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Posts posted by hansford

  1. You are only calling a static method of the class. In order to call the constructor you need to create an object of the class.

    use foo as foo;
    $foo = new \foo\foo_bar();
    class foo_bar {
    	function __construct() {
    	public static function foo() {
    		print('This is foo');
    	public function foobar() {
    		print('<br />This is foobar');
  2. Looking over the code....


    If $_GET['id'] is not set, then none of the variables are going to be defined.

    $row is defined twice and only the second definition counts.

    Put in some echo's to see what is going on along the code path.

            $run = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);    
  3. $output = array(
    usort($output['data']['500020315']['members'],function($a, $b) {
        $c = $a['account_name'];
        $d = $b['account_name'];
        if($c == $d) return 0;
        else if($c > $d) return 1;
        else return -1;



    "cleaning the URL",Totally and in a nut shell:

    1.You must use rawurlencode() for parts that come before "?" 

    2.Use urlencode for all GET parameters (values that come after each "=")(POST parameters are automatically encoded).

    3.Use htmlspecialchars for HTML tag parameters and HTML text content

    $url_page = 'example/page/url.php';
    //page the link will request
    $text = 'this is a simple string';
    $id = '4334%3434';
    $linktext = "<Clickit> & you will see it";
    //text of the link, with HTML unfriendly characters
    // this gives you a clean link to use
    $url = "http://localhost/";
    $url .= rawurlencode($url_page);
    $url .= "?text=" . urlencode($text);
    $url .= "&id=" . urlencode($id);

    // htmlspecialchars escapes any html that
    // might do bad things to your html page
    <a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($url); ?>">
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars($linktext); ?>

    @hansford, I changed the data type to BLOB, however, it stores the file as kind of binary file (see attached image please).


    That is what it's suppose to do. It's a database, not a file system. In order to convert it back into a file, you need to write that data to a file with the proper file extension of whatever it used to be before you placed it in the database.

  6. define('br','<br />');

    $lists = array(

    $mid_array = array();

    $highest_id = '';
    $i = 0;

    foreach($lists as $list)
    $id = $list['id'];
    $total = $list['total'];
    $goal = $list['goal'];
    $percent = ($total / $goal) * 100;

    $mid_array[$i]['id'] = $id;
    $mid_array[$i]['percent'] = $percent;

    usort($mid_array, function($a, $b){

    $c = $a['percent'];
    $d = $b['percent'];

    if($c == $d) { return 0; }
    if($c < $d) { return 1; }

    return -1;

    foreach($mid_array as $arg)
    echo $arg['id'] . ' ' . $arg['percent'] . '%' . br;
  7. My Opinions:

    When you bunch up your code like that it makes it difficult to follow and see where errors may be occurring.

    I would enclose conditional statements within braces. Less prone to errors as what happens if you decide to add an additional statement.

    If a function or variable name is more than one word long...each successive word should start with a capital letter or an underscore should be used between words for clarity.

    function checkTitle( $title )
        if(strlen($title) > 55)
            return getMsg('Title Is Too Long');
        if(! preg_match('/[a-z]/', $title))
            return getMsg('Title Is All Caps');
  8. To get it back into array format you could do something like so:

    $path = 'path to file goes here';
    $fp = @fopen($path, 'rb');
    if($fp === false)
        echo 'failed to create/open csv file';
    $start = true;
    $headers = array();
    $multi = array();
    while(($data = fgetcsv($fp,4095)) !== false)
           $headers = array_values($data);
           $start = false;
        // combine headers with data array to form associative array
        $multi[] = array_combine($headers, $data);
  9. I knew I was missing stuff. The code is very difficult to follow.

       if (strlen)($password)) > 20) {    // if (strlen($password) > 20)
                            $error[] 'Username is too long';
                    $login = login($username, $password);
                    if login ==== false) {   // if (login === false)
                            $errors[] = "That username or password is incorrect. Please try again.";
                    } else if {  // No conditional statement.  should be only else and not else if
                            $_Session['user_id'] = $login;  //as mentioned $_SESSION['user_id'] = $login;
                            header('Location: index.php');
  10. This part of the code is not going to work.

       if (strlen)($password)) > 20) {    // if (strlen($password) > 20)
                            $error[] 'Username is too long';
                    $login = login($username, $password);
                    if login ==== false) {   // if (login === false)
                            $errors[] = "That username or password is incorrect. Please try again.";
                    } else if {
                            $_Session['user_id'] = $login;
                            header('Location: index.php');
  11. I would be checking this part of the code based on some known username, password and status of both Y and N.

    echo out the value of $row['active'];

    Personally, I wouldn't use a character for this column to compare. I would use a Boolean value of 1 or 0;

    if ($result) { // If uname and password match
    		while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
    			if ($row['active'] == 'N') { // Account is not active
    				echo "<p>Your account has not been activated! Please check your email inbox.</p><br />";		
    			} else if ($row['active'] == 'Y') { // Account is active
    				$_SESSION['uname'] = $_POST['uname'];
    				header("Location: /profile");		
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