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Everything posted by Mr.n

  1. no the else isn't executed. but it worked nows it's seems a / was added by mistake Thanks anyway. the manual example solves the problem
  2. i tried this as it appears in the manual but still now success. do you think changing the port number to > 1024 will fix this?
  3. it's seems that the socket is sucessfully created because the condition if($connection) evaluate to true. so any idea ? what might me the problem?
  4. you mean the apache user? anyway how can grant the appropriate permission? it's the first time i use this function. Thanks
  5. Dear all, I have 2 webservers running apache+php... i developped a script from the server side to accept requests coming from the other server. when i try this script through the web browser it's working but when i try to invoke this script through php code nothing happen !! here is the code: $connection = fsockopen($host,80,&$error_number,&$error_desc,30); if($connection) { fputs($connection, "GET $URL HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n"); $ok = true; } Thank you,
  6. Dear all, I am facing a problems with a php script, i receive the following error however the same code that produce an error here is working fine in another script. Warning: include_once(./***/*.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /******/******.php on line 107 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening './***/*.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /*****/init.php on line 107 Fatal error: Call to undefined function dba_connect() in /*****/*****/init.php on line 110 I would like to know if it's a file permission issue because all the files exist. Also i didn't understand this error related to pear, can someone advice please Thanks,
  7. hey all, I have an sms application created with php. i created the mysql db and it's working fine with utf-8 i can understand all the characters. Now when it comes to sms delivery when a unicode message is sent all the unicode characters like arabic or french accents appears as question marks. Should i do something to encode the php variable as unicode? i am already encoding it as URL. If yes Please tell me what function can help to encode as utf-8 Thank you,
  8. hey !! i still have one problem! i used the function utf8_decode and i succeeded in removing some extra character !! but the unicode values still appears as ? how to let php understand these unicode values ??? Thank you
  9. OKay i tried some arabic characters and discovered a new thing!! arabic chars appears as *? and latin chars appears like r? . here is an example !!! thats what i write: réunionréunion تست and it appears in unicode format as: ?r?é?u?n?i?o?n?r?é?u?n?i?o?n ?*?3?*?
  10. i tried to encode a value as url and to send it. it arrived wrong with added ? . Do you have any idea if it can be caused by apache server
  11. Actually i have an sms application that creates automatically a url, here is the text making the problem: text=r%C3%A9r%C3%A9r%C3%A9 i did a debugging and now i am sure that php is adding something because the text does not have any added code!! here is the code of the application: $URL .= "&text=".urlencode($sms_msg); $URL .= "&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=".urlencode($kannel_param['playsms_web']."/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php?type=%d&slid=$smslog_id&uid=$uid"); $URL .= "&mclass=".$msg_type; } else { $URL = "/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=".urlencode($kannel_param['username'])."&password=".urlencode($kannel_param['password']); $URL .= "&from=".urlencode($sms_from_sender)."&to=".urlencode($sms_to)."&smsc=routeleb"; if ($unicode == 1) { $URL .= "&charset=utf-8&coding=2"; // if (strlen($sms_msg) >= 70) $sms_msg = substr($sms_msg,0,69); } else if (strlen($sms_msg) >= 160) { // $sms_msg = substr($msg_msg,0,159); } $URL .= "&text=".urlencode($sms_msg); $URL .= "&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=".urlencode($kannel_param['playsms_web']."/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php?type=%d&slid=$smslog_id&uid=$uid"); $URL .= "&mclass=".$msg_type; } $connection = fsockopen($kannel_param['bearerbox_host'],$kannel_param['sendsms_port'],&$error_number,&$error_description,60); if($connection) { socket_set_blocking($connection, false); fputs($connection, "GET $URL HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n");
  12. The strange thing is that everything was working normal !! and suddenly it started adding the ? character. How can i use character replacement.
  13. Dear all, We are having a problem with php application. When we send unicode values the ? is automatically added to the text. We tried to modify the php.ini directive: mbstring.substitute_character = "none" but nothing happened. Anyone can help please? Thank you,
  14. Okay it's fine now !! all what i have done is adding the stripslashes($message) in the php script ! and it's fine. Anyway Thank you all
  15. Man i did a detailed troubleshooting on the script before ! and i ended with the same idea that something from php default settings or apache!! Do you have any idea if we have to change something else then the magic quotes? Anyway Thank you for you support!
  16. Here are the 2 functions that are invoked in the first script: function websend2group($username,$gp_code,$message,$sms_type='text') { global $apps_path, $core_config; global $datetime_now, $gateway_module; $uid = username2uid($username); $mobile_sender = username2mobile($username); $max_length = $core_config['smsmaxlength']; if ($sms_sender = username2sender($username)) { $max_length = $max_length - strlen($sms_sender) - 1; } if (strlen($message)>$max_length) { $message = substr ($message,0,$max_length-1); } if (is_array($gp_code)) { $array_gp_code = $gp_code; } else { $array_gp_code[0] = $gp_code; } $j=0; for ($i=0;$i<count($array_gp_code);$i++) { $c_gp_code = strtoupper($array_gp_code[$i]); $gpid = gpcode2gpid($uid,$c_gp_code); $db_query = "SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserPhonebook WHERE gpid='$gpid'"; $db_result = dba_query($db_query); while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) { $p_num = $db_row[p_num]; $sms_to = $p_num; $sms_msg = $message; $sms_msg = str_replace("\r","",$sms_msg); $sms_msg = str_replace("\n","",$sms_msg); $sms_msg = str_replace("\""," ",$sms_msg); $mobile_sender = str_replace("\'","",$mobile_sender); $mobile_sender = str_replace("\"","",$mobile_sender); $sms_sender = str_replace("\'","",$sms_sender); $sms_sender = str_replace("\"","",$sms_sender); $sms_to = str_replace("\'","",$sms_to); $sms_to = str_replace("\"","",$sms_to); $the_msg = "$sms_to\n$sms_msg"; $to[$j] = $sms_to; $ok[$j] = 0; if ($ret = sendsms($mobile_sender,$sms_sender,$sms_to,$sms_msg,$uid,$c_gp_code,$sms_type,$unicode)) { $ok[$j] = $ret['status']; $smslog_id[$i] = $ret['smslog_id']; } $j++; } } return array($ok,$to,$smslog_id); } function kannel_hook_sendsms($mobile_sender,$sms_sender,$sms_to,$sms_msg,$uid='',$gp_code='PV',$smslog_id=0,$sms_type='text',$unicode=0) { global $kannel_param; global $gateway_number; $ok = false; if ($gateway_number) { $sms_from = $gateway_number; } else { $sms_from = $mobile_sender; } if ($sms_sender) { $sms_msg = $sms_msg.$sms_sender; } // set failed first $p_status = 2; setsmsdeliverystatus($smslog_id,$uid,$p_status); $msg_type = 2; // text if ($sms_type=="flash") { $msg_type = 1; //flash } $URL = "/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=".urlencode($kannel_param['username'])."&password=".urlencode($kannel_param['password']); $URL .= "&from=".urlencode($sms_from)."&to=".urlencode($sms_to)."&text=".urlencode($sms_msg); $URL .= "&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=".urlencode($kannel_param['playsms_web']."/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php?type=%d&slid=$smslog_id&uid=$uid"); $URL .= "&mclass=".$msg_type; $connection = fsockopen($kannel_param['bearerbox_host'],$kannel_param['sendsms_port'],&$error_number,&$error_description,60); if($connection) { socket_set_blocking($connection, false); fputs($connection, "GET $URL HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); while (!feof($connection)) { $myline = fgets($connection, 128); if ($myline == "Sent.") { $ok = true; // set pending $p_status = 0; setsmsdeliverystatus($smslog_id,$uid,$p_status); } } } fclose ($connection); return $ok; }
  17. I am sure it's not from websend2group because i did a test on the condition before executing websend2group. Actually it's playsms script an open source software. here is the full code: case "sendsmstogr": $message = $_GET[message]; $db_query = "SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook WHERE uid='$uid' ORDER BY gp_name"; $db_result = dba_query($db_query); while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) { $list_of_group .= "<option value=\"$db_row[gp_code]\" $selected>$db_row[gp_name] ($db_row[gp_code])</option>"; } // add shared group $db_query = " SELECT "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook.gpid as gpid, "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook.gp_name as gp_name, "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook.gp_code as gp_code FROM "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook,"._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook_public WHERE "._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook.gpid="._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook_public.gpid AND NOT ("._DB_PREF_."_tblUserGroupPhonebook_public.uid='$uid') ORDER BY gp_name "; $db_result = dba_query($db_query); while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result)) { $list_of_group .= "<option value=\"$db_row[gp_code]\" $selected>$db_row[gp_name] ($db_row[gp_code])</option>"; } $max_length = $core_config['smsmaxlength']; if ($sms_sender = username2sender($username)) { $max_length = $max_length - strlen($sms_sender); } else { $sms_sender = "<i>not set</i>"; } if ($err) { $content = "<p><font color=red>$err</font><p>"; } if ($gateway_number) { $sms_from = $gateway_number; } else { $sms_from = $mobile; } // WWW $db_query2 = "SELECT * FROM "._DB_PREF_."_tblSMSTemplate WHERE uid='$uid'"; $db_result2 = dba_query($db_query2); $j = 0; $option_values = "<option value=\"\" default>--Please Select--</option>"; while ($db_row = dba_fetch_array($db_result2)) { $j++; $option_values .= "<option value=\"".$db_row[t_text]."\">".$db_row[t_title]."</option>"; $input_values .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"content_$j\" value=\"".$db_row[t_text]."\">"; } // document.fm_sendsms.message.value = document.fm_smstemplate.content_num.value; $content .= " <!-- WWW --> <script language=\"javascript\"> function setTemplate() { sellength = fm_sendsms.smstemplate.length; for ( i=0; i<sellength; i++) { if (fm_sendsms.smstemplate.options.selected == true) { fm_sendsms.message.value = fm_sendsms.smstemplate.options.value; } } } </script> <form name=\"fm_smstemplate\"> $input_values </form> <h2>Send broadcast SMS</h2> <p> <form name=fm_sendsms id=fm_sendsms action=menu.php?inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr_yes method=POST> <p>From: $sms_from <p> <p>Send to group: <select name=\"gp_code\">$list_of_group</select> <!-- <table cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td nowrap> Group(s):<br> <select name=\"gp_code_dump[]\" size=\"10\" multiple=\"multiple\" onDblClick=\"moveSelectedOptions(this.form['gp_code_dump[]'],this.form['gp_code[]'])\">$list_of_group</select> </td> <td width=10> </td> <td align=center valign=middle> <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\">>\" onclick=\"moveSelectedOptions(this.form['gp_code_dump[]'],this.form['gp_code[]'])\"><br><br> <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"All >>\" onclick=\"moveAllOptions(this.form['gp_code_dump[]'],this.form['gp_code[]'])\"><br><br> <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"<<\" onclick=\"moveSelectedOptions(this.form['gp_code[]'],this.form['gp_code_dump[]'])\"><br><br> <input type=\"button\" class=\"button\" value=\"All <<\" onclick=\"moveAllOptions(this.form['gp_code[]'],this.form['gp_code_dump[]'])\"> </td> <td width=10> </td> <td nowrap> Send to:<br> <select name=\"gp_code[]\" size=\"10\" multiple=\"multiple\" onDblClick=\"moveSelectedOptions(this.form['gp_code[]'],this.form['gp_code_dump[]'])\"></select> </td> </tr> </table> --> <p>Or: <input type=text size=20 maxlength=20 name=gp_code_text value=\"$dst_gp_code\"> (Group name) <p>SMS Sender ID: $sms_sender <p>Message template: <select name=\"smstemplate\">$option_values</select> <p><input type=\"button\" onClick=\"javascript: setTemplate();\" name=\"nb\" value=\"Use Template\" class=\"button\"> <p>Your message: <br><textarea cols=\"39\" rows=\"5\" onKeyUp=\"javascript: SmsCountKeyUp($max_length);\" onKeyDown=\"javascript: SmsCountKeyDown($max_length);\" name=\"message\" id=\"ta_sms_content\">$message</textarea> <br>Character left: <input value=\"$max_length\" type=\"text\" onKeyPress=\"if (window.event.keyCode == 13){return false;}\" onFocus=\"this.blur();\" size=\"3\" name=\"charNumberLeftOutput\" id=\"charNumberLeftOutput\"> <p><input type=checkbox name=msg_flash> Send as flash message <p><input type=submit class=button value=Send onClick=\"selectAllOptions(this.form['gp_code[]'])\"> </form> "; echo $content; break; case "sendsmstogr_yes": $gp_code = $_POST[gp_code]; if (!$gp_code[0]) { $gp_code = $_POST[gp_code_text]; } $msg_flash = $_POST[msg_flash]; $message = $_POST[message]; if ($gp_code && $message) { $sms_type = "text"; if ($msg_flash == "on") { $sms_type = "flash"; } list($ok,$to,$smslog_id) = websend2group($username,$gp_code,$message,$sms_type); for ($i=0;$i<count($ok);$i++) { if ($ok[$i]) { $error_string .= "Your SMS for `".$to[$i]."` has been delivered to queue<br>"; } else { $error_string .= "Fail to sent SMS to `".$to[$i]."`<br>"; } } header("Location: menu.php?inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr&message=".urlencode($message)."&err=".urlencode($error_string)); } else { header("Location: menu.php?inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr&message=".urlencode($message)."&err=".urlencode("You must select receiver group and your message should not be empty")); } break;
  18. here is the code on how i am getting the message value via post, do you have any idea if this problem may be from javascript ? $db_result = mysql_query($db_query); $db_row = mysql_fetch_row($db_result); if($sms_credit <= 0) { header("Location: menu.php?inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr&message=".urlencode($message)."&err=".urlencode("Out")); } else if ($sms_credit < $db_row[0]) { header("Location: menu.php?inc=send_sms&op=sendsmstogr&message=".urlencode($message)."&err=".urlencode("")); } else { $msg_flash = $_POST[msg_flash]; $msg_unicode = $_POST[msg_unicode]; $message = $_POST[message]; if ($gp_code && $message) { $sms_type = "text"; if ($msg_flash == "on") { $sms_type = "flash"; } if ($msg_unicode == "on") { $unicode = "1"; } list($ok,$to,$smslog_id) = websend2group($username,$gp_code,$message,$sms_type,$unicode);
  19. I did it but !! the \' is still showing. what is the next step ?? ; Magic quotes ; ; Magic quotes for incoming GET/POST/Cookie data. magic_quotes_gpc = Off ; Magic quotes for runtime-generated data, e.g. data from SQL, from exec(), etc. magic_quotes_runtime = Off ; Use Sybase-style magic quotes (escape ' with '' instead of \'). magic_quotes_sybase = Off
  20. I turned magic quotes off and restarted apache. still having the same problem. I havn't added something to _post all what i do is getting the variable from the form: $message=_post['message']
  21. The problem is that php add 3 slashes. \\\' the first two does not appear the third appear. is there a way to remove the third one wihtout turning it off?
  22. Dear all, I am not experienced with php and i am having a problem with characters: ' and " !! the server always add a slash \ before them. How can i stop this without breaking the security? Thank you,
  23. when i save localy the file as html i see a scrollbar when open it the webserver i dont see a scrollbar. here is the code try it plz you should see a scrollbar: <html><body scroll="yes"><tbody> <table border="0" width="520" id="table1" height="68"> <tr> <td height="29" colspan="2"><font size="4" color="darkblue"> <td width="1%"/> <hr color="blue"><center>Missions: </center></font><hr color="blue"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1%"/> <td height="33" width="8%"> </td> <td height="33" width="79%"> <table border="0" width="100%" id="table2" height="27"> <tr valign=top><tr valign=top><td width=8%><center><bold>ID</bold></center></td><td width=100%><center><font size="3">Name</font></center></td><td width="21"></td></tr><tr valign=top><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=8%><font size="3">126</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=100%><font size="3">Ingenieur Systeme reseaux multimedia test</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_update_Tmission.php?ID=126"><img border="0" src="images/edit.png" width="20" height="20">[/url]</td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_delete.php?Table=Tmission&ID=126" style="width=1;height=1;"><img border="0" src="images/delete.png" width="20" height="20">[/url]</td></tr><tr valign=top><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=8%><font size="3">117</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=100%><font size="3">charbel</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_update_Tmission.php?ID=117"><img border="0" src="images/edit.png" width="20" height="20">[/url]</td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_delete.php?Table=Tmission&ID=117" style="width=1;height=1;"><img border="0" src="images/delete.png" width="20" height="20">[/url]</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></tbody></body></html><html DIR=ltr > <head> <title>Admin missions</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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  24. here is all the code with the scripts, not only the html body: <html><body scroll="yes"><tbody><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><table border="0" width="520" id="table1" height="68"> <tr> <td height="29" colspan="2"><font size="4" color="darkblue"> <td width="1%"/> <hr color="blue"><center>Missions: </center></font><hr color="blue"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1%"/> <td height="33" width="8%"> </td> <td height="33" width="79%"> <table border="0" width="100%" id="table2" height="27"> <tr valign=top><tr valign=top><td width=8%><center><bold>ID</bold></center></td><td width=100%><center><font size="3">Name</font></center></td><td width="21"></td></tr><tr valign=top><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=8%><font size="3">126</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=100%><font size="3">Ingenieur Systeme reseaux multimedia test</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_update_Tmission.php?ID=126"><img border="0" src="images/edit.png" width="20" height="20"></a></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_delete.php?Table=Tmission&ID=126" style="width=1;height=1;"><img border="0" src="images/delete.png" width="20" height="20"></a></td></tr><tr valign=top><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=8%><font size="3">117</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef" width=100%><font size="3">charbel</font></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_update_Tmission.php?ID=117"><img border="0" src="images/edit.png" width="20" height="20"></a></td><td bgcolor="#efefef"><a href="execute_delete.php?Table=Tmission&ID=117" style="width=1;height=1;"><img border="0" src="images/delete.png" width="20" height="20"></a></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></tbody></body></html><html DIR=ltr > <head> <title>Admin missions</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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