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  1. Hello , i have a problem with form. i want submit a form to page that appear in iframe in the same page. and this ifram have to appear instead of the form it self. simple example here in www.tinypic.com when you upload the image the action page appear instead of the form. i used this code <html> <script language="javascript"> function toggleFRAME(id) { var div = document.getElementById(id); div.style.display = "block"; div.innerHTML="<iframe name='IFRAMENAME' src='PAGENAME.PHP'></iframe>"; } </script> <body> <form method="POST" action="PAGENAME.PHP" target="IFRAMENAME"> <input type="text" name="USERINPUT" id="SOME_INPUT" value=""> <br /> <input type="submit" value="SUBMITTED" name="SUBMIT" id="THIS_IS_SUBMITTING" onclick="javascript:toggleFRAME('divID');"> </form> <div id="divID"></div> </body> </html> when i used this code the iframe appear but its appear next of the form. that mean the form steal in the page. any want can help me in this issue? thank you
  2. Thank you so much all. and thank you minidak03. <?php $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum and the ^#yahoo# is the best email and my ^#facebook# is the best site"; $pattern = '/#(.*?)#/'; preg_match_all($pattern,$string,$data,PREG_SET_ORDER); $a = 0; $count = count($data); while($a < $count) { echo $data[$a][1].'<br />'; $a++; } ?> this is the one problem resolved
  3. thank you so much for your post. <?php $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum and the ^#yahoo# is the best email and my ^#facebook# is the best site"; if(preg_match_all('/\^#(.+?)#/',$string,$matches)){ foreach($matches[1] as $match) print $match; } ?> this code posted before by effigy and it give me a lot of errors when i tried to change the symbols so i used this code <?php $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum"; $s = strpos($string,'#'); print substr($string,$s+1,strpos($string,'#',$s+1) - $s - 1); ?> and its working just like dream. the problem when i need use more than one time is there anyway to use the same code for than one time in the same variable?
  4. thank you so much all the closet solution for me is <?php $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum"; $s = strpos($string,'#'); print substr($string,$s+1,strpos($string,'#',$s+1) - $s - 1); ?> but the problem that its make it for once. if the text like that $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum and the ^#yahoo# is the best email and my ^#facebook# is the best site"; it will only print phpfreaks and i want print all of the results could you please help me to loop through it thank you so much
  5. Hello All, I have a problem with String manipulation : $string = "Hello And welcome To ^#phpfreaks# the best php forum"; how to echo the phpfreak word only? i mean how to extract it from the variable? i need to know how to extract words between 2 symbols even the symbols is *&^%$? thank you
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