set a directory on server for example /upload And once we submit, that file will be uploaded to /upload directory. AND YA I will make upload directory 777 <CHMOD> So php script will able to write it Please help Thanks a lot FAISAL!
  21. Wao, Very well done .. But now very small problem the text goes out like this ; Details : This is a test message, If you can see this message, it mean s your Buy and Sell system is Installed successfully, Plesae delete /install.php and go to /moderate.php to moderate.You can delete this query once you get into your moderation. Fo r more info go and open configuration.php... The password of Admin Access must be inserted inside of your configuration. php on the variable admin_pass.... Enjoy the Script. Best W ishes -> FAISAL SHAH! Is it not possible to put break only when we get a " " space. ?? thanks > I hope it's possible to make teh script perfect. Or it will look bad Thanks!
  22. Thanks dark water, I use this code, But still no change <?php $form = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\"> Name : <input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\"> <input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"> </form> "; if($_POST["submit"] == submit){ $post1 = $_POST["name"]; $post = implode("", str_split($post1, 50)); echo $post; }else { echo $form; } ?> FAISAL!
  23. Thanks a lot boss I use this code ; <?php $form = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"test.php\"> Name : <input name=\"name\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\"> <input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\"> </form> "; if($_POST["submit"] == submit){ $text_out = wordwrap($_POST["name"], 50); echo $text_out; }else { echo $form; } ?> BUT still, When I insert a string into the text and Put a long line, It don't put a <br> after the 50 charters BUT Just appends the page and Increases the page ( Ok, If this don't work this .. Tell me an easy code that from a line or MySQL we get a text that is a line (300) charters. I want to print it out BUT I want a <br> after 50 chars Thanks a lot FAISAL!
  24. The text of text area must Break after 50 chars. And get onto a new line as it does in the editor of here SMF. When we are typing. We don't have to go down, it automatically Breaks I want that .. THANKS for the answer though
  25. Hi, There is a text area in my script / form. In the text area when some thing is written, It goes just long and long and Cuts the entire Page. My Text area value is colleted by using this <?php $details = $_POST["details"]; ?> NOW I want that Before writing the data to file. This variable details must be run by a test. What test? Well After each 50 charters in the $details, It must insert an auto <br> inside of it. And it must continue until it's done with all the charters. For example, If the $details come with 200 Charters. It must enter 4 <br> each after every 50 Charters. HMM Looks little complicated to me. Thanks a lot Badly waiting for answer FAISAL!
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