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Everything posted by thecard

  1. Thanks a lot Makes sense!
  2. I have a string called stringexample which I want to split up into an array containing the individual words in the original string. When I try to split it up however it doesn't split as I would like: when the alert comes up, the string has been split as following: [0] = "DATE:", [1] =" 2009/05/03", [2] = "", [3] =" Hello: WORLD". For some reason "Hello: WORLD" isn't split up into 2 strings. Why not? function aftersplit() { var splitres = Array(); stringexample = "DATE: 2009/05/03 Hello: WORLD" stringexample = stringexample.split(" "); for(i = 0; i < stringexample.length; i++){ alert(stringexample); } } Thanks for any help.
  3. Thanks, but is there not a more "efficient" way? Won't that just take up LOADS of tables (one for every day!).
  4. Right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have used the example of passwords. I don't want to know my users' passwords EVER. I'm sorry! What I should have stated is that on the website there is a point system: I need to record the number of points each user has on every single day. What is the best way of laying out my database to do this? Do I have a table for points then have a field called "date"? Pretend I didn't make the other post, I must have been mental at the time.
  5. Because I am coding a site which needs to have detailed graphs of user data over time periods. The user will see information about their account written on graphs.
  6. I have a standard table full of users, there are a few fields: id, user, pass, email... These are filled in when a user registers/changes personal information. What I need is to work out the most elegant way that I can store the "personal" information of each user everyday at a certain time. This is so that I can then submit a query for instance to find out what a user's password was on the 16th of November 2009 or what his/her email address was 100 days ago. Thanks for ANY help. I really just can't get my head around it.
  7. Whats the best way to encrypt entire javascript scripts? Turn it into gobbledo gook
  8. Have you just come here to ask people to do stuff for you? Not likely man. Try paying someone to do it.
  9. I have a php file with image headers: <img src="something.php" /> How could I set the image to reload every x seconds from inside something.php?
  10. Yep linux server. Now what?
  11. Wow, thanks for all the input. I think I'll try to use a mixture of the body unload javascript and a cron checker in the img file. Please could someone point me to a good tutorial on cron? I know nothing bout it
  12. Know which it works in and doesn't? It appears to work in ie7 and firefox.
  13. Yeah, thanks for your help anyways! Actually tbh, when I started this thread I was pretty sure something as simple as this would fail.
  14. Oh it does! I thought you said this wouldn't work premiso?
  15. But would this work if the user left any way shape or form? Like clicking the cross?
  16. Dunno, would that work?
  17. Awesome. Thanks. How do I do a cron check? Again, pls point me if u cba.
  18. Thanks a lot, I'll look through some examples now. What I really want is just over all time viewed for the site though, it doesn't matter about logging it as indiv. users. Would this make the php much less complicated?
  19. Thanks, ok. How do I set this timeout? If you can't be bothered to explain just point me to the correct page of the documentation pls! Always makes a good read
  20. But I don't understand how the php will know when to log the timestamp when the user leaves the site I want it to happen to ALL viewers of the site, they don't have to register or anything. I want to know exactly how long each stays Again thanks for all this help.
  21. Yep, but I have to do it remotely: A user would include an iframe of the php file in their page. Could this still log them? Thanks for the speedy response!
  22. What would be the best way to log the timestamp of a user's entrance and exit into a mysql database? Would I have to use javascript? If so which javascript triggers?
  23. OK. Its fine really, just would have been nice. I can just do it with another link Thanks sooo much for all that help. thecard
  24. You misunderstand me: For special reasons I NEED it to be asynchronous. It has to keep updating until the user leaves the page.
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