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Everything posted by charleswelton

  1. Thank you for replying. I went a different route and got done what I needed. I did the grouping from a SQL perspective instead of using PHP arrays.
  2. Hello: I have been looking all over the web for information on how to do this; I get close, but can't get over the hump. Here is what my array looks like now: Array ( [4] => Array ( [368] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dataset] => TEST_TODD_VAULT [MAX] => 4 [type] => VAULT [LOCAL] => 0 [MIRROR] => 0 [VAULT] => 4 ) ) ) ) Array ( [0] => Array ( [368] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dataset] => TEST_TODD [MAX] => 0 [type] => LOCAL [LOCAL] => 0 [MIRROR] => 0 [VAULT] => 0 ) ) ) ) But, this isn't quite what I need. This is what I need the array to look like: Array ( [4] => Array ( [368] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [dataset] => TEST_TODD_VAULT [MAX] => 4 [type] => VAULT [LOCAL] => 0 [MIRROR] => 0 [VAULT] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [dataset] => TEST_TODD [MAX] => 0 [type] => LOCAL [LOCAL] => 0 [MIRROR] => 0 [VAULT] => 0 ) ) ) ) I need to group the array by the largest "MAX" value. I know this is clear as mud. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hello: I am new to this forum so please forgive me if I am not posting in the correct location. I am attempting to write a PHP web application that talks to a MSSQL database. I am using PHP with ODBC. I am able to retrieve the FIRST row, but unable to retrieve any additional rows. Here is my code: <?php //Set no caching ini_set('max_execution_time', 123456); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN> <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php $myDB = "Altiris"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = odbc_connect($myDB,'','') or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer."); function row_color($i){ $bg1 = "#c0c0c0"; // color one $bg2 = "#ffffff"; // color two if ( $i%2 ) { return $bg1; } else { return $bg2; } } $search_query = "SELECT Name, _ResourceGuid FROM Inv_AeX_AC_Identification WHERE _ResourceGuid = '".$_GET['c']."' ORDER BY Name"; $search_result = odbc_exec($dbhandle,$search_query); $search_numRows = odbc_num_rows($search_result); echo $search_numRows."<br/>"; while (odbc_fetch_row($search_result)) { $compName = odbc_result($search_result,"Name"); $compGUID = odbc_result($search_result,"_ResourceGuid"); echo $compGUID; $sql = "DECLARE @COMPGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @OPERATINGSYSTEM NVARCHAR(64), @DISTRIBUTIONSTATUS NVARCHAR(, @SCOPECOLLECTIONGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @STARTDATE DATETIME, @ENDDATE DATETIME, @PCULTURE VARCHAR(10), @FILTERCOLLECTION UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @TRUSTEESCOPE VARCHAR(MAX), @VENDORGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @CATEGORYGUID UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, @VIEWMODE NVARCHAR(16), @SUPERSEDENCESTATUS VARCHAR(20) SELECT @COMPGUID = '".$compGUID."', @OPERATINGSYSTEM = '%', @DISTRIBUTIONSTATUS = 'active', @SCOPECOLLECTIONGUID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', @STARTDATE = '1978-09-28T00:00:00', @ENDDATE = GETDATE(), @PCULTURE = 'en-US', @FILTERCOLLECTION = '01024956-1000-4cdb-b452-7db0cff541b6', @TRUSTEESCOPE = '{2E1F478A-4986-4223-9D1E-B5920A63AB41},{582029E2-FC5B-4717-8808-B80D6EF0FD67},{8609D1CE-1F9C-4BF9-8B41-7555B85FB94D},{B760E9A9-E4DB-404C-A93F-AEA51754AA4F}', @VENDORGUID = '9D5F6BB8-8ADF-49D1-9D84-2932CA46CE1E', @CATEGORYGUID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', @SUPERSEDENCESTATUS = 'non-superseded' DECLARE @Applicable TABLE ( _Update NVARCHAR(250), Name NVARCHAR(250), Description NVARCHAR(500), Guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ) DECLARE @Installed TABLE ( _Update NVARCHAR(250), Name NVARCHAR(250), Description NVARCHAR(500), Guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ) DECLARE @Rebootstatus TABLE ( _ResourceGuid UNIQUEIDENTIFIER, _ComputerName NVARCHAR(64), _Compliance DECIMAL, _ApplicableCount INT, _InstalledCount INT, _NotInstalledCount INT, _RestartPending VARCHAR(4), _OperatingSystem NVARCHAR(64), _DistributionStatus NVARCHAR(, _StartDate DATETIME, _ENDDATE DATETIME ) INSERT INTO @Applicable select distinct rsu.name as '_Update', rsu.Name, rsu.Description, rsu.Guid from vPMCore_AdvertisementAppliesToResource apr inner join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid = apr.AdvertisementGuid and Enabled = '1' inner join vPMCore_SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement sua on sua.Guid = apr.AdvertisementGuid inner join RM_ResourcePatch_Software_Update rsu on rsu.Guid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid inner join vPMWindows_UpdateApplicable apc on apc.UpdateGuid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid and apc._ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID --inner join vPMWindows_UpdateInstalled u on u.UpdateGuid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid and u._ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID where apr.ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID and sua.ClassGuid = '59705429-CFCC-4F7C-9BF6-D4FCE8C9622C' and sua.ProductGuid = 'B1338338-5575-4A27-9808-23BEC40D79FA' INSERT INTO @Installed select distinct rsu.name as '_Update', rsu.Name, rsu.Description, rsu.Guid from vPMCore_AdvertisementAppliesToResource apr inner join ItemActive ia on ia.Guid = apr.AdvertisementGuid and Enabled = '1' inner join vPMCore_SoftwareUpdateAdvertisement sua on sua.Guid = apr.AdvertisementGuid inner join RM_ResourcePatch_Software_Update rsu on rsu.Guid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid inner join vPMWindows_UpdateApplicable apc on apc.UpdateGuid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid and apc._ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID inner join vPMWindows_UpdateInstalled u on u.UpdateGuid = sua.SoftwareUpdateGuid and u._ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID where apr.ResourceGuid = @COMPGUID and sua.ClassGuid = '59705429-CFCC-4F7C-9BF6-D4FCE8C9622C' and sua.ProductGuid = 'B1338338-5575-4A27-9808-23BEC40D79FA' INSERT INTO @Rebootstatus EXEC spPMWindows_ComplianceByComputer @VENDORGUID, @CATEGORYGUID, @SUPERSEDENCESTATUS, @OPERATINGSYSTEM, @DISTRIBUTIONSTATUS, @FILTERCOLLECTION, @STARTDATE, @ENDDATE, @PCULTURE, @SCOPECOLLECTIONGUID, @TRUSTEESCOPE select ((select COUNT(*) from @Installed)) as 'MyCount','Pending' as 'Status', a._Update, b.Name as 'Bulletin', b.Description from @Applicable a inner join ResourceAssociation ra on ra.ChildResourceGuid = a.Guid and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458D-9AF2-55DB6B173293' inner join RM_ResourceSoftware_Bulletin b on b.Guid = ra.ParentResourceGuid Where a._Update not in (select _Update from @Installed) UNION select ((select COUNT(*) from @Installed)) as 'MyCount','Update Applied' as 'Status', a._Update, b.Name as 'Bulletin', b.Description from @Installed a inner join ResourceAssociation ra on ra.ChildResourceGuid = a.Guid and ra.ResourceAssociationTypeGuid = '7EEAB03A-839C-458D-9AF2-55DB6B173293' inner join RM_ResourceSoftware_Bulletin b on b.Guid = ra.ParentResourceGuid order by b.Name, a._Update, MyCount ASC"; if (odbc_error()) { echo "I've found a problem: " . odbc_errormsg($conn); } $sql_result = odbc_exec($dbhandle,$sql); if (!$sql_result) { exit("Error in SQL"); } while (odbc_fetch_row($sql_result)){ $col1=odbc_result($sql_result, "test_col"); echo "$col1\n"; } } ?> </body> <html> I have tried many different ODBC fetching options and none of them worked for me, but it is most likely because I wasn't using them correctly. Here is the error I am receiving: Warning: odbc_fetch_row() [function.odbc-fetch-row]: No tuples available at this result index in C:\wamp\www\PM\get_update_info.php on line 176 Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!! Thank you!
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