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Everything posted by p8ball4life

  1. Thank you for your help columbian. I was able to migrate the processing form page2 over to page1. Is there any reduced security involved in doing this?
  2. Apparently it does have something to do with the fact that I am sending the form back to itself for validation. If I change the form action to the second 'processing' page, then the variables get sent correctly. Any thoughts?
  3. Something else that may be effecting my output is the fact that I have the submit button linking back to the same page. This allows me to refresh the page if the user fails the captcha test and put all of their input back in. If they passed the captcha test, it should then go on to the form submission page, but it would technically be going from the 2nd refreshed page?
  4. I am now having trouble getting the actual data to be sent. This is a pre-developed website that I am trying to add Captcha too. The following is my code for the site that I have added. The rest of the information is just creation of the forms and development of the page itself: $email2 = " "; $fname2 = " "; $lname2 = " "; $address2 = " "; $city2 = " "; $state2 = " "; $zipcode2 = " "; $hphone2 = " "; $wphone2 = " "; $comments2 = " "; if ($_POST['process'] == 1) { $email2 = $_POST['email']; $comments2 = $_POST['comments']; $fname2 = $_POST['fname']; $lname2 = $_POST['lname']; $address2 = $_POST['caddress']; $city2 = $_POST['city']; $state2 = $_POST['state']; $zipcode2 = $_POST['zip']; $hphone2 = $_POST['hphone']; $wphones2 = $_POST['wphone']; } require_once('recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "xxx"; $privatekey = "xxx"; ?> **Form Creation with value being set to: value="<?print $email2; ?>" for each field This allows the page to repopulate the fields if the user fails the captcha instead of making the user re-enter the information.** <!--Captcha Start--> <?php echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey); //the response from reCAPTCHA $resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"]); //the error code from reCAPTCHA, if any $error = null; if ($_POST['process'] == 1) { echo "****This is not the first page load of this instance****"; echo $resp->error; if($resp->is_valid){ echo "<script language=\"javascript\"> location.href=\"$url\"; </script>"; echo "<B>If you have javascript disabled you may click on this link to process the form:</B> <A HREF='http://www.xxx'>www.xxx</A>"; } } //are we submitting the page? if ($_POST["submit"]) { if (!$resp->is_valid) { die ("The reCAPTCHA wasn't entered correctly. Go back and try it again." . "(reCAPTCHA said: " . $resp->error . ")"); } } echo "<script language=\"javascript\"> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : 'white'}; </script>"; echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey, $error); ?> </p> <!--Captcha End--> <input type="hidden" name="process" value="1"> The only thing that I can think of is that my loading of the new page through javascript doesn't allow some function that sends the information to the next page for processing. The only lines of code after the hidden field are as follows: <p> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></p></div></form> <script language="javascript1.2"><!-- EXs=screen;EXw=EXs.width;navigator.appName!="Netscape"? EXb=EXs.colorDepth:EXb=EXs.pixelDepth;//--> </script><script language="javascript"><!-- EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb?"":EXb="na"; EXd.write("<img src=\"http://t0.extreme-dm.com", "/c.g?tag=polofie&j=y&srw="+EXw+"&srb="+EXb+"&", "l="+escape(EXd.referrer)+"\" height=1 width=1>");//--> </script><noscript><img height=1 width=1 alt="" src="http://t0.extreme-dm.com/c.g?tag=polofie&j=n"></noscript> </div> </font></td> </tr> </table> <? include_once("includes/footer.inc");?> Any help would be appreciated! To sum it up; I'm trying add captcha to a working form submission that goes to another page. Since adding the captcha, which works and checks correctly, the other page does not receive the variables.
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