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  1. should probably be like that: $day3 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+3 day', time()));
  2. If there was a proper "date" or "datetime" field in your table (instead of just varchar "Monday"), then I would use DATE_FORMAT to get a 1-7 integer representing the day of the week. If there isn't one, FIND_IN_SET would probably sort this out, something like ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET(Day, 'Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday.........') ASC
  3. "xxxxxx", "a3165211_Forum"); i think it isn't that difficult to trace an error like that, especially when you have a line number.
  4. Other than the query issues, code like that makes baby Jesus cry. I suggest discovering arrays.
  5. because there's no value attribute on the <input>?
  6. why are you using colons in your date() function then? wouldn't date("Y-m-d") do the trick?
  7. well i suspect there's whitespaces left after you use explode(). try $city = trim($split[0]); $state = trim($split[1]); $country = trim($split[2]); and why would you use 'LIKE'? it's useless if you don't use wildcard (%).
  8. could you explain more thoroughly about why you need this? I have a feeling it doesn't make a lot of sense
  9. $time = strtotime($pds); echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);
  10. $headers = "From: $myemail\r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $email_address\r\n";
  11. mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY tutor") not too sure about mysqli, bet for mysql_query the first argument is query and the second one is conn link.
  12. echo '<a href="?thumb=' . ($_GET['thumb']-1) . '">Previous</a>'; echo '<a href="?thumb=' . ($_GET['thumb']+1) . '">Next</a>';
  13. $thumb_selected = (isset($_GET['thumb']) ? $_GET['thumb']:''); if ($thumb_selected !==""){ $dirName = substr($thumb_selected,0,strpos($thumb_selected,basename($thumb_selected))); $thumbName = basename($thumb_selected); $thumbFile = $dirName.$thumbName; $large = str_replace('_th.jpg','.jpg',$thumbFile); } Wait, isn't this what should do it in the first place?
  14. not sure what that list() does there at all, but .. "SELECT * FROM toplist WHERE premium='1' && activated='1' && ban='0' && staff='0' ORDER BY (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE votes.serverId = toplist.id) DESC"
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