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Everything posted by topflight

  1. Or how can I upload it to the web server automatically.
  2. I want to create a part on my site that can upload images from people computers and put it in the database, then echo it out on the site. How can I do that?
  3. Well if equal zero it is still going to run that, I want it to have it setup so that if it does equal zero it will say the no clients online else if it doesn't it will run the script how can I do that?
  4. Well I am basically getting information from a source online and I notice when I put a different airline prefix in, it worked because there are like a lot airline connected to that network. But I do want to know how can I count that information for instance if it =0 then say nobody is online, so I wont receive that error.
  5. For some weird reason it works now lol thanks
  6. I am confused what do you mean. This is a 3rd Party Script
  7. I am reccevie the following error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/mypage.php on line 22 <?php require_once("VatsimPHPgenerator.php"); $VatsimPHP=new VatsimPHP; ?> <?php $clientlist=$VatsimPHP->pilots(); ?> <?php $clientlist=$VatsimPHP->airline(array("ASA", "QXE")); ?> <table width="100%" bgcolor="#DDDDDD"> <tr><td colspan=4 align=center bgcolor=#EEEEEE>No People Online</td> </tr> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" align="left" bgcolor="#dddddd" > <? foreach($clientlist as $client) { echo"<tr>"; echo"<td colspan=4 bgcolor=#EEEEEEalign=center>".$client[2]."</td>"; echo"<td colspan=4 bgcolor=#EEEEEEalign=center>".$client[0]."</td>"; echo"</tr>"; } ?> </table> This is line 22: <?php foreach($clientlist as $client) ?> Thanks in advanced.
  8. that doesn't work I receive an error message. it seems the x for the error message is this line here: CURDATE( ) , '%c.%e.%Y' ) , INTERVAL 30 DAYS
  9. I need help with something I have a table called hours in the database and in that table I have a field called date. With that saying I want to get all the members from the database that haven't filed anything after 30 days after his/her last hour input how can I do that?
  10. it works thanks, just had to wait for a min.
  11. I am using that code and it not sending to all the emails in the database. for the $to should I create an another account like no-reply@domain.org and for $from should it be $no-reply@domiain.org . Because that code is not sending to no one in the database.
  12. when I used that code all the emails were display in the message and the message displayed at the bottom.
  13. I have this mass email script but it is not working please help: <?php include 'db.php'; $message = $_POST['message']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if((!$message | !$subject)){ echo'You are missing some required information please go back and fill out all the required information'; } else { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY 'id' ASC"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $bcc = $result["email"]; for ($index=0; $index < count($bcc); $index++) { $from = 'email'; $to = 'email'; $header .= "Bcc: ".$bcc."\r\n"; $headers .= 'From: <no-reply@domain.org>' . "\r\n"; mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers); }}}?>
  14. mines if different I want the email to send what ever the user inputs in the message field of the form.
  15. <?php //db info here if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if((!$amessg | !$asub)){ echo'You are missing some required information please go back and fill out all the required information'; } else { $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY 'id' ASC"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); $email = $result["email"]; for ($index=0; $index < count($email); $index++) { $to = 'sdomain';domain.org>'; $headers .= "Bcc: $email"; $message = "$ameesg"; $subject = "$asub"; mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers); ?>
  16. Hey I am trying to create a mass email system. I put the email info like $to $message and so on in the loop but it doesn't send the email. May I please have some examples on how to do this thanks.
  17. I have a big list of information from the database, and I have it showing on my site. Now to stop the template from getting messes up if their a way so it will automatically create new pages. for instance if I have 100 records in the database and I only want each page to show 10 is their a way of doing that. Then at the bottom of the page it will say page 2 with the next 10. Thanks in advanced!
  18. does anybody else know why that happen
  19. To be honest I dont know all I did was raned the 1 query and the 2nd query u gave me then I deleted those ones. Next I created a test account and it worked so I said YES!!! lol
  20. actually I ran the query and I just deleted all the logins numbers with that HUB and just told all the member to re apply and I tested the script and all is good thanks! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! p.s looking at my code why was it doing that?
  21. ok I ran the query and I deleted the all the logins with 3000 but the script still doesn't work.
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