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  1. Hi, I'm trying to install Apache 2 and PHP 5.2.6 onto an HP-UX11 box, I've gotten both Apache and PHP running fairly smoothly, but when I try to build with oci8, the configure, make, make install works just fine, but it generates an oci8.a file instead of a oci8.so file, and when I try to include it, it gives me the following message: PHP Warning: PHP startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/oci8.a' - Bad magic number for shared library: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/oci8.a A quick search has said this is giving me the wrong file type or something to that extent, but I'm a bit confused by this, since I'm using, to the best of my knowledge, the exact same configuration as I did on a it's sister box, which functioned just fine. PHP configure line is as follows: ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/ora01/app/oracle/product/instant_client_10202 Apache configure is as follows: ./configure --enable-so
  2. Did a quick test of your if block(occurs to me this should of been the first thing I did...) and it seems to work like it's supposed to(although add in the >=/<= signs, since without them a square image will slip by), and I don't have enough experience(read none) working with the image functions to help see if anything went wrong there. Judging by a quick read over of the imagecopyresample page, my only thought is the decimal places might be messing it up somehow, but I'm doubtful of that. And I can't seem to get the functions(image functions) working on my end to try much else....Sorry.
  3. What do you consider too big though, having a bit of trouble seeing that from the code you've posted, from what I can get this is what your checking for: An image is large if origHeight and origWidth are both over 560(with origHeight being the largest), and the other is if both origHeight and origWidth are both over 540(with origWidth being largest). Although this does leave a dead zone if origHeight and origWidth are between 540 and 560 and origHeight is the largest it'll stay the same. What is the dimension of the image your using for testing?
  4. What are your parameters for wanting a resize? And what's the desired dimension? Also, you might want to use >= or <= in the checks between origHeight and origWidth, otherwise a square image will always remain the same. Even if it is 1000x1000.
  5. Whoops, didn't see you made another topic: Ignore.
  6. For the other one, your getting back the row of data, but your not actually doing anything with it. Your just using $id from above. Although if your still only getting 1 result, let me know and I'll try to take a better look at it.
  7. Taking a look at the HTML source in the page you've posted, it looks malformed since your closing 3 tables that you never open. Looks like there might be a problem earlier up in the page that's causing this. Your Generate HTML: </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
  8. In the code you posted the print line is commented out.
  9. Add another case in the deposit if block: } else if (($banked+$amt)>$max) { Error Here } Unless I'm missing something.
  10. Dragoa

    Sticky Bit Issues?

    I've got it set-up to run as a different user, but I honestly have no idea why they want this. My boss is worried if the server goes down he'll lose the application for a while, and he just wants to set-up a simple little job that makes sure everything is working so he doesn't run into problems of trying to use something that isn't there. Or if we don't have root access on a box, and it goes down, our Unix Admin leaves about 3 hours before everyone so we'd be kind of in trouble if that happened since the only other person who might know is a major stickler for convention and it'd take us about a week and a few meetings to get root access on the box for a 2 second fix. All I know is I'm a lowly co-op who was given a task, and by gods am I trying to finish it
  11. I'm trying to get a simple script set-up so that I can start, and eventually stop, an apache server from running on the HP-Itanium box it's running on. To do this, I've set-up a near trivial script which contains the basic command: "start_apache": /opt/hpws/apache/apachectl start And given it an owner as root, and a sticky bit. I can execute the script just fine and the server comes up as any user I choose, but this is where I run into a problem. For some reason whenever I run the script as someone non-root it doesn't include the oci8 module, and some investigation into the error log file gives me this: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic libarary '/opt/hpws/apache/php/lib/extensions/oci8.sl' - Unable to find library 'libclntsh.so.9.0'. in Unknown on line 0. I get this even if I'm running the start_apache script as the owner of the file. I've checked the pathway permissions to both of the files(the oci8.sl file, and the libclntsh.so.9.0 link, which points to the correct libclntsh file.) and everything should be in order. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
  12. Is it possible to get some clarification on what each variable does? That query($q) is really confusing me. Also a test scenario with all four variables filled out would be great as well.
  13. To change the UPDATE to a SELECT just take the WHERE clause from your update and basically stick it into a Select. So: SELECT * FROM ads WHERE id = $row[id] Then just run that query and display the results onto a page somehow, or just print out the statement and run it manually.
  14. Silly question time: 1) Have you ensured that it's actually entering into the if statement where the sql statement is? 2) Have you printed out the $errors array right before the "if(empty($errors))" line, to make sure it's empty? 3) Printed out of the $sql statement before it runs, then run it manually to test to make sure it actually runs? Can't help much on the sql bit as I don't have much experience with it, but maybe this will help?
  15. Looks like your id might not be unique, which is causing all the records to be updated each time it's called. Have you tried swapping out the Update for a Select statement to make sure you only selecting a single record each time?
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