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  1. I use google webmaster tools. Under content analysis they are showing Title tag issues The issue is duplicate title tags. The problem is the duplicats are for the exact same page because they are reading my page once with the index.php and once without. See below. Meridian Idaho Portrait Photographer - Timson Studio ‎/portrait/meridian/ ‎‎/portrait/meridian/index.php‎ Can anyone advise me on how I can solve this problem. I dont want google to get confused and think I have duplicate content when I dont. /////////////////////////////////////////////Code for Title////////////////////////////////////////////////// <HTML><HEAD><title><? echo "Hotel reservations in $keyword1 $keyword4: Book discount $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations."; ?></title> <META content="<? echo "Find hotel reservations in $keyword1 $keyword4. Book discount $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations."; ?>" name="description"> <META content="<? echo "hotel reservations $keyword1 $keyword4, discount $keyword1 hotel reservations, $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations, hotel room reservations $keyword1, luxury, cheap lodging, budget accommodations, online, listings, listing, book, booking, reserve, reservations, rate, rates, motel, motels, room, rooms"; ?>" name="keywords"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="revisit-after" content="15 days"> <META name="robots" content="index,follow"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta name="language" content="en-us"> <meta name="Coverage" content="Worldwide"> <meta name="rating" content="General,all"> <LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.all-reservations.com/styles.css"> <SCRIPT src="../../includes/datebox.js" type=text/javascript> <!-- //--></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="../../includes/calendar_horiz.js" type=text/javascript> <!-- //--></SCRIPT> </HEAD> [attachment deleted by admin]
  2. /////////////database related lines removed <HTML><HEAD><title><? echo "Hotel reservations in $keyword1 $keyword4: Book discount $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations."; ?></title> <META content="<? echo "Find hotel reservations in $keyword1 $keyword4. Book discount $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations."; ?>" name="description"> <META content="<? echo "hotel reservations $keyword1 $keyword4, discount $keyword1 hotel reservations, $keyword1 $keyword4 online hotel reservations, hotel room reservations $keyword1, luxury, cheap lodging, budget accommodations, online, listings, listing, book, booking, reserve, reservations, rate, rates, motel, motels, room, rooms"; ?>" name="keywords"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="revisit-after" content="15 days"> <META name="robots" content="index,follow"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <meta name="language" content="en-us"> <meta name="Coverage" content="Worldwide"> <meta name="rating" content="General,all"> <LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE="text/css" HREF="http://www.all-reservations.com/styles.css"> <SCRIPT src="../../includes/datebox.js" type=text/javascript> <!-- //--></SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="../../includes/calendar_horiz.js" type=text/javascript> <!-- //--></SCRIPT> </HEAD> [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. I use google webmaster tools. Under content analysis they are showing Title tag issues The issue is duplicate title tags. The problem is the duplicats are for the exact same page because they are reading my page once with the index.php and once without. See below. Meridian Idaho Portrait Photographer - Timson Studio ‎/portrait/meridian/ ‎‎/portrait/meridian/index.php‎ Can anyone advise me on how I can solve this problem. I dont want google to get confused and think I have duplicate content when I dont.
  4. Yes in db it is utf-8 but when it come to display it is iso-8859-1 .will it be ok that i make all to utf-8 the unwanted charactor is bassically which is displayed as  .
  5. lots of iso-8859-1 it is system which provide support thourgh email sample : $headers = "From: ".ADMIN_NAME." < ".ADMIN_EMAIL." > \n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $agentemail = $_POST['iu-'.TABLE_CRM_AGENT.'-email-1-3']; $password = $_POST['iu-'.TABLE_CRM_AGENT.'-apassword-1-5']; $fp=fopen("mail_format/agent_welcome_mail.txt","r"); $fcontent=fread($fp,filesize("mail_format/agent_welcome_mail.txt")); fclose($fp); $message=str_replace("{AGNAME}",$_POST['iu-'.TABLE_CRM_AGENT.'-ausername-1-5'],$fcontent); $message=str_replace("{AGPASS}",$password,$message);
  6. yes page mean email and you mean replace charset=iso-8859-1 by utf-8 will it work any other alternative because there are lot of them
  7. and in same dump file : CC:</FONT> None<BR><FONT color=blue>Subject:</FONT> test this  charactor do not apear when i edit row through phpmyadmin then it apears as white space
  8. when i check it in db it is ok i mean a white space but when the reciever checks his mail it is there also when i generated sql dump file these charactors are there like : To:</font>Â Â Â Â Â Â abc@yahoo.com<br>\r\n
  9. thanks for the reply i just dont want user to see  when he view his mail
  10. no actualy i have an email script when email recieved that contain these charctors they are basically &nbs; which are shown as  which are because when you view them in envoirment where they are not supported.what should i do with them so that i dont have this Â
  11. Funny characters appear in email received <Â> or < Â Â > they appear where a tab charactor is used i think. Need urgent help
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