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  1. Hello there! I have all the puzzle pieces, but can't figure out how to put it together. I know how to make a form. I know how to make a database (both with .php and .asp). BUT the two separate things are not what I want. (And I don't like the 504 error message I'm getting each time I try to submit the form to the database) I would like to have a form (simple answer, only one sentence) submit to a page which displays the "database" of all other answers to the question. I would like the database answers randomized as well and limited by Here's the submit form page I have created. www.eristics.net/music/zimbabwem.html Thanks for your help! erisitic
  2. I know you're not here to write code for me. I'm just completely lost. I know how to put a form together, but how do I get the form answer to be written on another page? The most important goal is to randomize the information with each page refresh, so that no single response is at the top. Thanks, eristic
  3. Hello! I need some help. First: I would like to create a simple form that, when entered, the information appears on another page. Second: I would like that information added to by numerous visitors. Third: I would like the information randomized and anonymous. Thanks! eristic
  4. I would like to create a list of countries that when clicked on it will go to a page for that country. Simple html should be on the other side, but I would like to use php or something similar to get them there. I found this source and many other like it: <TR> <TD NOWRAP class=textbasic>Country:</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD class=textbasic><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td width=200><SELECT NAME='MyFormcountry[]' class='textfield'><OPTION VALUE=''SELECTED>Select<OPTION VALUE='7'>Afghanistan <OPTION VALUE='8'>Albania <OPTION VALUE='9'>Algeria <OPTION VALUE='10'>American Samoa <OPTION VALUE='11'>Andorra <OPTION VALUE='12'>Angola <OPTION VALUE='13'>Anguilla etc. But I have no idea what to do with it! While I could look through tutorials, I know that you personally love solving problems and helping people. eristic
  5. // create query $query = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 5"; I suppose? And what is the best script for a blank text field and submit button? The simpler is better for me.
  6. Ah, I see now. No, I would prefer that you can view all suggestions (scroll down) not just one. But, that all results are randomized. Perhaps limit the result to five?
  7. Excuse my ignorance, but I have no idea if that is what I want. While I know how to make and view .php files, the computer I am on will not let me save them correctly (silly girlfriend computer!). I assume it is since both of you submitted the same php but I have no way of viewing it right now. Thank you for your quick help. eristic
  8. I would like to create: A simple form that, when entered, your answer would be added to a list of many others (perhaps in a table). For example, I would enter: "Animal Collective - The Feels" and it would add to a list of many other music suggestions upon submitting. I know how to do this, but the bigger goal that I do not know how to do is this: I would like the answers randomized with each browser refresh. My reasoning for this is to eliminate the need for people to post "First! Woot woot! Yesssssssssssss..." then get on with their actual help. One's answer is not the most important. It is the collection of music suggestions that is. Ideally, I would like to not use a forum, but have a simple form followed by a table of text once submitted so that you can view the other randomized answers. Hopefully, their suggestion would be lost in the mix already so they can view other's music suggestions. Thanks so much for the help. eristic
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