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  1. I set file permissions to only read and for now its fine, but I dont know is this right solution. Thank you for good explanation.
  2. hi there I have problem with httpaccess file. I didnt do any changes in this file but for unknown reason i see this lines in RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .*index\.php\?page=turion.* RewriteRule .* - [F,L] This restricted access to some parts on my page. How can this happend when I didnt put nothing in httpaccess file? What can be reason for automaticaly restrict access? Before a while everything works fine..... any ideas?
  3. Or the server block all http requesting
  4. hmmm I receive error 403 Forbidden from a valid site address. From my local server is ok. But when I upload to a web host server i receive error. Any solution?
  5. flyhoney this script helped me a lot. Thank you.
  6. Its 50% faster. With image check it need around 6 seconds to make the link check. With headers it need only 3 seconds. I will probably use this method (with headers check) Thanks to all for the help.
  7. This look to me like a good idea and I try it. But its really slow if a link is not correct.
  8. I need to check if site exist or if link is broken or not. Example www.site.com/images/image.jpeg I dont mean it is valid or not. I mean is it broken or not. The point is. If the link is ok if I clikc with mouse on it, it will open a picture file in my browser. If its broken (so the picture didnt exist on the server) i will receive in my browser error message. So I need some php code who will check if link is ok (file exist on the server and everithing is cool) or its broken Please I must to make some solution on this one. I find a free source scripts on the web but they check a whole site for a broken or valid links. I need something simple, short, fast and useful script for checking broking links. Thank you.
  9. I need to check is link valid www.sitename.com.images.image.jpg or site exist www.sitename.com
  10. http://www.thsite.com/images/image.jpeg if you can tell me to check is site exist http://www.thesite.com
  11. Any way to check if link is valid or not with php?
  12. I just notify that With opera 9.21 clock script working fine..... I have no idea what can be the problem.... Please any help will be useful..
  13. Hi there I use a little clock JS to show the clock on the page. The code for this script is here function Calendar(m, y, cM, cH, cDW, cD, brdr){ var mn=['Януари','Февруари','Март','Април','Май','Юни','Юли','Август','Септември','Октомври','Ноември','Декември']; var dim=[31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]; var oD = new Date(y, m-1, 1); oD.od=oD.getDay()+1; var todaydate=new Date() var scanfortoday=(y==todaydate.getFullYear() && m==todaydate.getMonth()+1)? todaydate.getDate() : 0 dim[1]=(((oD.getFullYear()%100!=0)&&(oD.getFullYear()%4==0))||(oD.getFullYear()%400==0))?29:28; var t='<div class="'+cM+'"><table class="'+cM+'" cols="7" cellpadding="0" border="'+brdr+'" cellspacing="0"><tr align="center">'; t+='<td colspan="7" align="center" class="'+cH+'"><div id="txt"></div>'+mn[m-1]+' - '+y+'</td></tr><tr align="center">'; for(s=0;s<7;s++)t+='<td class="'+cDW+'">'+"SMTWTFS".substr(s,1)+'</td>'; t+='</tr>'; t+='<tr align="center">'; for(i=1;i<=42;i++){ var x=((i-oD.od>=0)&&(i-oD.od<dim[m-1]))? i-oD.od+1 : ' '; if (x==scanfortoday) x='<span id="today">'+x+'</span>'; t+='<td class="'+cD+'">'+x+'</td>'; if(((i)%7==0)&&(i<36))t+='</tr><tr align="center">'; } t+='</table></div>'; t+='<table id="calendar_bottom" width="300">'; t+='</tr>'; t+='<tr>'; t+='<td colspan ="7"> </td>'; t+='</tr>'; return t+='</table>'; } function startTime() { var today=new Date(); var h=today.getHours(); var m=today.getMinutes(); var s=today.getSeconds(); // add a zero in front of numbers<10 m=checkTime(m); s=checkTime(s); document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML=h+":"+m+":"+s; t=setTimeout('startTime()',500); } function checkTime(i) { if (i<10) { i="0" + i; } return i; } I call this script with this lines from the html <script type="text/javascript"> var todaydate=new Date(); var curmonth=todaydate.getMonth()+1; var curyear=todaydate.getFullYear(); document.write(Calendar(curmonth ,curyear, "main", "month", "daysofweek", "days", 1)); </script> so I install a JS for slide show and the clock script doesn't work any more. Here it is the code var slideshowgap=5 var copyspeed=slidespeed leftrightslide='<nobr>'+leftrightslide.join(imagegap)+'</nobr>' var iedom=document.all||document.getElementById if (iedom) document.write('<span id="temp" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:-100px;left:-9000px">'+leftrightslide+'</span>') var actualwidth='' var cross_slide, ns_slide function fillup(){ if (iedom){ cross_slide=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("test2") : document.all.test2 cross_slide2=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("test3") : document.all.test3 cross_slide.innerHTML=cross_slide2.innerHTML=leftrightslide actualwidth=document.all? cross_slide.offsetWidth : document.getElementById("temp").offsetWidth cross_slide2.style.left=actualwidth+slideshowgap+"px" } else if (document.layers){ ns_slide=document.ns_slidemenu.document.ns_slidemenu2 ns_slide2=document.ns_slidemenu.document.ns_slidemenu3 ns_slide.document.write(leftrightslide) ns_slide.document.close() actualwidth=ns_slide.document.width ns_slide2.left=actualwidth+slideshowgap ns_slide2.document.write(leftrightslide) ns_slide2.document.close() } lefttime=setInterval("slideleft()",30) } window.onload=fillup function slideleft(){ if (iedom){ if (parseInt(cross_slide.style.left)>(actualwidth*(-1)+) cross_slide.style.left=parseInt(cross_slide.style.left)-copyspeed+"px" else cross_slide.style.left=parseInt(cross_slide2.style.left)+actualwidth+slideshowgap+"px" if (parseInt(cross_slide2.style.left)>(actualwidth*(-1)+) cross_slide2.style.left=parseInt(cross_slide2.style.left)-copyspeed+"px" else cross_slide2.style.left=parseInt(cross_slide.style.left)+actualwidth+slideshowgap+"px" } else if (document.layers){ if (ns_slide.left>(actualwidth*(-1)+) ns_slide.left-=copyspeed else ns_slide.left=ns_slide2.left+actualwidth+slideshowgap if (ns_slide2.left>(actualwidth*(-1)+) ns_slide2.left-=copyspeed else ns_slide2.left=ns_slide.left+actualwidth+slideshowgap } } if (iedom||document.layers){ with (document){ document.write('<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><td>') if (iedom){ write('<div style="position:relative;width:'+sliderwidth+';height:'+sliderheight+';overflow:hidden">') write('<div style="position:absolute;width:'+sliderwidth+';height:'+sliderheight+';background-color:'+slidebgcolor+'" onMouseover="copyspeed=0" onMouseout="copyspeed=slidespeed">') write('<div id="test2" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px"></div>') write('<div id="test3" style="position:absolute;left:-1000px;top:0px"></div>') write('</div></div>') } else if (document.layers){ write('<ilayer width='+sliderwidth+' height='+sliderheight+' name="ns_slidemenu" bgColor='+slidebgcolor+'>') write('<layer name="ns_slidemenu2" left=0 top=0 onMouseover="copyspeed=0" onMouseout="copyspeed=slidespeed"></layer>') write('<layer name="ns_slidemenu3" left=0 top=0 onMouseover="copyspeed=0" onMouseout="copyspeed=slidespeed"></layer>') write('</ilayer>') } document.write('</td></table>') } } I call this script with this lines in PHP <?php $image = explode( ",", trim($params->get( 'images' )) ); $url = explode( ",", trim($params->get( 'urls' )) ); $title = explode( ",", trim($params->get( 'titles' )) ); ?> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var sliderwidth="<?php echo trim($params->get( 'width' )); ?>px" var sliderheight="<?php echo trim($params->get( 'height' )); ?>px" var slidebgcolor="<?php echo trim($params->get( 'bgcolor' )); ?>" var slidespeed=<?php echo trim($params->get( 'speed' )); ?> var imagegap=" " var leftrightslide=new Array() var finalslide='' <?php for($i=0;$i<count($image);$i++) { $alt = $title[$i] ? ' alt="'. $title[$i] .'"' : ''; if ( $params->get( 'linked' ) ) { $link = $url[$i] ? '<a href="'. $url[$i] .'">' : ''; $link_end = $url[$i] ? '</a>' : ''; } $templink = $link.'<img src=" trim($params->get( 'folder' ))."/". $image[$i].'" border="0"'.$alt.">".$link_end; ?> leftrightslide[<?php echo $i; ?>]='<?php echo $templink; ?>' <?php } ?> </script> <script src="script.js" language="JavaScript1.2"></script> I think that problem is in line document.getElementById('txt').innerHTML=h+":"+m+":"+s; from clock script but Im not sure.... can anyone give me some clue how to resolve this problem..... Thank you. (sorry for all this codes.... you can delete it if there is a conflict with forum rules)
  14. So I can put the letters in the $_SESSION and bots will not be able to read the code from session?
  15. Everyone sell me something..... Can someone give me idea how this can work?
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