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Posts posted by kenoli

  1. Your solution to the above problem was perfect.  But now I have another issue.  I end up with a multidimensional array and need to run that through a foreach loop.  As I run through the array I will be entering elements of each of the $title elements in a database.  Because a user may not enter information about all three images, I want to skip the elements of the $titles array that have empty elements.  I this case person_id will always be filled so the element is not entirely empty.  I tried using a conditional "continue;" but it didn't have any affect; all elements of $title are processed.  I've included a facsimile of the $titles array for reference.  I tried other things like !isset, and empty with the same results.  The fields are "not NULL" though I am told that isset and empty consider NULL empty.

    I haven't found a function that checks to see if any element of an array is empty.  A key may be that the real trigger for continuing is if the filename is empty.  The others can be filled but I wouldn't want to enter them if no file was uploaded.  I couldn't get anything related to that element to work either.


    For example:
    $titles = array (array('title', 'medium', 'person_id, filename'), array('title', 'medium', 'person_id, filename'), array('title', 'medium', 'person_id, filename'));
    foreach ($titles as $values) {
    	if ($values['title'] == '') { continue; }
    	foreach ($values as $values_element) [
    		// Enter elements of each $values_element in a database...


  2. Suppose I have 2 arrays like the two below.  I want to change each element of the first array.  I want to add  [‘person_id’] => 3 to each element and I want to add the [name] element from each element of the second array to each element of the first, with the [name] value corresponding. i.e.  [name] from the first element in array 2 added to the first element of array one, [name] from the second element of array two added to the second element of array one, and[name] from the third element of array two added to the third element of array one.  The element can be called "name" in each element of the first array.

    Thus the person_id would be the same in all elements of array one and the name element from array two would be added, changing for each element.

    It’s kind of a foreach in a foreach and I couldn’t figure out how to do it.  array_walk might be useful as well though I couldn’t figure that our either.

    What’s happening here is that I am uploading three image files and want to insert the information about each file into corresponding file fields in a row determined by the person_id, extracting the image filenames from array 2.

    Thanks for help with this,


     Array 1
        [person_id] => 3
        [1] => Array
                ['title'] => qwerqwer
                ['medium'] => dfsadfasda
        [2] => Array
                ['title'] => sadfasdfad
                ['medium'] => Asdfsadf
        [3] => Array
                ['title'] => asdfsadf
                ['medium'] => Sadfsedf
        [submit] => Submit
    Array 2
        [image1] => Array
                [name] => _DSC0080.jpg
                [type] => image/jpeg
                [tmp_name] => /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/temp/phpxY22EN
                [error] => 0
                [size] => 1784656
        [image2] => Array
                [name] => _DSC0030.jpg
                [type] => image/jpeg
                [tmp_name] => /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/temp/phpy2Wq43
                [error] => 0
                [size] => 1724811
        [image3] => Array
                [name] => _DSC0001.jpg
                [type] => image/jpeg
                [tmp_name] => /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/temp/phpZSBkAp
                [error] => 0
                [size] => 2278345


  3. 1 hour ago, requinix said:

    Is "gone" nullable?

    I think so.  I was wondering if it had something to do with the issue, but not sure how to handle it.  I went through the table and deleted all the NULLs.


    Meaning what, exactly?

    Nothing gets extracted from the table.  My dropdown  select menu has no data.


  4. I'm going bananas with one of those issues where it looks like everything is right but the code won't work.  I've included a script below that fetches data from a database and creates a drop down menu.  I'm trying to use a field called "gone" and enter 'gone' in that field when I want to delete the row but be able to retrieve it by making the field empty.  There is something in the WHERE clause of my sql that is screwing things up.  I get nothing retrieved with any of the WHERE clauses below.  Interestingly, when I take the where clause out completely, I get the rows that have no 'gone' in them.

    The code is below.  None of the following in the included code get me a result.  All of them return nothing.  I also don't get any errors. Just nothing.

    WHERE gone != 'gone'

    WHERE gone <> 'gone'

    WHERE gone = ''

    WHERE gone = 'gone'

    Without the WHERE clause it runs fine.

    As a work around I tried using

    if($row['gone'] == 'gone')  { continue;}

    In the while.. function at the end of the file to bypass rows with 'gone' in the field.  It also stopped the script.

    Here's my code:

    <?php // person_selectall.php
    /** Create new pdo object */
    require 'Db.php';
    //$sql = "SELECT person_id, fname, lname FROM Persons";
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE gone = ''";
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
    echo "<p><select class=\"select-field\" name=\"person_id\" >\n";
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {  
        $name = $row['fname'] . ' ' . $row['lname'];
        echo "<option value=\"" . $row['person_id'] . "\">" . $name . "</option>\n";
    echo "</select>";


  5. mac_gyver and others -- I never really figured out what was going here, but I did a work around.  Per your comment, mac_gyver, I looked into the error issue.  I removed the double declaration of the pdo error and the try blocks and checked to make sure php was set for errors, which it was.  More to figure out there as am getting reports on some errors, but less than I am used to.  Not sure what that is all about.  I think the pdo errors are coming through.

    One person asked about the $$value in one of my functions.  It was not a mistake.  It is a variable variable where the array is actually naming a variable for me.  That expression does work.

    Thanks, to everyone for the help.  I'm going to mark this as solved, even though there are some issues left that I may come back with.



  6. 8 minutes ago, mac_gyver said:

    that's not what I stated/asked about php's error related settings.

    you are setting the pdo error mode to exceptions (twice.) what this does is cause an error with a prepare(), query(), exec(), execute(), ... statement to throw an exception. if you don't catch the exception in your code, php will catch it. if php's error related settings are not set up to report and display (or log) all php errors, nothing will happen with this information. your script will just halt at the point of the error.

    as to the try/catch block you do have for the connection. a connection error is a fatal problem for a database dependent web page. your code should stop upon such an error so that you don't get follow-on errors by trying to use a connection that doesn't exist. if you just remove that try/catch logic and let php catch the exception, any connection error will get displayed or logged the same as php errors.

    the only time you should have a try/catch block for database statement errors is if the visitor to the site can correct an error that he/she caused, such as inserting/updating duplicate or out of range values. in all other cases, you might as well save the typing and just let php catch and handle the database exception.

    Thank you so much and apologies for not reading your question about errors more carefully.  I have not fully understood the error process and done some cutting and pasting with error code, thus some of what you describe, particularly the double declaration.  You've given me something to work with.  I am going to take some time to fully understand what you have described and see what I can do.  Good advice and insights that I haven't  heard before.  I'm using Xampp for my php/mysql server and have never checked to see how the errors are set.  There are clearly some things I am going to have to look into.  I'll see what I can do and get back with the results.

    I guess there is still an issue as to why the prepare() statement is failing but if I can get the error stuff straightened out maybe I can find out.


  7. The same script does run when I run it in a separate file in which the pdo connection is made in the script itself

    23 minutes ago, mac_gyver said:

    you are most likely getting an error from the ->prepare() call. do you have php's error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON, preferably in the php.ini on your system, so that php will help you by reporting and displaying all the errors it detects?

    I do have it set to report errors as you can see in the database class, but another problem I am having with that script is that when I put it in a try format, nothing will run.  I had to remove the try brackets to get any of it to run and then it stumbles where I bring in the pdo object.  I have checked to see that it is making a database connection which it is.

    Incidentally, the script will run when I run it as a procedural script file and make the database connection in the file.  Since the problem arose when I tried to make the connection in a separate object, I assumed it had to do with the way the connection was getting from the database class to this class.  I spent 4 hours trying to figure out what is going on, checking every step multiple times and retrieve lots of debug info on exactly where it is stumbling.  Nothing.

    It doesn't even make it to the error report

    I appreciate everyone's efforts.


  8. 1 hour ago, mac_gyver said:

    what symptom or error did you see that leads you to believe that? 

    The rest of the script doesn't run but when I comment out that line it does run.  The next place where I use $stmt->bindParam($param, $value) the script there and following doesn't run (even with $value rather than $$value).  The whole function with $stmt in if fails to run.


  9. Strider -- You helped me one time before and sent me some of your code.  I recognized it when I went to your github link.  I may be able to solve my problem looking at it, but if you have any pointers, its would be hugely appreciated.  I can see that you were calling a static method  from the class in your database.php class from your DatabaseObject.php file.  When I've tried to do that, it hasn't worked.  I don't know if it is a namespace issue or scope issue or what.  I'm not using any namespaces and am not sure what the use PDO; call in the DatabaseObject file is.  I'm feeling lost in a black hole.--Kenoli

  10. 16 minutes ago, Strider64 said:

    I have been updating my website to include the Active Response Design pattern using PHP pdo. I have most to the pdo done with a few minor refinements and improvements. If you want to get some ideas or inspiration check out my GitHub repository : https://github.com/Strider64/Miniature01282021


    I know there's better out there, but it' not to bad for a person who is 56 that has only been programming in PHP the last 6-7 years (though I have previous coding experience in other languages).

    Thanks.  I'll take a look at it.  I'm 76 and learned php in the early part of the millennium to build a database driven web site back then using mysql_query with no protections.  I think every high school hacker broke into the site at one time or another.  I've used it a bit for various things since like creating a page and gallery for my artist partner.  I'm relearning it now and having the worst time with PDO and prepared statements for some reason.  I'm also getting a bit stumped I think by variable/class scope.

    If I create a static method for accessing a pdo connection inside a database class, how do I get access to that connection?  Do I have to access it outside of the class and send a variable containing the connection into a class constructor to get the connection inside of the class, or can I just access it as a static member from within the class.  I tried out some scripts to answer my own question abut that and couldn't get anything to work.

    You can see what I did to get the object based connection into the second class by sending it to a constructor and assigning it to a property in that class.  It's not working.

    I'd sure like some help with the scripts I posted.  They are driving me crazy.


  11. I got some help from this forum previously and am having some more issues.  I created a database class that works and returns a PDO object.  I am having trouble figuring out how to use the object in another class I want to use to access some CRUD functions.  I get to the point where I  start using the pdo object I create in the database class and my code fails.  I am obviously calling the pdo object property incorrectly.  I guess I don't understand the proper syntax.  I've included the code for the database class and the CRUD class.  The problem starts at the point where I try to run a prepared statement.  I have include a comment "Problem stars here" to indicate that point.  There is a lot of debug stuff still in the code.



    	class Db {
    	public $pdo = '';
    	public $message = 'A message from db!<br><br>';
    function __construct() {
    	$servername = "localhost";
    	$username = "root";
    	$password = "";
    	$dbname = "tio-local";
    	$db_options = array(
    	try {
    	  $this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password, $db_options);
    	  // set the PDO error mode to exception
    	  $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    	}  // End Try
    	catch(PDOException $e) {
    		  echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
    	} // End __construct
    } // End class definition DB.php
    $db = new Db;
    $pdo = $db->pdo;
    print_r ($pdo);
    <?php // Db_functions.php
    include_once ('Db.php'); // $db instantiated in class file
    $pdo = $db->pdo;
    class Db_functions {
    	public $pdo = '';
    	function __construct($pdo) { 
    		$this->pdo = $pdo;
    	} // Close __construct
      public function insert($table_name, $white_list, $insert_array) {
    			if ($white_list == '' && $table_name == 'Sites') {
    			$white_list = array('gone'=>'','site_name' =>'', 'site_address' =>'', 'grommets' =>'', 'tape' =>'', 'site_image' =>'',  'description' =>'', 'surface' =>'', 'tio_contact' =>'', 'site_contact' =>'','owner' =>'', 'lessee' =>'',  'contact_phone' =>'', 'contact_email' =>'', 'contact_date' =>'', 'comments' =>'');
    			} elseif  ($white_list == '' && $table_name == 'Persons') {
    				$white_list = array('gone'=>'', 'fname'=>'', 'lname'=>'', 'tio'=>'', 'volunteer'=>'', 'general'=>'', 'artist_pic'=>'', 'email'=>'', 'website'=>'', 'telephone'=>'', 'address'=>'', 'city'=>'', 'state'=>'', 'zip'=>'', 'statement'=>'');
    			echo '<strong>***The following is the PDO object: </strong>';
    		print_r ($this->pdo);
    			echo '<p>The following is the $white_list:<br>';
    			echo '<pre>';
    			print_r ($white_list);
    			echo '</pre>';
    			echo '<strong>***The following is the PDO object: </strong>';
    		print_r ($this->pdo);
    			/** Test and remove any unpermitted columns **/
    			$insert_array = array_intersect_key($insert_array, $white_list);
    			echo '<strong>***The following is the PDO object: </strong>';
    		print_r ($this->pdo);
    		/** Generate variables to create prepared statements **/
    			foreach($insert_array as $key => $value) {  
    				$col .= $key . ', ';  
    				$val .= ':' .$key . ', ';
    			echo '$col = ' . $col . '<p>';
    			echo '$val = ' . $val . '<p>';
    			echo '<strong>***The following is the PDO object: </strong>';
    		print_r ($this->pdo);
    		/** Remove ', ' at end of arrays and create prepared statement */
    			$col = substr_replace($col ,"",-2);
    			$val = substr_replace($val ,"",-2);
    			$sql = "INSERT INTO Sites ($col) VALUES ($val)";
    			echo "<p>SQL = $sql<br><br>"; /** Debug **/
    		echo '<h3>More</h3<br>';	
    		/** Register prepared statement */
    		/****** PROBLEM STARTS HERE *****/
    			$stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
    		echo '<h3>More2</h3>';	
    		/** Create [:field, $value] pairs. */
    			foreach($insert_array as $key => $value) {
    				$param = ':' . $key;
    				$stmt->bindParam($param, $$value);
    		/** Create [field => value] array */
    			foreach($insert_array as $key => $value) {
    				$insert[$key] =  $value;
    		/** Execute statement using $insert array. **/
    	} // End insert function
    } // Close class definition
    $db_functions = new Db_functions($pdo);
    $insert_array = array('fname' => 'John', 'lname' => 'Hancock');
    $db_functions->insert('Persons', '', $insert_array);
    echo '<pre>';
    print_r ($db_functions);
    echo '</pre>';


  12. When I login with my email and password, I get told one doesn't match.  However, when I click on 'forgot password' to try to remedy the problem, I am logged in.  This happens very time I log in.  

    I decided to try to fix this by changing my password, but when I try to do this, it asks for a verification and I have no idea where to get a verification.

    Any ideas about what Might be going on.

    I very much enjoy and appreciate PHPFreaks and don't want to end up getting locked out at some point.


  13. Strider64 -- A couple of questions:

    1.  I presume "use PDO" is the implementation of the recommendations use a 'use' statement for core classes.  Is there any other meaning involved?  This doesn't imply the explicit use of namespaces in the project?

    2.  Regarding 'getConnection(): PDO', I presume this creates security that the output will be a PDO type.  I suppose there is no need to use 'declare(strict_types=1)' here because php can't change a return to a PDO type if it is not already a PDO type.

    Is my understanding of these elements correct?

    I like your returning the connection in the construct method.

    This is explicitly a singleton class.  I'm going to have to spend some time to fully understand singletons.  I presume this assures that a number of independent connection are lying around in the case that a script don'ts close a connection it opened.



  14. benanamen -- 

    I just looked this up and discovered a new feature of php Return Type Declarations.  It looks like this is what you are using and it is the perfect answer to my question. I think I can easily apply that to my code and implement some of the code in your approach to my advantage.  I will report back how that goes.



  15. benanamen -- You didn't do anything much different than I; you just organized your classes differently.  What I am seeing is that you are passing the connection from Connection.php to DB.php as an attribute to the __construct method.  The makes sense, though I still don't understand how the connection is transferred to the pdo attribute.  Perhaps it is the following syntax which I am not familiar with in the connection.php file::

    connect(array $config): PDO { ...rest of code}

    I'm not familiar with the " : PDO" part of that syntax.  Can you explain that for me?  I appreciate the assistance.  It is clear that you are much more experienced with php than I.  Thanks.


  16. I created a database class to connect to a database.  The code is below.  I'm not sure how to call this connection in other classes.  Do I use:

    $db->pdo = $conn->prepare($sql);

    or what?  Note that the db object is instantiated at the end of the class file.  Here is the class:


    class DB {
    	public $pdo = '';
    	//public $message = 'A message from db'; // Debug
    function __construct() {
    	// Database info located elsewhere
    	$servername = "localhost";
    	$username = "root";
    	$password = "";
    	$dbname = "dbname";
    	try {
    	  $this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);
    	  // set the PDO error mode to exception
    	  $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
    	}  // End Try
    	catch(PDOException $e) {
    		  echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
    		//echo '<h3>Everything wnet OK.</h3>';  // Debug
    	} // End __construct
    } // End class definition DB.php
    $db = new DB;




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